By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 It's always best to never judge a game before playing it, and that's something I have to admit that I did when I first came across WitchSpring R. Having just arrived on the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5 following an earlier Steam release last year, I was initially put off by the fact that it began life as a mobile game. Sure it's a cute-looking RPG, but how good can it be if it was made to be played in the most casual of platforms out there? My intro to the review may have already given away the fact that my initial assumptions were completely off the mark, but let's let the review speak for itself. Before we begin, I should note that I played the Nintendo Switch version here, though I'm sure it'll reflect the content in its other console version as well. With that out of the way, let's dive in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 The spooky season is almost upon us, and that means plenty of horror-themed games for us to sink our teeth into. Billy's Game Show is a self-described stealth horror game that pits you against the titular antagonist that may or may not bear a slight resemblance to more animatronic-centered games. It's set to release soon on all major consoles by way of publisher Sometimes You, and we're going to be taking a look at it on the Nintendo Switch today. There's a lot to cover here, so let's get right to it! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch Recently I've come to appreciate the smaller indie titles that publisher RAWRLAB Games has been putting out, and their latest one is no exception. V-Hunter Puzzler DX is a turn-based puzzle game that is coming soon to the Nintendo Switch, and it's also what we're going to be looking at it today. Hopefully by end of the review we're going to see if this quirky little board-game-meets-Castlevania title is worth the price of admission, or if it's best left sitting idly on the eShop pondering what a man is. Anyhow, there's no need for further intro. Let's dive right in! By Rae Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch Hello new and old friends alike! You can call me Rae, I’m a nerd of many interests and an otome game enthusiast who has been here for far too long. In less than two years, the 20th anniversary of Yo-Jin-Bo, my first otoge, will happen and wow am I not ready to admit that... But that is not why we are here today! We are here to celebrate a remake of a remake with a shiny new translation that doesn’t have the characters saying some out of pocket stuff! Hakuoki, the 2008 otome game that set a fire in many folks hearts. This is the game that dominated the English speaking otome community and became the “everyone and their mother has played it” game. Originally released for the PlayStation 2, you were able to romance one of the six dashing men available. It’s booming popularity got the series multiple spin-offs, a prequel, a TV anime, movies, a stage play, and most importantly for the gamers: a remake that added so much new content, they had to make two games (Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms) to handle the six new suitors and other new content. Personally, I had only ever played the original game so picking up this definitive version of both games in one was a treat. Without spoiling too much, here is a short review! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC Even though I wouldn't call myself their biggest fan, I did enjoy two of Chibig's recent titles. For those unfamiliar, they're the developer/publisher who put out Summer in Mara and Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara. Both games had their issues, but they had loads of charm, and were fun as well. Needless to say I was excited when I heard about the upcoming release of Mika and The Witch's Mountain. Having raised quite a bit of money via a successful Kickstarter last year, it's finally releasing on the Nintendo Switch and Steam. We're going to be taking a look at the Switch release today, and see if it is as good as the other Chibig games I mentioned earlier. There's no need for further introductions, so let's dive in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 A while back I reviewed a game called Cat and Ghostly Road. (A review which you can find HERE.) It was an adventure game featuring a story steeped in Chinese mythology, and I found it to be rather enjoyable despite its flaws. Imagine my amazement when a follow up game revealed itself in the form of Cat's Request. Cat's Request is a sci-fi themed adventure game that recently released on all major consoles by way of publisher Sometimes You. It's not a sequel to Cat and Ghostly Road, but it plays a lot like it. It also obviously features a cat protagonist. Will this prove to be a better game overall? I guess we're going to have to play it to find out! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC Today's review is going to be an interesting one, as putting it into any particular genre is a bit difficult. Part arcade game, part puzzle platformer, and all sorts of wacky in-between, VIVIDLOPE is a game that stands in a league of its own. Developed and published by Jaklub, it recently dropped onto the Nintendo Switch following a Steam release last year. The new Switch release has all sorts of new content over the Steam version, and it's the one that we're going to be looking at today. There's no need for further intros, let's dive right in! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch A while back I heard about a game called Elrentaros Wanderings that was set to come to the Nintendo Switch by way of publisher Red Art Games. It seemed to be a cute Action RPG featuring a familiar anime aesthetic, but that was all I knew about it initially. Imagine my surprise when I learned that it was the latest game to be developed by Yoshifumi Hashimoto's studio HAKAMA. For those not familiar with him, Yoshifumi Hashimoto was a producer on many of the recent Story of Seasons titles, and has far more other notable credits than I can list here. Other big names in the development team include Shie Nanahara (Pokémon and One Piece card games) and Minako Iwasaki (Ys series), who were behind the illustrations that drew me to the game in the first place. That's all a rather long-winded way to say that I was now very excited to play the game, and couldn't wait to see if it lived up to my now raised expectations. Seeing as the game is just about here, there's no other way to find out but to dive right in! Also, I should mention one thing before we continue. Even though this game is solely focused on the Nintendo Switch version, it also is available on PC via Steam, though published by Bushiroad Inc. I imagine that everything I'm about to say will apply to both versions, but I can't be totally sure. Keep that in mind if you're looking for a review on that particular version. By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC Retro-inspired 2D action platformers and the Metroidvania genre seem to go almost hand-in-hand, so I was excited when I laid eyes upon Ataraxie for the first time. I found its retro aesthetic quite appealing, and the fact that it took place in an Egypt-like setting drew me in even more. Having released onto Steam earlier this year by way of developer/publisher Studio Gravenoire, it's set to arrive soon on the Nintendo Switch. It's the Switch version that we'll be looking at today, and hopefully we'll find out if my excitement was justified or not. There's no need for long intros here, so let's dive right in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 While I wouldn't say that I'm the biggest fan of platformers, I do have a soft spot for the precision platforming sub-genre. I'm not sure what it is about them, but I find joy in finally completing something following countless failed attempts. Enter Mangavania 2, a game that seems to fall into said precision platformer territory. As the name implies, it's the sequel to Mangavania, a game which released early last year. It's coming soon to all current consoles by way of publisher Sometimes You, and we're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version today. There's no need for a long intro here, so let's dive right in! |
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March 2025