Ultra Podcast Z 180 (Mahjong Madness w/ Janette) Mahjong Soul, Riichi Mahjong, Anime Cons, More!8/12/2022 Live Broadcast:
August 9, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Janette Description: Ultra Podcast Z took a week off for random nonsense and came back with a special episode that was supposed to feature Pleiades hosting and Janette on as a guest. As you can probably see from the finished product, only half of that equation came to pass. Thankfully JD was still available to host and this somewhat last minute episode went forward. We were originally going to do a trifecta of con discussion as the three hosts had all been to recent conventions in different parts of the country, but that wasn't to be so most of this show was about mahjong. What started as a thought about how Manuel had got a new mahjong set for his birthday turned into a discussion about the differences between Chinese, Japanese, and American Mahjong, and lots more. What was definitely decided was that we have a lot of strong views on mahjong and probably will be going forward with our mahjong gaming nights that we've been toying around with for the past couple months. When we do, will it be riichi though? Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions on easy ways to play Chinese mahjong online, please let us know in the comments below as that is something we are very interested in. Oh, and we talked a BIT about other stuff, but you can all just consider this the "Mahjong Episode". As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 176 (Running A Con w/ Donald) Gaming & Anime News, Tora-Con Info & Stories, More!6/24/2022 Live Broadcast:
June 21, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: JD Donald Description: Ultra Podcast Z had another weird week. The end of the no-host period is wrapping up now, but it's been interesting to see how UPZ can continue on. This week JD actually contacted a friend of his, Donald, the chair of Tora-Con, to be his co-host. Tora-Con is a local anime convention held at the Rochester Institute of Technology (link below) in Rochester, New York and, while that was a the main topic here, there was a lot covered. It's definitely interesting to get someone behind the scenes when it comes to running a convention as we've (surprisingly) have not really tried this kind of topic before even though we all have more than our share of convention runner friends. Besides Tora-Con talk there was news, anime, and video game talk all throughout and there was a lot of storytime and event talk when it came to Tora-Con itself. It's a little weird watching UPZ with such a different cast but it's been an unique ride that's for sure! Anyhow, be sure to check out this episode, check out Tora-Con if you can, and keep watching UPZ! Maybe we'll have Donald on again in the future as both him and Photaku, not to mention JD himself, did a good job making up for some unforeseen circumstances. Next week both Manuel and Nyaru should be back talking about some pre-Anime Expo stuff so let's see if things jump back to normal after that! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 155 (Random News w/ Photaku) Facebook Goes Meta, Gundam Cafe, Food, MaiOtaku, More!11/5/2021 Live Broadcast:
November 2, 2021 6:00 PM PDT Players: Manuel Photaku Description: Ultra Podcast Z survived Halloween and we return to our normal schedule for the Holidays though we have some skipped weeks in the future so we decided to break tradition and not take the first week after Halloween off. Apparently Nyaru didn't get this memo though and our original plan, talking about "Guilty Pleasure Anime", was not going to happen so we went with some news stories we've missed and Photaku joined again filling in for an AWOL Nyaru in the eleventh hour! We talked all sorts of nonsense about food by accident in the middle and managed to loosely tie it back to our main topics, but speaking of those main topics, we covered Facebook's name change, Dune getting a sequel, the Ryan Kopf/MaiOtaku ongoing scandal, the closing of all the Gundam Cafes in Japan, and more! This WAS right after Halloween so we kind of were reminded of that both at the start and at the end of the show and we hope that you got food if you ordered it unlike our chat. We tried to get a few things out in this episode and one of them is to PLEASE stop casting Chris Pratt in your new animated projects... cast a dedicated voice actor instead. Also, if you're a robot trying to hide this fact from a big, live audience, Sweet Baby Ray's on the bookshelf might not be the way to do it... Anyway, this was a rather low-key episode, but it was fun and it kept our momentum strong and we hope to continue onwards until right before Christmas at the very least and we have a lot more focused topics in the near future! Hopefully Nyaru shows up in those upcoming ones though... As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 141 (Anniversary Nonsense) Looking Back On Other Outlets, Random News, More!7/23/2021 Live Broadcast:
July 20, 2021 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Nyaru Description: Ultra Podcast Z has some interesting issues on this one when it came to recording. It's come to our attention that the recorded version suffers from a REALLY bad framerate and we plan to fix that immediately for the next episode. Elsewhere, we forgot to hit record on this one so we went with the backup source for it, but it was a rather fun episode where we were all on point, something that has been happening more and more lately tbh! A-to-J has a complicated set of "anniversaries" but for the sake of brevity all you need to know is that the "first" one is on July 22 and this episode was a sort of look back at those seven years. We've done this sort of thing many times before but this time it was with a focus on other outlets that were around at our start, have collaborated with us in the past, and where they are now. It's sad that the vast majority of them are no longer around as we had a lot of friends drop out of the scene because of it. We also talked about other sites we used to like that are now gone and basically how the internet is a very different place than it was seven years ago. Elsewhere we talked about the Steam Deck, Beastars, anime musicals, and the whole Oyamada Keigo/Cornelius Olympics scandal that's been going on. So please bear with the shaky video on this one (and on recent ones in general) and we promise to get that fixed in the future! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Live Broadcast:
June 12, 2018 7:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Tiffany Description: Ultra Podcast Z gets comfortable in its normal schedule again! This episode sees the return of Tiffany to the rotating third host seat and we had a lot to discuss! The first half features a lot of AKB48 news from updates on the 53rd Single World Senbatsu General Election and Produce 48! We watched a lot of new MVs and we talked about yet ANOTHER Johnny's scandal and went over some Hello! Project news including the currently ongoing "ONLY YOU" audition! In between we discussed crazy money sinks and the new "Back Street Girls" anime! Lots to see here! Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 7 PM PST! Live Broadcast:
January 23, 2018 8 PM PST Hosts: Manuel Konaru Description: This is an episode that we probably should have cancelled since both hosts weren't feeling too well. Either way, we soldiered on through a short 45 minute podcast where we discussed recent graduations and upcoming events. Look forward to future episodes where your hosts aren't as lifeless! Live Broadcast:
November 9, 2017 8 PM PST Hosts: Manuel Konaru Description: Ultra Podcast Z returns! Manuel and Konaru go over the reasons why the podcast went onto a huge hiatus and discuss the various projects that are going on right now such as our pending interviews with Juice=Juice, WHY@DOLL, and KOTO. We also discussed Halloween in Japan, the upcoming NECRONOMIDOL tour, recent WACK news, and a very interesting video from Kamiya Erina! Please like,comment, and subscribe for more! |
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