We Gotta Go Fast | Ultra Podcast Z 252 (Sonic The Hedgehog, Palworld, & More w/ @PhotakuNetwork)9/30/2024 Live Broadcast:
September 24, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: We're back once again to talk the Sonic series with Josh along with some more State of Play news. Bringing the News DIRECT-ly to You | Ultra Podcast Z 249 (Nintendo Direct w/ @PhotakuNetwork)9/2/2024 Live Broadcast:
August 27, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: Manuel's finally back just in time to talk the combination Nintendo Direct and Indie World showcase. He and Josh also take the time to talk about the Sonic 3 trailer and their dream Marvel vs Capcom roster. We TRIED To Talk About 2024... | Ultra Podcast Z 227 (2024 Film, TV, & Games w/ @PhotakuNetwork)2/5/2024 Live Broadcast:
January 30, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: Manuel returns to talk about the films, tv shows, and games we're looking forward to in 2024....at least until he and Photaku got sidetracked talking about Tetsuya Nomura and buying games to get other games made. Live Broadcast:
October 17, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: It's almost the end of the spooky month and we decided to have an episode dedicated to J-Horror media. Basically tossing in movies, anime, and manga into one big episode that features Photaku once again. A fun episode that has a few recs inside of it. Check it out and let us know some of your favorite J-Horror picks. Also, let us know if the Ghost Stories lie fooled you too. Anyway, let us know what your favoirte scary movie is, or better yet, what your favorite Scream movie is! Ultra Podcast Z 209 (Summer Gaming w/ Nestor) | Anime Expo, June 2023 Nintendo Direct, TOTK, More!6/27/2023 Live Broadcast:
June 20, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Nestor Description: Ultra Podcast Z returned, though on a Wednesday instead of Tuesday. This was due to more schedule nonsense and fallout from the AX prep. Nestor joined us for this one though, and we got lucky as Wednesday morning saw a new Nintendo Direct that gave us a lot of easy topics to cover! We talked about most of the new announcements, scattered throughout the entire show, with an added emphasis on the shockingly high price of the Super Mario RPG Remake (59.99!), the low price of the Pikmin 1 & 2 re-releases (40!), and about all the wackiness in Super Mario Wonder. In between we talked about AX nonsense, since it is coming up soon, other gaming stuff, such as games we've been playing/reviewing recently, and even about how Keiji Inafune broke up Manuel and his girlfriend! That last part was kind of a random story, but it was a real one that surprisingly isn't as repeated as other stories. It's pre-A-to-J, but a weird window like weeks before A-to-J started, and topics from those times don't often come up. There was a lot of fun and wackiness here, and we had something of a form to this one. Also, you can catch Nestor's doggo if you look closely enough! We have at least one more episode before we take a small break for Anime Expo, so keep an eye out for that! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 197 (Retro Gaming w/ Fangy) Retro Beginnings, Fav Games, Fangy's Gaming Club, More!3/6/2023 Live Broadcast:
February 28, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Fangy Description: Ultra Podcast Z is closing out our "Febu-any" streams which were really just a random thing, but somewhat important in that we had an entire full month (five in this case) of shows with no breaks; something we haven't done in a surprisingly long time. Fangy joined us on this one, and this was actually the very first "Febu-any" episode we planned back in January. We had decided to talk retro gaming and we covered it pretty well even though we didn't quite move through all the topics we planned to. A fun topic and we discussed a lot about our favorite games, what we consider retro and lots more. It probably will shock no one that Manuel and Fangy had pretty different takes on all the topics and longtime viewers can probably see the parts where things like Final Fantasy IX, Metroid Prime, and other games that Manuel has ranted about get mentioned. With that said, we did stay mostly on topic throughout, and even though we promised that we'd sprinkle in a bunch of then-recent news topics we had listed in our show notes, we never actually got around to them. All this aside, that idea of a Gaming Club (similar to a Book of The Month Club) sounds like a lot of fun and more people should form them. If anyone has something similar be sure to let us know in the comments as we'd love to hear it. Also, check out "Frog: For Whom The Bell Tolls" and "Uncharted Waters: New Horizons" for our favorite retro games! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 193 (Supporting Friends' Holes w/ Hinacchi) Fire Emblem, Canada, Anime Cons, More!2/7/2023 Live Broadcast:
January 31, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Hinacchi Description: Ultra Podcast Z is getting a little bit of a makeover as these longer descriptions are only going to be on the site from here on out. If you watch on the site... well, comment below or something to let us know if we should keep writing these! Anyway, Hinacchi was set to be on this one and was about thirty minutes late but rather than start late we decided to just go on normally and kill time until she showed up. We talked Fire Emblem, streaming, and other recent news stuff before she dropped in and then we talked all sorts of update stuff, anime cons we want to go to, Hina's maid/idol activities, her OnlyFans and more. It was a pretty random episode as we DID have some semblance of topics but we were kind of at a loss due to the late start. There was a very zoom-y cat though just out of frame so there's that! It was a fun episode though like always and there's a lot of hot takes and topics that you might have an opinion on, and we'd love to hear it! Anyhow, we're alive and we're moving into February, let's see if this momentum continues! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 176 (Running A Con w/ Donald) Gaming & Anime News, Tora-Con Info & Stories, More!6/24/2022 Live Broadcast:
June 21, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: JD Donald Description: Ultra Podcast Z had another weird week. The end of the no-host period is wrapping up now, but it's been interesting to see how UPZ can continue on. This week JD actually contacted a friend of his, Donald, the chair of Tora-Con, to be his co-host. Tora-Con is a local anime convention held at the Rochester Institute of Technology (link below) in Rochester, New York and, while that was a the main topic here, there was a lot covered. It's definitely interesting to get someone behind the scenes when it comes to running a convention as we've (surprisingly) have not really tried this kind of topic before even though we all have more than our share of convention runner friends. Besides Tora-Con talk there was news, anime, and video game talk all throughout and there was a lot of storytime and event talk when it came to Tora-Con itself. It's a little weird watching UPZ with such a different cast but it's been an unique ride that's for sure! Anyhow, be sure to check out this episode, check out Tora-Con if you can, and keep watching UPZ! Maybe we'll have Donald on again in the future as both him and Photaku, not to mention JD himself, did a good job making up for some unforeseen circumstances. Next week both Manuel and Nyaru should be back talking about some pre-Anime Expo stuff so let's see if things jump back to normal after that! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 175 (No Manuel, No Cry w/ Photaku) Video Game Updates, Netflix, Conventions, More!6/16/2022 Live Broadcast:
June 14, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: JD Photaku Description: Ultra Podcast Z had a really weird week. Manuel was indisposed because of a lot of personal irl nonsense and Nyaru was going to take the week off. Normally, either of these things (especially Manuel not being able to make it), would mean that the episode would be cancelled but JD, our mod who has been on every episode for about year now as our mod, decided that he could get a show together on his own and got Photaku, who himself has replaced Nyaru many times recently, to join him as co-host. We had some ideas of what we were going to talk about this summer but JD decided to focus on a more topical idea: E3 game news since there won't be any sort of E3 this year at all. There was a lot of game talk, a lot of random talk and then things moved to Netflix news and the old standby: anime conventions. More talk about updates and a lot about JD's recent trip to Anime Boston closed what was a very unique show. It's unknown if this kinda format will ever happen again, but it's interesting that the show can indeed go on without either of its hosts. Also, if you look at the chat, Manuel was in the show a lot actually but only in spirit! Anyway, hopefully next week will see Manuel and Nyaru return, and if not, we know that the should CAN still go on! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 168 (Video Game Nonsense) Bees, Comfort & Puzzle Games, Sonic The Hedgehog, More!4/19/2022 Live Broadcast:
April 12, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Nyaru Description: Ultra Podcast Z is back after another small break as we skipped last week because Nyaru wasn't feeling well. This week we were a little more alive and decided that we'd cover all sorts of video game nonsense, in the form of recommendations. It was hard separating this one as it was a bit all over the place and actually quickly devolved into a discussion of the new Sonic movie and more about the games in general. The Sonic talk takes up about half the show and you can leave hate comments below for Manuel as he referred to Sally Acorn as "Sally Fox". Also we determined that Rouge The Bat was the best Sonic girl even though she technically wasn't in the poll we were running. We didn't just talk Sonic though and besides going on about bees and Offkai Expo, we covered Mario, puzzle games, comfort games, and more. We even touched on those bowling memes that were wild af recently! Let us know what some of your comfort games are and some of your video game recommendations in general. Also, if you're watching this as opposed to just playing it in the background, be sure to check out JD's recs which he placed on-screen throughout even though we didn't acknowledge them mostly live. If we ever cover this topic again we'll probably try to give the topic more "form" but we do our best here at UPZ! Also, Nyaru is stinky, that is all. As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! |
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March 2025