Live Broadcast:
March 16, 2021 6:00 PM PST Hosts: Manuel Nyaru Janette Description: Ultra Podcast Z changed a little this week with the addition of a new mod for the live show so it's worth a brief mention that for the first time this "YouTube Version" is actually fairly unique from the version that was streamed live as it contains somewhat different visual elements and some of our references to the changing topics can't be seen here. Anyway, more on that in coming episodes but let's take a look at this one. This is the final episode in our "Quarantine Blues" series of podcasts. Not only has it been almost exactly a year since the beginning of the stay-at-home orders but we also made the promise that we'd return with "Episode VI" when those orders lift, and lift they have. It's been months since we've had an episode like this and they originally came out of the fact that we had a glut of hosts to draw from (since everyone was home) and we didn't really have anything to talk about since nothing was happening beyond event cancellations and topics that YouTube REALLY hated back then. While this one has a bit more form as we had an entire year of stuff to look back on, it's worth mentioning that it's a very loose episode that only had the barest of topics outlined, but it was still a fun episode to come back to and it was also a fun test on our new streaming format. Let's hope the rest of this year treats us all better than the last. As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 98 (Quarantine Blues 6 w/ Callie) | Storytime, Conspiracies, Balloon Animals, More!5/13/2020 Live Broadcast:
May 12, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Callie Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still in quarantine and this particular episode was mentioned as being the hopeful sixth and last episode of the "Quarantine Blues" series of podcasts. Basically random shows where we let spill the nonsense that we've occupied ourselves with during this safer-at-home period. Originally set to end on May 15th, the order has been extended in LA indefinitely so while we did the episode as planned, there is no end in immediate sight. Also worth noting that Manuel had really bad allergies before this podcast and almost cancelled and Callie was added literally minutes before we went live. (Hence her early reluctance to join in on our topics) The opening starts slow as Konaru plays a lot of ACNH and only really picks up after Callie starts making balloon animals. Including a very impressive penis hat. Afterwards we started a very weird set of storyimes that honestly needs to be listened to to be believed. We REALLY went for some weird topics. After more randomness we decided to ALL play some ACNH before we wrapped up so there is an awkward 15 minutes or so where we're all playing a video game no one can else can see lol. What followed was VERY weird though as we actually jumped into the topic we had originally said was going to be our main one for the night, conspiracy theories. Even though we hit the topic in a fast and messy way, we did manage to get all our points out and if anyone stuck around until the end of this one, then you deserved that reward. Anyhow, thanks for watching and keep an eye on our path to our 100th episode! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 94 (Quarantine Blues 5 w/ Janette) | Boomer Hates Bread, Cancelled & Online Cons4/15/2020 Live Broadcast:
April 14, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Janette Description: Ultra Podcast Z (and most of the rest of the country) is still in quarantine and this marks the last of our "Quarantine Blues" podcasts... for now! This one is a little all over the place as we opened with an easy "Surviving The Quarantine" bit and, after discussing some work-from-home situations, the podcast would continually derail as the topic of baking "quarantine bread" took up a lot of the podcast's time with the live chat viewers loving it. After some other odds and ends, like discussing some of the issues with restaurants like Hooters (and it's not actually the skimpy uniforms) the podcast weaved in and out of legitimate topics like what returning to "normal" really means when all this is said and done and the mess of going to events today when many organizations, including Ticketmaster, limiting options when it comes to getting refunds for postponed events. We also went in depth regarding the problems with the glut of online events that are replacing cancelled conventions. You may notice that the last two topics are sort of a retread, but we tackled them from different angles and included lots of new, developing informations. Of course, it'd be remiss to not keep mentioning that the bread argument didn't continually rear its ugly head so be prepared for that when tuning in! Stay healthy and take care of each other! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 93.5 (Quarantine Blues 4 w/ Pleiades & Badman) | Stuck In Peru, Mask Fashion, More!4/12/2020 Live Broadcast:
April 11, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Pleiades Badman Description: Ultra Podcast Z (and most of the rest of the country) is still in quarantine and we put on one of our long-awaited weekend episodes! Joining us for this one is both Treasurebox Press' Pleiades and Badman (AKA Warren) who literally just returned from Peru days ago after being stuck in Peru for weeks. While some of our topics strayed into familiar territory regarding how we are surviving quarantine, we had a LOT of fresh content here. Besides a longform version of Warren's "Locked Up Abroad"-esque story about getting stuck in Peru, we also covered topics like the Animal Crossing black market, the realities of martial law, if making corona-related jokes is okay in today's world (where we also looked at Full Moon's new movie "Corona Zombies") and mask fashion, among a LOT of other topics! (That Cannibal Holocaust video game anyone?) This was one of our most full and fun episodes and while we had to cut it a little shorter than we would've liked, (still over two hours) we will revisit these weekend episodes soon since this lockdown won't be ending in the near future. We will be here to provide you with more fun distractions! Also, be sure to comment and mention all the times the hosts "cancelled" themselves throughout this one! Stay healthy and take care of each other! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 93 (Quarantine Blues 3 w/ Molly) | Productivity, Food Adventures, YouTubers, More!4/9/2020 Live Broadcast:
April 7, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Molly Description: Ultra Podcast Z (and most of the rest of the country) is still in quarantine (and will be for the foreseeable future) and even though we said we'd return to more structured content we decided to continue the "Quarantine Blues" series though this one DID have more structure and featured very little Animal Crossing! Rubi was supposed to join us for this one and unfortunately did not but Molly popped in uber last minute and we still put on a good show! We started by talking about the strains of being productive during quarantine and what we're doing to keep us busy which quickly segwayed into some "food adventures" we're having cooking from home and (apparently) baking bread. Konaru was actually the only one who is truly being productive (trying to learn Japanese) and going on food adventures (baking bread) but we still covered a lot of ground discussion-wise! We then dove into some of our favorite YouTubers and some of the TV shows and movies we're watching. There was a nice deviation into the odd Hong Kong movie "The Untold Story" and after discussing some other shows and cool streaming services, we moved on to our regular weekly randomness as well as a big discussion as to why the new crop of online conventions are pretty much a waste of time and energy. Lots to see here and get ready for more Quarantine Blues soon! Stay healthy and take care of each other! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 92 (Quarantine Blues 2 w/ melancholiaah) | Storytime, ACNH, Furry Fandom, Randomness4/1/2020 Live Broadcast:
March 31, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru melancholiaah Description: Ultra Podcast Z (and most of the rest of the country) is still in quarantine (and will be for the foreseeable future) and we decided to throw together another random episode as we have been mad obsessed with Animal Crossing: New Horizons as well as generally trying to stay sane when all semblance of a schedule falls away. Joining us for this week's randomness is melancholiaah! (AKA Maxine) She's been away from our show since the Halloween specials, but we wanted to sit down with her and discuss how we're all surviving this current health crisis and there was a lot to go over. As you'd imagine there was a lot of Animal Crossing to discuss and we even streamed a bit of Konaru's island and had it open to anyone who wanted to stop by. (Something we may continue in future episodes) In between ACNH talks though, Max shared all the things that she was forced to cancel due to the current situation as well as to why there aren't any new Toad Sings videos in the pipeline. We discussed a few movies and series that we're watching/have watched, including "Tiger King" and "The Flu" and more. We touched a bit on furries towards the end and there was more all throughout that has to just be listened to understand! Check out Max's post on Konaru's bulletin board and we hope that you enjoy this random episode as we plan to return to more structures ones starting next week. Stay healthy and take care of each other! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 91 (Quarantine Blues w/ Molly & Racheal) | Storytime, ACNH, Randomness, And More!3/25/2020 Live Broadcast:
March 24, 2020 7:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru Molly Racheal Description: Ultra Podcast Z (and most of the rest of the country) is currently in quarantine and we're trying our best to survive not only the health crisis, but also the monotony that life at home can lead to. Thankfully we have Animal Crossing: New Horizons and more to occupy us! We originally were going to discuss ways to get through the quarantine by keeping yourself occupied with many free/reduced resources and sources of entertainment, but we QUICKLY found ourselves derailed into mostly randomness and storytime. It's also worth noting that this is TECHNICALLY our 100th Episode as we often have "half" episodes that fill up the numbering. Anyhow, we also had Konaru's ACNH island live during the podcast and it was visited by a few of our viewers and we might do that again so be sure to tune in for that! Besides Animal Crossing though, we also hit upon weird topics like our nerdy tendencies and "what kind" of nerd we are. The storytime got weirder as we also hit upon some of Molly's childhood trauma regarding weird dreams and some locker room stories from Middle and High School, a truly random episode. We were a full cast though, having a great time, so hopefully you enjoy this one as well and let it take you away from our current situation. Stay healthy and take care of each other! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 7 PM PST! |
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March 2025