Ultra Podcast Z 99.5 (Randomness w/ Callie & Molly) | Fanime, Storytime, Conspiracy Theories, More!5/29/2020 Live Broadcast:
May 26, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Callie Molly Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still in quarantine and we're coming off our recent Drink Talk Learn stream with the TRUE Episode 99.5! This was originally to be a FanimeCon appreciation podcast as we are huge fans of that particular convention and it was one of many that was forced to cancel its 2020 show, but the podcast turned into something more. We were a little unable to focus on telling a cohesive and linear story here about our first FanimeCons and our favorite FanimeCon memories, but the stories were there and we discussed a lot regarding Fanimaid and other relative nonsense like the issues that maid cafe causes to A-to-J panels at Fanime. In between this though we talked a LOT about food (the origin of "ketchup" anyone?) and some of our earliest drug and alcohol experiences. We did tie some of them into anime conventions, but yeah, there was a lot of randomness in this one. That isn't all of it though as we were considering wrapping up the show and then we accidentally dived into the world of conspiracy theories AGAIN but with a lot more manic energy this time around. Honestly, that crazy abrupt ending is almost worth watching on its own... Oh yeah, RIP FanimeCon 2020 and we'll definitely be back in 2021! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 99 (Celebrating 100+ Episodes w/ Tiffany & Callie) | Storytime, Unseen Clips, More!5/20/2020 Live Broadcast:
May 19, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Tiffany Callie Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still in quarantine and we're hitting one of our biggest milestones ever! We're at over 100 episodes (thanks to many "half" episodes) and we're taking a special look back at over two years of UPZ! First off we have Tiffany returning as guest co-host and we have Callie returning again. Tiffany being a regular in the early UPZ days and Callie being a regular over the past year. The latter being our most repeated co-host ever! Anyhow, we discussed the history of the show, from its beginnings in the "A-to-J Talks" days to the formation of the new podcast, to that format stalling quickly before finally finding its early footing. Those early days were a big boom to the show and while we've continued for years through that we also took a look at our dedication to the show even though our reach and audience has always stayed relatively small. Lots of funny clips were shown as we looked back on some early episodes and also showed off some clips that have never been seen publicly. Lots of reminiscing and a look back at some of our long list of past hosts was culminated by us describing our favorite podcast moments. Most of the hosts were unable to recall many (or much regarding their UPZ appearances) but we found some for everyone after a bit of discussion! Anyhow, this episode was a little all over the place and not ideal, but we are not in ideal times and it is what it is. However, we thank EVERYONE who has watched and supported us over the past years and 100+ episodes and we hope to keep this up for 100 more! Let us know if you have any favorite (or even not-so-favorite!) podcast moments! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Live Broadcast:
May 16, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Mista Badguy Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still in quarantine and all our convention plans for 2020 are done. One of the biggest cons for us every year is FanimeCon in San Jose and in place of us hosting panels at that con, we decided that we'd put together some special podcast episodes where we sort of tackle our podcast topics in a slightly different format. The second one in the lineup is our panel on Japanese Metal in the 80s. We covered all sorts of topics and basically expanded the version of the panel we did most recently at Anime Los Angeles. What's funny is that we had some concerns before starting as to whether we'd be able to fill the time for the podcast but we went on FOR THREE HOURS! We also went ahead and threw caution to the wind and played music/videos of the bands we talked about so this one is probably going to get all sorts of claims on it! Anyhow, Mista Badguy is here and is the standard host for this panel when it's done at conventions and we had a LOT to say here. Even though we tried our best to be informative and as inclusive as possible, there is obviously a lot that we weren't able to cover but please let us know some other bands we should check out/add/etc in future versions! We also had a few minor mistakes in facts here and there (almost entirely on Manuel's part) but we were live and working off the cuff so to speak so we apologize for any of those, though none were particularly egregious. Watch and let us know what some of your favorite Japanese Metal bands are and also let us know what you think of this sort of format as we are considering using it in the future even without the excuse of cancelled conventions. As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! (Notes: We had some audio issues live and we tried to fix them for this version but please be aware that not all instances may be fixed. Also, there was a drop in the podcast, hence that weird fade in/out. Lastly, we didn't update the lower right description very well, but if you follow the lower left box you should be able to see the topic we were on! Thanks again!) Ultra Podcast Z 98 (Quarantine Blues 6 w/ Callie) | Storytime, Conspiracies, Balloon Animals, More!5/13/2020 Live Broadcast:
May 12, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Callie Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still in quarantine and this particular episode was mentioned as being the hopeful sixth and last episode of the "Quarantine Blues" series of podcasts. Basically random shows where we let spill the nonsense that we've occupied ourselves with during this safer-at-home period. Originally set to end on May 15th, the order has been extended in LA indefinitely so while we did the episode as planned, there is no end in immediate sight. Also worth noting that Manuel had really bad allergies before this podcast and almost cancelled and Callie was added literally minutes before we went live. (Hence her early reluctance to join in on our topics) The opening starts slow as Konaru plays a lot of ACNH and only really picks up after Callie starts making balloon animals. Including a very impressive penis hat. Afterwards we started a very weird set of storyimes that honestly needs to be listened to to be believed. We REALLY went for some weird topics. After more randomness we decided to ALL play some ACNH before we wrapped up so there is an awkward 15 minutes or so where we're all playing a video game no one can else can see lol. What followed was VERY weird though as we actually jumped into the topic we had originally said was going to be our main one for the night, conspiracy theories. Even though we hit the topic in a fast and messy way, we did manage to get all our points out and if anyone stuck around until the end of this one, then you deserved that reward. Anyhow, thanks for watching and keep an eye on our path to our 100th episode! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 97.5 (Macross Special w/ Haro) | Minmay, DYRL, Fire Bomber, Walkure, Mecha, More!5/10/2020 Live Broadcast:
May 9, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Haro Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still in quarantine and all our convention plans for 2020 are done. One of the biggest cons for us every year is FanimeCon in San Jose and in place of us hosting panels at that con, we decided that we'd put together some special podcast episodes where we sort of tackle our podcast topics in a slightly different format. The first one up is our panel on Macross! We haven't hosted this one as many as some of our other ones but we have hosted it exclusively at FanimeCon and were hoping to do so again this year so here it is! Normally hosted by Manuel, Leslie (Haro)m and Racheal, Racheal was unable to make it to this particular podcast so we soldiered on as a duo. With that said we had a lot of fun and covered most of what we do in the in-person panel and arguably a lot more as we managed to fill up a full two hours on this topic! We should probably here reiterate that we are simply fans and while we consider ourselves quite knowledgeable (and exciteable!) on the topic we are by no means experts so keep that in mind as you watch. That said, we covered all the shows, a bunch of characters and tropes, the music, some of our favorite moments, and more! We even touched a bit on Robotech... That topic Macross fans rarely touch. Anyhow, let us know some of your fav Macross memories and also let us know what you think of this sort of format as we are considering using it in the future even without the excuse of cancelled conventions. As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 97 (Online Conventions w/ Callie) | Idol Con, Anime Lockdown, Funimation Con, More!5/6/2020 Live Broadcast:
May 5, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Callie Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still in quarantine for now and our double schedule is still going strong! At the time of broadcast and upload, this was a back-to-back episode with the one featuring Hinacchi and Tiffany. We originally were going to have a different co-host on but Callie jumped on at the last minute continuing her streak towards becoming the most frequent guest co-host! We talked Online Conventions here as they have been popping up all over the place ever seen in-person events and conventions have been forced to cancel. After some fun storytime, we dived into the topics and covered a bit of history of when these cons started to pop up and then we looked at some online events that have happened and will be happening. Namely, we discussed Idol Con (which Konaru was a part of and Callie attended), Anime Lockdown (where A-to-J member Ivan attended) and Funimation Con, which will be taking place on the weekend Anime Expo would've been held. Besides looking at the events we critiqued them a bit and looked at some of the pros and cons regarding conventions moving to an online setting as well as looking into whether these cons will continue to be a viable option in the future. Let us know your views on the topic in the comments below! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 96.5 (The Idol World w/ Tiffany & Hinacchi) | Streaming, Zoom, Touch Events, More!5/5/2020 Live Broadcast:
May 4, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Tiffany Hinacchi Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still in quarantine, but that is ending soon for better or worse so will our stream schedule go back to normal? Of course not! This is the first of three episodes in the week of its uploading and this one features Tiffany and Hinacchi, both returning after long absences. The topic here was supposed to be the current glut of online streaming in Japan and the changing idol world, but we included a lot of randomness in between. We touched upon some topics that might even be considered "controversial" as we discussed how JAV is viewed in Japan and if something like OnlyFans would work there in the idol scene as some (though important to note, not in any percentage, all) in the overseas idol scene are taking to the site. Even if Japan doesn't though, it IS changing how fans consume content and support their favorite idols and we looked not only into that (anyone getting phone calls from your fav artists?) and how this might affect the scene going forward. A good time was had here and we had a very lively audience so be sure to check it out and let us know some of your thoughts on the topics we covered! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 60 (The "Drunk" Episode w/ Ren) | Concert Etiquette, Failed Topics, Drunken Nonsense5/1/2020 April 9, 2019 7:00 PM PDT
Hosts: Manuel Ren Description: Ultra Podcast Z used to have several "lost" episodes that we've been slowly releasing over the years but none is more infamous than Episode 60 featuring Ren and a LOT of drinking. Originally scheduled to be a three-host podcast with Konaru on the topic of "Concert Etiquette", we decided to drink during it and just minutes before going live, Konaru had to drop out. What followed was a four-hour slow descent into nonsense. The first hour wasn't too bad and actually featured a bit on the actual topics (including the then-recent death of vocaloid-producer wowaka) before the alcohol caught up to us. There is too much to describe here on what happened in the following three hours, but suffice it to say that about 50 or so minutes were cut out for both content and to tighten up the pacing a little. The audience was quite active and big and it's unfortunate that the chat to this episode no longer survives, but there are some fun moments here that include Ren doing both a singing and dance cover with music that only she can hear! Drinks, shenanigans, and more make up this one and we hope that you enjoy it now, a year after it was live, as a nice little treat to watch while in these trying times. Here's hoping to a redux of this podcast in the future! Also, it's worth mentioning that with this release there are no more "lost" UPZ episodes except for Episode 68.5 (which is lost due to technical issues we can't fix) and the second episode of The Offshore Podcast... If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! |
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