By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch As their name implies Flynn's Arcade has published several titles that are modern takes on old arcade classics. Today's game is exactly that, and mixes up the maze chase formula into something new and unique. Cash Cow DX is coming soon to the Nintendo Switch, following an earlier release on PC. We're going to run this game through its paces, and hopefully see if this it's one that you're going to want to sink your teeth into. Let's skip the intros and dive right in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC Retro-inspired horror games, especially those featuring visuals reminiscent of the early 3D era, have been taking over the scene lately, and we're going to be looking at a new one today. Coming to just about all major platforms by way of publisher EastAsiaSoft is A Night on the Farm, a first-person horror experience that defies standard genre labeling. Though it's out on just about everything, we're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version here. This is going to be a weird one, so let's dive right in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 I've made it a point to review plenty of those games from time to time here at A-to-J, as you never really know when one is going to surprise you. For those that don't know what I'm referring to, I mean the ecchi (Read: Hentai) titles that seem to be sneaking onto consoles in ever increasing numbers these days. Today we're going to be looking at Moe Waifu H Genius, a game that's out now on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. We're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version today, but I'm sure it'll be an accurate representation of all the versions. Let's not waste any more time with intros, it's time to dive in! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: PC The Date A Live series is one of those franchises that has far more content available in Japan than the US. Having begun as a light novel series in 2011, it eventually grew to include an anime series, and several video games. I am a bit unsure about the complete Date A Live video game timeline, but I do know that 2015's Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation was the first game to get an English-language release back in 2019. It's been quite a while since then, and we now have a new game to check out. Originally releasing all the way back in 2020 for the PlayStation 4, Date A Live: Ren Dystopia (Which I'm simply going to refer to as "Ren Dystopia" from now on.) recently found its way onto Steam by way of Idea Factory International. Not only is this one of the few English-language releases available, it's going to be my entry into the series as a whole. Completely green or not, I'm going to give this one an honest go, and maybe see what all the hype is about. This is going to be a long one, so let's dive in! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Atari VCS, PC There have been a lot of Atari reboots in recent years, some better than others, and today we're going to be looking at yet another. This isn't a game from the Recharged series though, it's something totally new and different. Yars Rising is a Metroidvania game developed by WayForward, that's now available on all major platforms. How it ties into the greater Yar's universe, or Atari itself in general, is something we're going to look at in this review. Speaking of which, we're going to be examining the Nintendo Switch version here, but I'm sure it'll be a representation of what one can expect from the other versions as well. There's a lot to cover in this one, so let's dive right in! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch I'm no stranger to precision platforming games, having played several recently for A-to-J alone. They all usually have some quirk to them that makes them unique, and Tamagoneko is no different. Besides throwing in all sorts of platforming challenges into the mix, it also features plenty of cute cat imagery that is sure to draw people in. Having released on Steam last year, it's set to drop onto the Nintendo Switch soon by way of publisher RAWRLAB Games. We're going to be taking a look at that Switch release today, and see if it's as inviting as its visuals imply. Let's dive right in! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PC Created by legendary ex-Capcom game designer Tokuro Fujiwara (Ghosts 'n Goblins, Bionic Commando, Sweet Home), Tomba! was the first game released by his then-new company Whoopee Camp way back in 1997. It originally released on the original PlayStation, and became something of an instant cult classic. Though not a huge commercial success, it did spawn a sequel in 1999, as well as a PSOne Classics release in 2011. We're a bit over 25 years since its original release, and Limited Run Games has saw fit to drop Tomba! Special Edition (Which I'm simply going to refer to as "Tomba" from now on.) on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and PC. We're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version today, and see if time has been nice to this game. I do have some experience with the original release, but it's been years since I've played it. This is going to be a fun one, so let's dive right in! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC Visual novels on VR platforms seems like an interesting concept, and it's one that developer My Dearest has taken a shot at several times. I can't say for sure if all their games were the result of crowd-funding, but I do know that their first, Tokyo Chronos, was. The game released back in 2019, and exceeded all expectations. It also launched a loosely connected series that has been ongoing on VR platforms and PC. It's been several years since those uncertain beginnings, and the first two games developed by My Dearest, Tokyo Chronos and Altdeus: Beyond Chronos, are available now on all major consoles. We're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version of the two-game package today, but I'm sure that it'll be indicative of all the other versions as well. There's a lot to go over in this one, so let's dive right in! By Manuel Players: 1-2
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 5 Sunsoft is a legendary developer that has been getting something of a second wind in recent years. Though probably best-known in the US for their licensed games and the titles they published but didn't develop themselves, they have a long history of releasing several classic titles that never saw a release outside of Japan. Sunsoft is Back! Retro Game Selection features three games that fit that bill, and all were originally released for Japan's NES counterpart, the Famicom. The three games included in this collection are The Wing of Madoola, Firework Thrower Kantaro’s 53 Stations of the Tokaido, and Ripple Island. Though I would've preferred more titles in a collection such as this, I'll reserve final judgement until the end. Circling back to the actual review, this collection is coming soon to the all current consoles by way of Red Art Games, and we're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version today. There's a lot to go over here, so let's get right to it! By Al Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 Sometimes I wish that something like the short story or short film format exists within video games, as I think it would help classify many titles. Obviously shorter games exist, but it's strange to see them often lumped together with larger games, or even open world experiences. Enter Deep Beyond. Deep Beyond is a short, first-person interactive thriller that is coming soon to consoles following an earlier release on Steam. We're going to be taking a look at the Nintendo Switch version today, and see if this shorter title is worth creating an entire new genre over. There's really no need for further intro, so let's dive right in! |
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March 2025