By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox One, XBox Series, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC (Steam) It's been a while since I've looked at an Action RPG, and I have quite the one to bring you all today. Achilles: Legends Untold originally released on Steam via Early Access back in May 2022, and it saw a full release the following year on the PlayStation 5 and XBox. It's been a quite a while since that release, but it's finally made its way to the Nintendo Switch. It only makes sense that the version we're going to be taking a look at today is that new Switch release, and we'll soon decide if the wait was worth it. This is going to be a long one, so let's just get to the review already! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 Today we're going to be looking at a release that has quite a bit of history behind it. Originally releasing on PC back in 2014, DreadOut is a survival horror game that brings together gameplay elements found in games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Fatal Frame. It's an indie release that was created by a small Indonesian development team, and it was also brought to life via a successful Indiegogo campaign. The developer, Digital Happiness, had a hit on their hands, and have been active since its original release. Meanwhile, DreadOut as a franchise has seen sequels, spin-offs, re-releases, and even a live action film adaptation. We're going to be looking at one of those re-releases today. DreadOut Remastered Collection recently arrived on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 by way of publisher SoftSource, and we're going to be taking a look at the Switch version today. There's really no need for further intro, so let's dive right in! By Manuel Players: 1
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC (Steam) Sometimes a game comes around that defies genre and gameplay norms, and turns out to be more difficult than one would think to review. Marron's Day is just that sort of game, and it's set to arrive soon coming soon on the Nintendo Switch. This isn't its first appearance though, as it released on Steam last year, and on the Game Boy of all things a while back. You're forgiven for thinking that I must have misspoke when it came to it being available on the Game Boy, but that is indeed the case. We're going to be taking a look at it on the Nintendo Switch, and hopefully decide if it's a game worth playing. Without further ado, let's dive in! |
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March 2025