For three days spanning the 14th (Fri), 15th (Sat), and 16th (Sun) of October, Japan’s largest convention center Makuhari Messe will be decked out in Visual Kei. The first artists to be announced are X JAPAN, LUNA SEA, GLAY, hide with Spread Beaver, and Golden Bomber. Many more have been announced and will continue to be announced. The event will be Japan's biggest-ever Visual Kei festival, bringing together bands from across the country for an estimated audience of 100,000 people. Announced Headliners 【Event】 :VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016 Powered by Rakuten 【Dates】 :October 14th (Fri), 15th (Sat), and 16th (Sun), 2016 【Venue】 :Makuhari Messe Hall halls 9-11 【Doors/Beginning/End】:Doors 8:00AM / Begin 9:00AM / End 10:00PM (times subject to change) ※ On 10/16 (Sun), performances are currently planned to end at 9:00PM. 【Scheduled to Appear】: X JAPAN, LUNA SEA, GLAY, hide with Spread Beaver, Golden Bomber, many more bands to be announced 【Promoter・Planning】: VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016 Executive Committee Rakuten VISUAL JAPAN LLC 【Management・Production】:Udo Artists. inc. 【Produced In Collaboration With】:Rakuten management 【Enquiries】:VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016 Executive Committee's office (Rakuten management) (+81)-(0)3-6695-0497 【Official Web Site】 :Japanese English Ticketing Info 【Sales schedule】
・Rakuten Ticket Rre-sales: August 10th (Wed) 12:00 to 15th (Mon) 23:00 ・Play Guide Pre-sales: August 16th (Tue ) 10:00 to 22nd (Mon) 23:00 ・Rakuten Ticket・Family Mart Pre-sales: August 23rd (Tue) 10:00 to 29th (Mon) 23:00 ・Regular Sales Date: September 3rd (Sat) 10:00 【Ticket prices】 ・One Day Ticket (All Standing) 14,000 yen (incl. tax) ・Three Day Ticket (All Standing) 39,000 yen (incl. tax) ・VIP Ticket (One Day Ticket/All Seats Reserved/Includes a special take home director's chair) 60,000 yen (incl. tax) 【Enquiries Regarding Tickets】:Rakuten Ticket Customer Support Phone:050-5817-9070 (weekdays 10:00-17:00) Recently A-To-J was granted the opportunity to interview Dynamite Tommy, one of the most prominent figures in visual kei following his appearance at Anime Expo 2016 in Los Angeles, CA. This interview covers everything from his involvement with brand, KOMACHI2266531DarkLolita to his thoughts on the current state of the visual kei scene! Be sure to check it out!
Dynamite Tommy is a legendary figure within the visual kei scene. He is the former vocalist of COLOR and is known as the "Godfather of Visual Kei". Both he and the record label he founded, Free-Will, are a major influence on the scene from its formation to now. He has produced many of the biggest names in visual kei and has recently become associated with the brand KOMACHI2266531DarkLolita, a Gothic Lolita brand for plus-sized women. Anime Expo marked his first ever US convention appearance. A-To-J: Thank you for the interview, can you introduce yourself? A-To-J:インタビューの機会をいただき、ありがとうございます。自己紹介をお願いします。 Dynamite Tommy: 1980年後期から1990年代初期の間にロックバンドCOLORでボーカルを務める。同時にFREEWILLというインディーズのレコード会社を設立。自身のバンド以外にも、かまいたち、バイセクシャルを見い出す。90年代後期よりマネージメントとプロデュース業に専念。ディルアングレイ、メリー、バロック、バグラグ、A9、ドッグインザPWO、ブルービリオン等を見出す。またグラップラー刃牙のアニメ化を手掛けた。 Dynamite Tommy: From the late 1980s to early part of the 1990s, I was the singer for the rock band COLOR. During the same time, I founded an indie record company called FREE WILL. Other than my band, I’ve discovered Kamaitachi and BY-SEXUAL. In the late 1990s I devoted myself to management and producing. I also helped produce bands such as DIR IN GREY、MERRY、BAROQUE、BugLug、A9、DOG in The PWO、Blu-BiLLioN and many more. I also had a hand in turning Grappler Baki into an Anime. A-To-J: Can you tell us about your experiences at Anime Expo? A-To-J: アニメエキスポの体験についてお聞かせください。 Dynamite Tommy: 日本というたった一つの国の文化にこれだけの人が興味をもってくれているのかと驚き、同時に日本という国が非常に特殊な国と認識した。 Dynamite Tommy: I was surprised at how many people are interested in the culture of just one country called Japan, but at the same time I realized how extremely peculiar Japan really is. A-To-J: You came to AX largely to help bring the fashion line KOMACHI2266531Dark Lolita to the US, can you tell us about the new brand? A-To-J: 新しいファッションブランドKOMACHI2266531DarkLolitaをアメリカに紹介する目的でアニメエキスポにいらっしゃったということですが、ブランドについて教えてください。 Dynamite Tommy: 丁度1年ほど前に、某有名ファッションブランドのCEOによる「私たちの服は太った人には着てもらいたくない」という発言を知りました。それで、彼らの価値観の押し付けに対して挑戦しようと思いスタートしたブランドです。だからコマチはプラスサイズの女性が非常に美しくなれるゴシック&ロリータファッションです。 Dynamite Tommy: Around a year ago, a certain CEO of a famous brand stated, “We don’t want large people to wear our clothes”. That is why we started this brand in order to challenge his imposing sense of values. We started the Gothic and Lolita brand, KOMACHI2266531DarkLolita, for bigger girls to be able to become extremely pretty. A-To-J: How do you think it will be accepted in the US? A-To-J: アメリカではどのような反応を期待されていますか。 Dynamite Tommy: 我々と一緒に、傲慢な価値観の押し付けをする人達と戦ってもらいたい。 Dynamite Tommy: I want them to fight alongside us against the people pushing their arrogant values onto others. DECAYS is a side project of Die from DIR EN GREY and Kashiyama Kei from MOON CHILD, originally started on July of last year. In the past year or so, we’ve seen several lineup changes (including Kobayashi Yusuke of THE NOVEMBERS) and the release of a mini-album and single. Now newly announced from yesterday’s one-man concert, they’re ready to release a new album and embark on a one-man tour! While they are indeed going major, they have decided to remain on the same label, which also happens to host bands DIR EN GREY and sukekiyo.
The album’s scheduled release is in December, exact date still left unknown. However, they’ve already announced tour dates for the end of the year: 2016/12/27 (Tuesday): Osaka MUSE 2016/12/28 (Wednesday): Aichi ell. FITS ALL 2017/01/04 (Wednesday): Akasaka BLITZ We’ll keep you posted for further information regarding DECAYS’ release, so stay tuned! -Dia |
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