Platform: Steam Players: 1 Hey everyone! It’s rikachuuable. Rather than a video this time around, here’s a blog post about Sekai Project’s recent release for the NekoPara series. My apologies! Note: The game, and by extension this review, contains adult scenes and might be more than a little NSFW. You have been warned. For those that don’t know, NekoPara is a visual novel series published by Sekai Project, developed by NEKO WORKs, and created/illustrated by Sayori. The series follows the protag Kashou Minaduki’s patisserie and his many catgirls who assist in the shop. And if you’ve played previous games, you would know that while the first two games focused primarily on Chocola & Vanilla (Vol. 1), Coconut & Azuki (Vol. 2). Volume 3 primarily focuses on the deepening relationship between Maple and Cinnamon. Like all of the previous volumes of the games, you see the progression of the relationships between the catgirls and their owner Kashou. The difference between those and this one is that today I’ll be reviewing the SFW version rather than the NSFW versions that I normally play. Weirdly enough, I’m still satisfied by the end of the game given that the creators were very kind and gave us a lot of fuwa fuwa time. As you can see from the following, it definitely did NOT disappoint. But, let’s actually just leave the fuwa fuwa stuff there and talk about the actual game and its progression. So throughout the game, you are constantly being told by the other catgirls and your little sister Shigure that you are in need of making the two catgirls Maple and Cinnamon (more like sin-namon amiright) become a part of the family, and to trust you more as their owner. The entire game is set so that the focus is on the other two catgirls, but will still sprinkle in our other faves to avoid the possibility of master Kashou possibly ignoring all of his previous neko girls. The game starts out with the nekos working in the café, and there’s a little trouble because not everyone is exactly on the same wavelength and you can feel a little uneasiness. So the mission so far is to make everyone HAPPY. The catgirls are all honestly so precious. In these scenes they’re making Kashou baby them and take care of them, and then Kashou brings them all to an amusement park which is literally the best thing ever because the girls are S O C U T E. But as always, here’s some snapshots of the conversations in the game. They get me EVERY TIME because they’re so funny. Don’t get me wrong, All of the voice acting throughout the game is as adorable and perfect as always. It’s smooth, and every catgirl has a voice that matches both the personality and the visuals that they have been given. It’s literally dessert in my everyday life and it gives me cavities and I need more. But the things that all of them say sometimes are so SILLY and I can never tell if it’s intended to be PURE or LEWD. Even Shigure is too much, but that’s what makes her the perfect imouto right? Anyways, HERE WE ARE AT THE AMUSEMENT PARK. THEY’RE ALL SO CUTE. 10/10 THESE VISUALS KICKED MY NEKO LOVING BUTT AND I’M NOT READY FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF THERE BEING A NEXT VOLUME. I’M NOT EVEN READY FOR THE OVA. KICK ME AND MY BUTT SEKAI PROJECT SENPAI WITH YOUR NEKO PERFECTION. Maple is the literal definition of tsundere, and Cinnamon is the loving sister who gets off on how precious she is. That’s it, that’s the entire game. I mean, we also learn that Shigure has a blog that she posts the catgirls on, but we kind of always knew she was a little out there on those things. In this next scene, we are shown a flashback to the childhood days of Maple and Cinnamon. Both cat girls are very precious and want to live their dreams of being musicians and singers. It’s very pure. So pure. Quality content. If there’s anything though that we learn during this amusement park scene is that Maple and Cinnamon both really love music, and that they have a long history together following what dreams they had as children. To end the amusement park scene, we have a special one of a kind Cinnamon and Maple progression. Cinnamon volunteers herself to be held hostage in order to get Maple to live her dream of singing, using the opportunity to both have fun and to get her sister to start going outside of her comfort zone. Cinnamon is also heavily fan servicing us all, so bless her soul smol catgirl with your mild bondage. In these next scenes, we are shown a progression of the two as they want to get closer and closer to their dreams. In a means to help them through, the catgirls are all very worried and want the best for them. Cinnamon is more willing to be helped my Kashou. She’s very pure but we all know that she does love him and Maple very much, so she’s very sweet and easy to win over. And at some point you learn more about them as children, how important they are to each other, their goals, and you see the progression of their VERY, VERY DEEP sisterly love. To climax the game’s story, we see that the two catgirls Maple and Cinnamon are both prepping to perform on stage at an important event. The two girls prepare for the event by getting nice clothing to perform and attend in, and even work hard to write their own music as they only knew of anime music which they both agreed weren’t fit for the scene. They’re all honestly so precious in these designs. The song that the two ended up singing I believe were very close to home, and they concluded with doing a very good job which is why the snapshots probably implied that a sex scene probably belonged somewhere around here. But ANYWAY, that’s Nekopara vol. 3 for all of you! It was a very adorable and sweet game as always, and the two catgirls that we got to learn more about this time around had a lot of personality in their own ways Nekopara Vol. 3 is available now on Steam: For More Information On Sekai Project: GRAPHICS: Great! Sayori never ceases to amaze me with the adorable characters and the designs of the new clothes they get drawn in every time they release a new game stuns me in my heart and makes me scream. SOUND: Great. Every Nekopara game has had perfect visuals and voice acting. The music in the background is precious and sweet as well and oftentimes matched the emotions the scenes conveyed, making it very easy to feel more attached to the characters. GAMEPLAY: Good. As biased as I am towards Nekopara, the game does tend to get a little slow and boring in some places. Without the hentai NSFW bits, it’s hard to really experience the game as fast as I would like to. The NSFW parts usually add a little more liveliness to the gameplay, and adds a little humor to the conversations held throughout the game. It’s a nice game to play regardless though. I’ve probably just been spoiled rotten that it’s tainted my preferences. VALUE: Great. If you’re neko trash, this is the game for you. OVERALL: I would recommend this game to those who are interested in trying the Nekopara series. If you have any affectionate feelings towards catgirls, visual novels, loving characters, maids, cute things, or whatever…you’ll probably appreciate this game. (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧ Thanks for tuning in! -Rikachuuable FULL DISCLOSURE: This game was provided to A-to-J Connections free-of-charge by the publisher for the purpose of review.
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