Live Broadcast:
February 20, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: Manuel and Josh get together once again to talk about media ownership in the 20th century. How much longer is physical media going to be a thing? Should some media stay lost to time? What exactly do David Zaslav's boots taste like? Ultra Podcast Z 194 (Gaming & Anime w/ Photaku) Hogwart's Legacy, Sally Amaki, Anime Expo, More!2/13/2023 Live Broadcast:
February 7, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: Ultra Podcast Z is back to Tuesday after two random Wednesday shows! Photaku joined us this week as we tackled some interesting topics that mainly had to do with the Switch (upcoming Nintendo Direct and new sales records) and Hogwart's Legacy. The latter topic doesn't need any introduction as the game's release, and the reaction to it, has taken over just about every corner of the internet. We're not here to change anyone's mind, but we have our views and they were all laid out here. Elsewhere we talked about Sally Amaki voicing in both English & Japanese, the passing of the creator of the first known AMV, Anime Expo selling out of its first line of badges, and even managed to talk a lot about anime, which isn't something we do a lot on the show. There was a lot of randomness in between as well and it was a lot of fun all things considered. A more structured episode where we had a lot of topics lined up unlike the more freeform episodes that kicked off 2023, so let's just carry on from here! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 176 (Running A Con w/ Donald) Gaming & Anime News, Tora-Con Info & Stories, More!6/24/2022 Live Broadcast:
June 21, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: JD Donald Description: Ultra Podcast Z had another weird week. The end of the no-host period is wrapping up now, but it's been interesting to see how UPZ can continue on. This week JD actually contacted a friend of his, Donald, the chair of Tora-Con, to be his co-host. Tora-Con is a local anime convention held at the Rochester Institute of Technology (link below) in Rochester, New York and, while that was a the main topic here, there was a lot covered. It's definitely interesting to get someone behind the scenes when it comes to running a convention as we've (surprisingly) have not really tried this kind of topic before even though we all have more than our share of convention runner friends. Besides Tora-Con talk there was news, anime, and video game talk all throughout and there was a lot of storytime and event talk when it came to Tora-Con itself. It's a little weird watching UPZ with such a different cast but it's been an unique ride that's for sure! Anyhow, be sure to check out this episode, check out Tora-Con if you can, and keep watching UPZ! Maybe we'll have Donald on again in the future as both him and Photaku, not to mention JD himself, did a good job making up for some unforeseen circumstances. Next week both Manuel and Nyaru should be back talking about some pre-Anime Expo stuff so let's see if things jump back to normal after that! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 162 (The Big Game w/ Dr. Wes) NFTs & The Metaverse, Rings of Power, Gaming, More!2/18/2022 Live Broadcast:
February 15, 2022 6:00 PM PST Hosts: Manuel Dr. Wes Description: Ultra Podcast Z is back after the "Big Game" with a big episode! Well, it would've been bigger but Nyaru decided this was a good week to kill her voice on Valentine's Day but we continued on with a last minute fill-in with Weston. This was probably for the best as he was really keen on the topics that we were going to cover even if he didn't use video per usual. Speaking of Weston, we had a misspelling on his name during the stream as "WestlySaxon" forgetting the "e" in the first part. Oops. There's also some minor audio issues but we fixed them where we could but this was a fun episode otherwise as we used the idea of the "Big Game" (damn that trademark lol) to talk about some tangentially related topics like NFTs, Facebook's Metaverse, and the upcoming Lord of The Rings show "Rings of Power". We also covered a lot about the Nintendo Direct that took place right after last week's episode and talked a bit about Valentine's Day and the game itself. Good times considering all the last minute issues we had with this episode. Let us know your thoughts on some of the topics we covered here and keep an eye out for some of our upcoming episodes since we have a lot of fun stuff planned in the future. Also, let's keep an eye out and hope that Nyaru doesn't cancel anymore and that we return to a more regular two-host schedule as the year is now in full swing for all of us. Maybe we'll advertise on next year's "Big Game"... Oh, and at one point we mentioned an older Valentine's Day episode of UPZ and it unfortunately turns out that that episode is one of the many "lost" episodes from our early days. RIP. As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 140 (Gaming Nonsense w/ Badman) Games, Anime Tube Kickstarter, Horror, GACKT, More!7/16/2021 Live Broadcast:
July 13, 2021 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Badman JD Description: Ultra Podcast Z had another of our infamous "cursed episodes" as this was very nearly cancelled but we decided to soldier on, THEN all sorts of technical issues meant that we started a bit late and a lot of other random nonsense kept this episode from being up to par in general (also a nice place to mention that we're aware that it isn't the best quality and the audio does slowly drift out of sync from the video as the show goes on, but we did our best from the sources we had) but once again we're soldiering on. The show itself was quite fun and featured JD in a speaking role replacing Hinacchi who was supposed to be on. Originally we were going to focus far more on gaming and related topics but we decided to kind of float this one all over the place talking about such randomness as the joy of annoying cosplayers at cons and how GACKT recently became an anti-vaxxer. More on topic we talked about a bunch of games we're looking forward to and things we're playing now. Namely we mentioned a "sexy Dark Souls" game with "She Will Punish You" and updated everyone on the Cannibal Holocaust game we mentioned over a year ago now titled "Borneo: A Jungle Nightmare". All the technical stuff aside, this was actually a very fun, on point episode and we just wish that everything visually and audio-wise followed suit. There's always next week though. As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 78 (Halloween Randomness w/ Jordan) | Halloween Plans, ARGs, Random Gaming, More!11/7/2019 Live Broadcast:
October 29, 2019 7:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Jordan Description: Ultra Podcast Z is bringing back its special Halloween episodes again this year and this last one is by far the most random. Almost cancelled, we decided to have a very chill night and just talk randomness among things like revisiting topics and discussing our Halloween plans. It's worth noting that Jordan showed up late (about 30 minutes in) and Konaru mainly was represented by a live drawing screen. The topic eventually shifted to ARGs and we discussed Daisy Brown at length before moving onto the "Hey Walter, Meet My Girlfriend" video, which also marked Jordan's entry. Besides an amusing story from Jordan regarding why he was late, we moved into some gaming. After spending a long time troubleshooting it, we went into an... interesting game of "7 Days To Die" and ultimately... died! We unfortunately lost audio in the stream not too long after that, but we think it's still a lot of fun if you want something different from us! Thank you to everyone who watched these special Halloween episodes and be sure to tune in once we return to our regular topics! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 7 PM PST! |
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March 2025