By Al Players: 1 Platforms: Nintendo Switch Recently I've come to appreciate the smaller indie titles that publisher RAWRLAB Games has been putting out, and their latest one is no exception. V-Hunter Puzzler DX is a turn-based puzzle game that is coming soon to the Nintendo Switch, and it's also what we're going to be looking at it today. Hopefully by end of the review we're going to see if this quirky little board-game-meets-Castlevania title is worth the price of admission, or if it's best left sitting idly on the eShop pondering what a man is. Anyhow, there's no need for further intro. Let's dive right in! V-Hunter Puzzler DX puts you into the shoes of a vampire hunter who has to fight off dozens of other monstrous creatures before getting to his favored undead enemy. Though he does take out various other vampires in his quest to clear out each and every nest, his actual target is one named Alric. Alric isn't alone though, as he has three powerful guards that must be defeated first. Though there isn't really any actual story beyond what I just outlined, I must say that there was a far stronger narrative than I was expecting. Each of the boss characters has a personality all their own, and our hero is full of quips and one-liners. It's nothing worth discussing too much, but it will get most players through the game. There's even a Castlevania reference or two! Gameplay is where it's at though, so let's talk about that next. Gameplay in V-Hunter Puzzler DX takes place in single rooms that are laid out in a grid-like structure. Since this is a turn-based game, each turn you make is followed by the turns of whatever enemies are on screen. Most enemies will have a counter before they're able to move or attack, but you can move within each turn. If you make a mistake, or if you get yourself killed, you can undo any or all moves. Attacking on the player's part is done by stepping into the direction of an enemy, with most enemies being able to be killed by a single hit. There will be some stronger enemies that take two hits over the course of the game, and the bosses will all take several. It only takes one hit to kill your hunter by default, but there are ways to gain more hit points in some levels. Since you are rather fragile, you can wait out a turn if it means avoiding an enemy attack. Being cautious can save your life, but you'll often want to be on the offensive as enemies can often box you in if you're not careful. Getting boxed in is made all the easier by the fact that defeating an enemy leaves behind toxic sludge on the space they occupied. This sludge makes said space a no-go area, as stepping on it will cost you a hit point. Besides moving and waiting, the only other action worth mentioning is shooting your guns. This is done only in specific situations though, so it's only worth a brief mention. Bringing all these elements together makes up much of V-Hunter Puzzler DX's gameplay, but there is a bit more nuance to things if you want to truly master the game. The world of V-Hunter Puzzler DX is separated into four worlds, or "sagas", with each saga having 14 levels and a boss stage. Most early levels are simple enough, with only a couple enemies to defeat, but later ones can throw as many as a dozen enemies at you at once. Each enemy type has a different attack and movement range, so it's best to always keep in mind which should be taken out first. Goblins will chase you and only need two turns to move or attack, archers will fire in a straight line if you walk into their line of sight, mummies can attack diagonally, mages fire lighting diagonally all the way across the screen, and vampires can attack you on any square within the four main directions from their standing location. There are more enemies than the ones I just mentioned, but I think you get the point. Each saga adds in new challenges, which keeps the game from ever getting stale. Variety isn't in just enemies though, as there are additional items that change up how your hunter can interact with the world and its dangers. Dynamite deals damage over a wide area when placed, clocks stop time for three turns, swords deal double damage on the next attack, potions give you an extra hit point, holy water is needed to actually hurt vampires, and bullets are used for long range attacks. Bullets may sound all powerful, but they can only to the right or left of your current position, and are only found in a handful of levels. There's a lot to always keep in mind when playing the game, with many stages having several different ways that one can conquer them. Even though V-Hunter Puzzler DX's levels are often over as soon as they start, there was something to the game that saw me complete it in a single session. Most stages start with dialogue, either a tutorial or a bit of banter from the hunter, and it helps breathe life into the game's world. This could've been a simple turn-based puzzle game that featured complex buy dry gameplay, but there's a charm to everything that's hard to describe unless you play it yourself. It's also worth mentioning that I've only really been discussing the Casual difficulty up to now, but the game also features a Hard mode for those looking for more challenge. That mode features a time limit, and you're only allowed a single undo per level. Though challenging, the harder difficulty still feels very fair. It truly seems like there's something for everyone here. There are also in-game achievements of a sort that unlock extra skins for your character, and these are fun to collect and change into. If I have one complaint about the game, it's that I wish there was more of it. I'd love to see a sequel that offers more levels and challenges, but I guess we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves there. Presentation-wise, V-Hunter Puzzler DX has a lot to appreciate. Its retro-inspired visuals include impressive sprite-based graphics, and the unlockable character skins are all unique and fun too. The character and enemy designs are also particularly noteworthy, with everything in the game looking visually appealing. It's a perfect package really, and I can't think of a single noteworthy negative. I have similar feelings when it comes to the game's audio too, as the chiptune-heavy soundtrack was simply delightful. I wouldn't go so far as to say that this is the best soundtrack I'd ever heard, but I found that several of the tracks got stuck in my head after I was done playing the game. I even liked the game's sound effects, with the gunshot being a personal favorite of mine. (Yes, I realize how weird of a thing that is to say too!) My only gripe on that front would be that I wish that there was more game here so I could hear more music as well, but I've already stated my mind on that front. With over 60 levels to conquer, two difficulty settings to try out, and plenty of unlockables, you get a lot of content for the low price of just $2.99. I admittedly was able to clear the entire Casual mode in about an hour and a half, but the harder levels are another story all together. Even if it weren't for the additional content that they provide, I would still think that it’s priced extremely well for the amount of content one gets. I'm actually quite surprised it wasn't priced at $4.99, but I guess it's hard to complain about a game being too cheap. This just makes recommending it an even easier task. If I haven't made it obvious yet, I think that V-Hunter Puzzler DX is totally worth picking up. It's a must-buy for fans of puzzle games, and I think casual players will find lots to enjoy here too. Its levels are quick and fun, and the gameplay moves so fast that you'll probably beat the entire game in one long sitting like I did. Its price also makes picking it up rather painless too. Go out there and get it already. You can thank me later. See you in the next one! Check Out V-Hunter Puzzler DX on Nintendo Switch: Story: A Gameplay: A+ Graphics: A Music/Sound: A Value: A Overall: A Pros: + A fun turn-based puzzle game with plenty of charm to boot! + Has a surprisingly strong narrative for this type of game, with plenty of one-liners and references. + Great visuals and music make this one easy on the eyes on ears. + Additional enemy types and gameplay additions keep the game from ever feeling stale. + With over 60 levels, two difficulty settings, and plenty of unlockables, there's a lot of content for players to sink their teeth into. + Is a total steal at just $2.99. Cons: - Random difficulty spikes can pop up in otherwise easy worlds. - The Hard mode might be a bit too challenging for some. - I wish there was more of it! A copy of this game was provided to us free-of-charge by the publisher for the purpose of this review. This did not affect our review in any way. #VHunterPuzzlerDX
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