J.D.'s Back From Japan & Has Stories to Tell! | Ultra Podcast Z 265 (J.D.'s Japan Trip 2025)3/17/2025 Live Broadcast:
March 11, 2025 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: J.D. Manuel Description: J.D.'s back and UPZ's come back with him. He goes over all the details of his Japan trip from the last two weeks with Manuel. Here exciting(?) stories about losing his wallet, learning to navigate the train system and nearly getting attacked by a bear. Live Broadcast:
December 12, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Fangy Description: Fangy joins us for the fourth time to talk about her recent trip to Japan, Shirakawago, the inspiration for Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni and going shopping in Japan. Ultra Podcast Z 193 (Supporting Friends' Holes w/ Hinacchi) Fire Emblem, Canada, Anime Cons, More!2/7/2023 Live Broadcast:
January 31, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Hinacchi Description: Ultra Podcast Z is getting a little bit of a makeover as these longer descriptions are only going to be on the site from here on out. If you watch on the site... well, comment below or something to let us know if we should keep writing these! Anyway, Hinacchi was set to be on this one and was about thirty minutes late but rather than start late we decided to just go on normally and kill time until she showed up. We talked Fire Emblem, streaming, and other recent news stuff before she dropped in and then we talked all sorts of update stuff, anime cons we want to go to, Hina's maid/idol activities, her OnlyFans and more. It was a pretty random episode as we DID have some semblance of topics but we were kind of at a loss due to the late start. There was a very zoom-y cat though just out of frame so there's that! It was a fun episode though like always and there's a lot of hot takes and topics that you might have an opinion on, and we'd love to hear it! Anyhow, we're alive and we're moving into February, let's see if this momentum continues! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 192 (Happy New Year! w/ Snakz) ALA Panels & Recap, Travel, Holiday Matsuri, More!1/28/2023 Live Broadcast:
January 25, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Snakz Description: Ultra Podcast Z had a bit of shakiness as there were cons, sickness, and all-around cancellations that caused our return to happen a lot later than we would have hoped. Also, once we were ready to return a last minute concert made it that we were going to have to host this episode on a Wednesday instead of a Tuesday, which would normally be our gaming stream... but those are still awaiting their return too. It's a very odd situation that only effects us and the tens of people that watch, but an odd situation nonetheless. Snakz joined here as our original idea was to discuss ALA, recent cons, and some upcoming concerts and events for the year. We definitely did the first one but maybe lost the plot for a bit before coming back to randomness and discussing cons and events later this year. We did talk a bit about concerts here and there but a lot of our storytime might be lost to people who aren't regular viewers as there are some bits that lack context if you're just dropping in randomly. Sorry about that but episodes after long breaks usually have an odd feel to them where everyone is trying to get back into the groove of things, and this one is no exception. Anyhow, there's still some fun to be had here, especially when people finally showed up in the chat about halfway in, so check it out and let's look forward to 2023! Will UPZ survive past episode 200? We shall see... As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 181 (Bread & More w/ Jessie & Adam) AMVs, Making Anpan, Pusheen Box Opening, More!8/19/2022 Live Broadcast:
August 16, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Jessie Adam Description: Ultra Podcast Z has been carrying on without Nyaru for the past few weeks (she will be back soon!) and this week we saw TWO guests! Adam & Jessie are friends of our mod JD, and are also associated with Tora-con, and we had a lot of topics to talk about with them. There was a little bit of confusion on WHAT the topic would be and rather than talk about paneling at anime conventions (what Manuel thought) we discussed the topics that they paneled on. This took us to some interesting places though as an episode on cheap Japan travel, Japanese bread, and AMVs are really interesting topics and we all stayed mostly on point, and active, throughout the entire run time. We honestly could've talked JUST about our experiences travelling in Japan as there was clearly a lot more we all had to say and all the hosts clearly had very different takes on what made up a good trip to Japan. There was even a time lapse bread breaking video towards the end which is crazy when you remember the entire "Boomer Hates Bread" UPZ thing from 2020. Oh, and there is even a Pusheen unboxing to randomly round things out at the end! We hope to have Jessie & Adam back at some point in the future as this was a really fun episode and we think you'll find it so as well! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 160 (2022 Resolutions w/ Photaku) Travel, Cons, Video Games, Lunar New Year, More!1/28/2022 Live Broadcast:
January 25, 2022 6:00 PM PST Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: Ultra Podcast Z had a really fun and random episode that started with yet another last minute Nyaru cancellation! We had talked to Photaku about being on this New Year's Resolution episode though so for the third time he became the Nyaru replacement rather than a guest third host. It was also his birthday, a fact we didn't know when he was asked to be on and something we probably should've referred to more within the show itself. Anyway, even though we had a central topic to focus on this week we kinda lost the goat about twenty minutes in (complete with the usual technical difficulties) and talked a LOT about video games, video game collecting, and the process of selling retro game collections (as well as figures and stuff) in this somewhat inflated collectibles market. It was a somewhat random topic but the chat was really into it and JD didn't rein in the content as much as he usually does. Perhaps this is a taste of an eventual return to an A-to-J gaming podcast? Anyhow, we eventually did go back to the original idea and talk a bit more about new year's resolutions and Lunar New Year stuff before wrapping up. A random show all throughout that was fun nonetheless, if only Nyaru had shown up! Anyway, wish Photaku a "Happy Birthday" in the comments below even though we'll be a few days removed at best by the time you read this! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Live Broadcast:
July 22, 2020 7:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Jasmine Description: Ultra Podcast Z returns after a short accidental break with episode 102! Weeks of delays as we tried to get this Jasmine co-hosted episode off the ground made it so that it actually took place on A-to-J's sixth anniversary! We didn't really mention it all too much as the July anniversary is more of a "soft" anniversary (we celebrate another in November when the site itself launched) but it's worth a mention. Jasmine joins us again, though planned and not last minute, and she discussed a lot of her recent activities such as her entering MiSS ID, her experiences in the (ongoing) WACK auditions, and even a bit on her new, upcoming fashion line. Elsewhere Konaru went into a bit of detail about where she's been (having taken a break from streaming on her end) and her plans to become a VTuber. From there we discussed a bit of idol groups before just devolving into a lot of nonsense regarding travel with an emphasis on South Korea and Japan, including things you shouldn't/can't look up online while in South Korea and how you can kill time going in circles on the Yamanote Line in Tokyo! There was a lot of randomness here but also a lot of fun and we can't wait to get back into the UPZ groove! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z # 49 (Season Finale) | Japan Trip, MNL48, RPG Monger Idol Video, Aqours @ Tokyo Dome11/29/2018 Live Broadcast:
November 28, 2018 7:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Description: Ultra Podcast Z is wrapping up Season 1 with two episodes featuring the hosts of the very first episode. The first of these features Konaru who is back from a recent trip to Japan. We originally were going to focus this one on travelling to Japan and reminiscing on the first 50+ episodes of Ultra Podcast Z but then other real topics came up such as MNL48 and a certain video we just HAD to discuss. The RPG Monger recently released a video titled "Taking a Look at Idol Culture and the Strange Industry Around it" and we took to this video and immediately found a lot of flaws with it. While we didn't intend for our segment on this video to be as long as it was it took up more than half of the run time and we're still not sure if we got everything out we wanted to. ALSO we want it reiterated once again that this was very much a hot, live take on the topic and it was not rehearsed, and not even discussed too much beforehand (as is our way), so keep that in mind when watching. Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 7 PM PST! Live Broadcast:
January 16, 2018 8 PM PST Hosts: Manuel Konaru Description: We originally were going to skip this episode, but it turned out that Konaru was back from her trip to Japan and South Korea and we decided to put on a last minute episode mainly detailing her trip! We also discussed some things she missed and several upcoming A-to-J appearances and events! Please like, comment, and subscribe for more! Publishing Date:
October 3, 2017 Recording Date: September 16, 2017 Hosts: Manuel Teepu Description: This is the first recorded episode of Ultra Podcast Z! Though thanks to scheduling, this has become the fifth episode! This one we had a somewhat random beginning, but bear with us! We have a nice informative episode about traveling to Japan! We cover everything from money changing to attending concerts! Featuring Manuel and Teepu, this was originally also going to feature Heidi... We hope to have a continuation of this episode with her on soon! |
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March 2025