The Nintendo Switch has been one of the most pleasant surprises in recent console history. Many companies have jumped on board in giving the beloved portable/home console hybrid some love. GOD WARS The Complete Legend will now be joining the lineup come Fall this year. GOD WARS is a tactical RPG that explores Japan’s history through folklore and tactical combat. Starring three warring nations, we’ll be able to put our tactical brain to the test as we advance the story. GOD WARS Future Past was originally released on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. Switch players will have access to all of the previous DLC on top of having a brand-new character named Orihime as well as an entirely new 50 stage dungeon. For PlayStation players who don’t want to pick up the game on the Switch, fret not, for the new DLC and quality of life updates will be made available on your platform of choice as well. With so many great games coming to the Nintendo Switch this year, we’re happy that GOD WARS will be among them. Keep an eye out for a complete release date, but for now expect it sometime in Fall. You can pre-order the collector’s edition from NISA’s site right now! - Teepu |
Contributors◆ Angie
◆ Emily ◆ J.D. ◆ Janette ◆ JT ◆ Manuel ◆ Nestor ◆ Rose ◆ Sylvia ◆ Teepu ◆ Tiffany ◆ Winfield Archives
January 2025