By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: PC Are you a gamer looking to relive the experience of old-school sailing RPGs like Sid Meier's Pirates or the Uncharted Waters series? I hope it's the latter as the game we're going to be looking at today, Sagres, bears some similarity to the 16-bit versions of that series. It's by no means an actual or official follow-up to those games, and it has more enough elements that are unique to itself. It's out now on Steam, and we're going to be giving it a thorough examination to see if it's a game you're going to want to bring ashore, or if it's best left to drift out to see. There's a lot to cover though, so let's set sail already! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 5, PC Hebereke, known in the West as Ufouria: The Saga, is finally getting a sequel after over thirty years! If that sentence means nothing to you, don't worry, I'll eventually explain it later on in this review. What matters though is that said sequel, titled Ufouria: The Saga 2, is coming to current consoles by way of legendary developer Sunsoft, and publisher Red Art Games. This quirky Metroidvania game is funny, chill, and totally off the wall all at once. We're going to take a closer look at the Nintendo Switch version to see if this new game lives up to its legacy, or it's best left in the past. Strap yourselves in because this one is going to get pretty wild. This is a game that stars a butt-bouncing penguin after all! By Al Players: 1-2
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC Have you ever wondered what turn-based strategic combat would look like if it took place on a medieval manuscript? Well wonder no more as Inkulinati has the answer to that very specific question! Inkulinati was brought to life via a successful Kickstarter back in 2020, released onto Steam Early Access the following year, and has now arrived on consoles! We're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version today and see if this game is more than just a cool visual concept. We're about to face apocalyptic events head on and go to Hell and back, so strap in and let's get on with the review! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC Beginner-level platformers aren't exactly the most appreciated genre out there, but Doodle World Deluxe offers more than simple, easy-to-grasp gameplay. Originally developed to run on actual NES hardware, it's now available on the Nintendo Switch with a lot of bonus content thrown in for good measure. It features a world made up of literal doodles, and we're going to see if this game is worth your time or not within this review. By nature this isn't exactly the most complex game out there, but there is a lot to say it nonetheless. Anyway, let's cut the intro short and dive right in already! By Manuel Players: 1-2 (Local & Online)
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC There have been some big fighting game releases recently, but there's one I think that has fallen somewhat under the radar. That game is question would be Under Night In-Birth II [Sys:Celes], which is the final chapter of the fighting game series developed by studio French-Bread. This release is available on most major consoles and PC (Sorry XBox fans!) by way of Arc System Works, who are very well-known for their own series of fighting games like the Guilty Gear series. While there are some who may look at this and see just another 2D fighter, there are quite a few unique aspects to Under Night In-Birth II that make it stand out above the crowd. As usual though, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's dive into the review and see if you'll ultimately agree with me on that last point! Fans of FURYU's (CRYSTAR, CRYMACHINA) unique brand of Action RPGs have reason to rejoice as NIS America recently announced details for the English-language release of their upcoming game REYNATIS!
By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC Orebody: Binder's Tale (Hereafter simply referred to as "Binder's Tale".) is an interesting game as it belongs to the rather unique category of modern NES games. That means that it's made to run on original hardware, and even has seen a cartridge release in the tail end of 2022. It's also available on the Nintendo Switch and PC, and it's the Switch version that we'll be looking at today. Does this action run and gunner have what it takes to impress retro and modern gamers alike? Well, that's what we're hoping to find out! So strap yourselves in, because it's going to be a bumpy ride! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC Roguelikes are a fairly common genre these days, as is their survival counterpart, which were made popular by Vampire Survivors. Into this crowded scene drops the neon-infused, autoshooter Geometry Survivor. It's currently available on all major platforms, and I will be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version today to see if this has what it takes to stand out from the crowd. The runs may not be long, but I'm going to have to do a lot of them, so let's cut the intro short and dive right in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch It's not often that I come across a game that defies description, but Looking Up I See Only A Ceiling does exactly that. I guess it's a visual novel with adventure game elements, but it's so much more than that. It's also somehow so much less than that too. That might be a cryptic way to start a review, but that's my honest thoughts going into this. Discussing this game is going to be hard, but I guess we'll just get into it and see what happens. Let's take a look at the game now, and hopefully we'll find something more than a ceiling. By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 Promenade is a new 2D platformer that takes inspiration from 3D platformers like Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Spyro the Dragon. It's also inspired by works like Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Little Nemo, and Adventure Time. It arriving soon on all major consoles by way of Red Art Games, and we're going to take a look at it now to see if all those earlier mentioned inspirations come together to capture the magic of a classic 3D platformer within a 2D game. There's always a ton of things to collect in games like this, so let's not waste time and get right into it! |
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March 2025