By Al Players: 1-8 (Local)
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC It's not often we review multiplayer games here at A-to-J, but today we're going to be taking a look at the interestingly titled Rallyallyally. It's out now on the Nintendo Switch and PC, and we're going to be reviewing the Switch version today. This is a small indie release that promises intense eight-player couch co-op, and that was more than enough to get me interested in picking it up. Seeing as there's no need for further intro, we're going to dive right in. By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch Originally releasing on the PlayStation 3 way back in 2012, Mugen Souls is a JRPG that's filled with far more "anime nonsense" than most other games on the market. I'll get to what I mean by that later on in the course of this review, but the important thing is that it recently got an updated re-release on the Nintendo Switch that was published by EastAsiaSoft. It's this version that we're going to be looking at today, and it's notable for not only including all the previously available DLC, but also for being completely uncensored. I'm quite familiar with the original game, having played it back when it first released, so this is going to be an interesting stroll down memory lane. There's a lot to cover in this one, so let's dive right in! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC With the recent release of the new Elden Ring DLC, Souls-like games are once again on everyone's minds, at least Elden Ring itself is. Enter Last Night of Winter, a retro-inspired Souls-like game that seems to be the love child of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Dark Souls. That sounds like quite the mix, but it's exactly what we're going to be looking at today. It released a while back on Steam, but it's set to arrive soon on consoles. We're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version today, though I imagine it'll be a fine representation of what you can expect on other platforms. It's been a while since we've reviewed a game like this, and this is a genre I've had more than a little trouble with in the past, so let's cut the intros short and dive right in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 I was at a loss as to how I'd review Good Guys when I first received it, as it really isn't a game at all. This is one of those animated (in a sense) comic books that used to release on DVD back in the day, and I guess still release in some capacity now. Good Guys falls into the sci-fi genre, and we'll get to its story in just a bit. Seeing as I'm still not exactly sure how I'm going to cover this one, I'm just going to get into it without any more introduction. Oh, and we're going to be discussing the Nintendo Switch version of this "game" today, though it's also available on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: PC There's a running joke that I tend to automatically love anything that is Chinese in nature, especially when it comes to media. With that said, it probably comes as no surprise to those who know me that I followed the development of Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother for about a year. This roguelike, which bears more than a little resemblance to the hit game Hades, has been on my radar ever since I got that first press release in the summer of 2023. It's been a long road since then, and it got a full Steam release back in April. I've put off reviewing it since then because I wanted to give it ensure that I had time to give it a proper review. That time is now, and that's exactly what we're going to do today. Without further ado, let's dive right in! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: PC I have a big love for digital pets, Tamagotchi in particular, and I was very excited to hear about the release of Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago (Referred to as simply "Yolk Heroes" from now on.) nearly a year ago. For those that don't know, it's a game that mixes together gameplay elements of Tamagotchi, story and gameplay befitting a JRPG, and visuals that look like they came from a Game Boy title. After following its development ever since seeing those early screenshots, I finally got my hands on it when it dropped onto Steam recently. We're going to be taking a look at it today, and see if it was worth the wait. Training a hero takes a lot of work, so let's dive right in! By J.D. Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 It’s time to return to My Time at Sandrock with the Monster Whisperer DLC. You can see my thoughts on the base game’s Switch version HERE. In coming back to it after nearly a year, I haven’t experienced any of the big visual/animation glitches I pointed out in my original review, and the slowdowns also seem to be less frequent. Those aren’t really part of the DLC but it’s nice to see that the game has gotten better since I last played it. By Manuel Players: 1-2 (Local Only)
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC The Five Night's At Freddy's inspired movie, Willy's Wonderland, originally released all the way back in 2021, but the game based on it is just now hitting consoles. I'm not exactly sure when it first released, but I do know that it began life as a mobile game tie-in that came out far closer to the release of the movie itself. It's now 2024. It's been three years since Willy's Wonderland hit streaming, and also almost a year since the actual Five Nights at Freddy's movie came out. There's no getting around the fact that this is an odd release window for the game, but it's covering all its bases and releasing on just about every major platform. We're going to be taking a look at the version available on the Nintendo Switch today, but I doubt it'll differ much from the others. We have a lot to go over in this one, so let's dive right in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC What happens when you mix chess and roguelike gameplay together? You get The Ouroboros King of course! Basically playing like chess on steroids, The Ouroboros King recently dropped onto consoles following an earlier PC release. It's currently available on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5, and we're going to be taking a look at the Switch version today. There's a lot to talk about in this one, so let's get right into it! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC It often feels like roguelike titles come out at such a rapid pace these days that it's often hard to tell one from another. That task is made all the more difficult when they look and play so much like other, more well-known, games in the genre. Scarlet Tower is exactly that game, as it bears more than a passing resemblance to 2021's Vampire Survivors. It's out now on the Nintendo Switch following an earlier PC release, and we're going to be taking a look at it today. There isn't more to say as far as intros go, so let's get right into it! |
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