Live Broadcast:
October 22, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: It's the spoopy month, and that means we're doing our usual themed episodes. It also means that we have to do at least one tier list! This year we (sort of) redid a horror movie tier list we did all the way back in 2020. This time around we used a premade one that had like 500 movies, but we only did about forty! Check it out, and let us know your thoughts on our picks and placement! Our Real Life Horror Stories | Ultra Podcast Z 254 (Retail & Con Stories w/ @PhotakuNetwork)10/14/2024 Live Broadcast:
October 8, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: We're back once again and this week, we're talking about our own real life horro stories. Work sucks. We know. Our Favorite Horror Movies | Ultra Podcast Z 253 (Horror Movies & More w/ @PhotakuNetwork)10/7/2024 Live Broadcast:
October 1, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: J.D. Photaku Description: Do you like scary movies? We sure do. J.D. and Josh kick off this Spooky Season talking about their favorite horror movies and clowning on Manuel as is tradition. Live Broadcast:
October 24, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Weston J.D. (In a more vocal role!) Description: We are back for another year of Public Domain Theater 0K with Bucket of Blood. Join Manuel, J.D. and Weston as they watch this classic Roger Corman B-movie featuring the legendary Dick Miller! We hope to continue this series each Halloween, and maybe for Christmas too! Live Broadcast:
October 17, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: It's almost the end of the spooky month and we decided to have an episode dedicated to J-Horror media. Basically tossing in movies, anime, and manga into one big episode that features Photaku once again. A fun episode that has a few recs inside of it. Check it out and let us know some of your favorite J-Horror picks. Also, let us know if the Ghost Stories lie fooled you too. Anyway, let us know what your favoirte scary movie is, or better yet, what your favorite Scream movie is! Live Broadcast:
October 10, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: When we started planning the October episodes way back we knew that we wanted to talk Scream again, and here we are! Joining us is Photaku, decked out in Ghostface garb, and we examine all the entire franchise sans the TV show. We actually planned to talk a bit about OTHER consistently good horror franchises at the very end, but we ran out of time and never got to it. We did sort of do that at the beginning though, so whatever. Next year! Anyway, let us know what your favoirte scary movie is, or better yet, what your favorite Scream movie is! Live Broadcast:
October 3, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Molly Tiffany Description: We're back from the dead and brought along Molly and Tiffany to make another version of the Halloween Candy Tier List! What do you think of our choices? We're pretty sure this is the least controversial version we've done so far, but be sure to let us know what you would've changed in the comments below! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Live Broadcast:
October 25, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku DarkWest Description: Ultra Podcast Z has had a shaky Halloween series this year, mainly due to a couple conventions that take place at the end of the month so planning was a bit off this time. We always planned to have a Tier List and a Watch-Along though and we were DETERMINED to fulfill those two scheduled shows! First off, it must be said that this episode has a FEW sound issues as we (the hosts) aren't quite as loud as we probably should be compared to the movie, but due to the nature of the stream, there isn't much we can do about it at the end. Also, this was done fairly last minute, despite the planning, and took place in a very busy time for everyone involved. Nyaru was still missing but the original co-hosts were not available this day (We originally wanted to recreate the "Night of The Living Dead" host crew from last year.) but we did our best. Also, the chat was a little cursed with how dead it was, so we covered it up in YouTube so it wouldn't be too distracting. It was still a lot of fun with Photaku and Weston joining us and we really enjoyed this movie even though it was VERY random at times and not quite what we were expecting even though we were very familiar with it. It's still crazy that this movie was filmed in a weekend and just as crazy that Roger Corman never cared enough to copyright it so he would get nothing from the eventual musical masterpiece this turned into. Speaking of musical, you can find that via a link below, along with the other stream we mentioned above. Halloween this year is coming up fast and we had a lot of fun so far. Did you? Well, we are planning at least ONE MORE Halloween-themed episode to close out the season, even though it'll take place AFTER Halloween, so keep an eye out for that! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 184 (Hao-lloween w/ Hao) Trick or Treating, Horror Movies, Twilight Zone, More!10/7/2022 Live Broadcast:
October 4, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Hao Description: Ultra Podcast Z is back on its Halloween bs and this is an interesting episode as we were originally going to have a completely different JD-centric episode due to some schedule nonsense and put together this episode just hours before go-time. This isn't TOO far from the usual UPZ nonsense, but it is interesting that we got Hao onto the show for the first time, thus completing his trifecta of appearing on every main A-to-J show we have! In the older days of our October episodes we used to cover the same topics with new hosts so we SORT OF did that here and went over some trick or treating memories and horror media stuff, but we kinda lost that plot about midway in. That was fine though as we had more than enough to talk about and even though Hao apparently isn't a big consumer of horror media that doesn't come in the form of movies (he REALLY needs to get on that horror musical thing though!) we still managed to talk a LOT about Twilight Zone towards the end. It's almost as if we had a Twilight Zone themed episode and kind of wasted it on the last segment here. That's fine though, maybe we'll have one in the future complete with monologue and us mouthing the theme. Would that be interesting or just ridiculous? We shall see! Keep watching in October though as we have more Halloween nonsense planned! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 151 (Horror Movie Remakes) Asian Horror, Texas Chainsaw, Friday The 13th, More!10/8/2021 Live Broadcast:
October 5, 2021 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Nyaru Dr. Wes JD (Mod) Description: Ultra Podcast Z is hitting up Halloween! It's the first of our special spoopy episodes and we're talking Horror Movie Remakes! These special spoopy episodes are always a lot of fun and we look forward to them and make sure to never skip a week and this is the year that we decided to tackle some topics that have been floating around in years past but we never got around to doing. This was originally thought to be a tier list but seeing as we kinda relied on doing those when we were lazy, we decided to just have it as an open discussion and this is probably for the best as it gave us time to talk about things and still give us space to be random when we felt like it. Wes joined us for this one and there are definitely movies that we accidentally skipped but we covered most of the heavy hitters here and that was largely the goal to begin with. We actually managed to get some good recommendations out of this and didn't just tear apart all the remakes as you might have expected us to do so be sure to let us know what you think about what we had to say about them and let us know your thoughts on some horror movie remakes, especially ones we didn't cover here! Elsewhere we talked about idol graduations, Sora in Smash Bros., and some nonsense about Whole Foods, so keep an eye out for that stuff too! Next week we're watching "Night of The Living Dead" which is another thing we've been talking about doing since UPZ Year One! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! |
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March 2025