Live Broadcast:
October 22, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: It's the spoopy month, and that means we're doing our usual themed episodes. It also means that we have to do at least one tier list! This year we (sort of) redid a horror movie tier list we did all the way back in 2020. This time around we used a premade one that had like 500 movies, but we only did about forty! Check it out, and let us know your thoughts on our picks and placement! Finishing The Ultimate Anime Tier List | Ultra Podcast Z 242 (Top 100 Tier List Pt. 2 w/ Photaku)6/10/2024 Live Broadcast:
June 4, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: Ani-May gets a special extra episode in which Manuel, Josh and J.D. finish up the Top 100 Titles on MAL Tier List and add in a few of the more recent titles that weren't on the old list. What shows did we rate too high? Which did we rate too low? Let us know in the comments. Ranking The Top Anime of All Time Part 1 | Ultra Podcast Z 240 (Anime Tier List w/ @PhotakuNetwork)5/29/2024 Live Broadcast:
May 21, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: Ani-May keeps on going. This week Manuel, Josh and J.D. rate some of the top anime on MAL. There were so many, we'll have to do a part two next month. What did we completely screw up? What did we get right? Let us know in the comments. Live Broadcast:
February 27, 2024 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Photaku Description: We're back for the final entry in the Fantasy February that never was with a tier list of Final Fantasy. Count all the times Manuel who hates things for being popular disparages people who hate FFVII for being popular. If you drink along with that, we are not to be blamed for any liver damage. Live Broadcast:
October 3, 2023 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Molly Tiffany Description: We're back from the dead and brought along Molly and Tiffany to make another version of the Halloween Candy Tier List! What do you think of our choices? We're pretty sure this is the least controversial version we've done so far, but be sure to let us know what you would've changed in the comments below! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 185 (Cryptid Tier List w/ Fangy) Bigfeet, Jersey Devil, Jackelopes, And More, Oh My!10/20/2022 Live Broadcast:
October 18, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Fangy Description: Ultra Podcast Z still hasn't seen Nyaru return but we had another VTuber guest this time around in the form of Fangy! We love doing tier lists in general and we always do at least ONE for our Halloween streams so it only made sense that we plan one out this year. We originally were going to have a Halloween Candy Redux, but we decided to do a Cryptid Tier List since that's actually an idea that's been on our backburner for a few years now and we had the perfect co-host in mind for this one! What's interesting is that we had a lot of trouble finding (and even creating) our own tier list in the typical way so at the last minute, like literally right before we went live, we decided that we were going to do it live in the purest sense. That means that we were going to open up a Paint document and DRAW the tier list as we went along. I say "we" but in fact all the drawing was done by JD, our mod, so be sure to give him a round of applause for this. Also, be sure to give Manuel a round of applause as he had a headache for much of this show and it was quite the effort to get through. All in all, this was a really fun, crazy unique episode the kind that we haven't seen in a bit so check it out and let us know what you think of our list! I guess we'll save that candy redux one for next year! Keep watching in October though as we have more Halloween nonsense planned! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 156 (Holiday Food Tier List w/ Photaku & Janette) Thanksgiving, Desserts, More!11/20/2021 Live Broadcast:
November 16, 2021 6:00 PM PST Hosts: Manuel Photaku Janette Description: Ultra Podcast Z took an accidental week off due to Manuel's computer literally blowing up so our episode on "Anime Guilty Pleasures" will probably be delayed for a bit as we're nearing a bunch of Holiday breaks and End of Year specials. What was the deal for this week though? A Tier List of course! This time we tacked "Holiday Foods" though it mainly became "American Thaksgiving Foods" which probably makes sense as that's the most popular holiday that is surrounded by food and if we had more items to rank this show would've ran very long. Speaking of running long, this one was surprisingly concise and probably was due to the fact that we only had three hosts +JD (our mod) instead of four which has been the usual number we've used for Tier Lists recently. With three people we managed to tackle all the items we deemed worthy of including and didn't argue too much during the show about rankings. The closest we probably got was a hot take on King's Hawaiian Rolls (which aren't even Hawaiian btw) that didn't really matter at the end of the day since they weren't on this list anyway. This wouldn't last though since everyone who's seen this list has argued with a lot of our placement (who would've thought that everyone hates stuffing and loves pumpkin pie?) including many past UPZ hosts and potential hosts for this specific list episode as well. Speaking of hosts, we had Photaku and Janette again on this list, the same as the Fast Food Redux but minus Warren. There was some randomness here and there in this episode but we kept it pretty tight and didn't jump into as many side stories and distractions which is probably for the best. Anyhow, this list is making us hungry so we're going to move on from this description but be sure to let us know what you think about our choices and where you would've placed some of these foods. If you're watching this AFTER Thanksgiving, let us know how that went too. Happy Holidays! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Live Broadcast:
August 17, 2021 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Janette Photaku Badman Description: Ultra Podcast Z goes back to that old standby that has gotten us through a weeks where we couldn't be bothered to come up with a proper topic: Tier Lists! We actually decided to do a Fast Food Tier List Redux (the original was about two years ago in the pre-Nyaru days) because Nyaru had done one recently and it was one of our first tier lists that could easily see different results with different co-hosts. Speaking of different co-hosts we had them this time around! Nyaru wasn't around, another reason for the tier list btw, but replacing her was Janette (who hasn't been on since around the start of the pandemic), Josh AKA "Photaku" (who is a first timer but an old friend), and Warren AKA "Badman" (who was actually SORT OF a replacement for Nestor who was supposed to be on). There's not too much to say in terms of lead up to this one except that there was a lot more arguing this time, a lot more restaurants, and we had JD, our mod, breaking up ties and making some executive decisions here and there along the way. Also, we speed up about a third of the way in, but this is the norm in these kind of shows as we always underestimate how much we have to say about each tier list item. Check it out, let us know what you think about our choices, and let us know if there are any other topics you'd want to see us tackle in the form of a tier list or otherwise! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 113 (Horror Movie Tier List w/ Molly, Jade, Geoff) | Ranking Classics, Modern, More!10/22/2020 Live Broadcast:
October 20, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Molly Jade Geoff Description: Ultra Podcast Z is bringing the spoops! We're nearing the end of our Halloween-themed shows and this one saw us doing yet another tier list! This series of streams started with a podcast dedicated to talking horror movies (featuring Snakz and Nyaru) and we joked then that maybe we should've made it into a tier list and seeing as there was one week still not properly planned out, we decided to do it! Originally seen as having completely different hosts (one of them being Nyaru) we decided on adding two new people to this one in the form of Jade and Geoff. Also, seeing as our recent Halloween Costume Tier List episode took a very long time to complete due to having five hosts (the most we've ever had btw) we decided to cap this one off at four, hence Nyaru's absence. That said, we still did manage to run this one into nearly four hours and we had a hell of a time ranking 40 of the biggest horror movies of all time! There are a lot of classics here but there are also a lot that we left off due to space and time considerations, so this will definitely be a topic that we return to next year, or perhaps even sooner! Anyhow, this one is a pretty good episode and if you look beyond the technical difficulties (Manuel's camera freezing and locking up for most of the stream and Molly's often harsh quality due to internet issues) there's a lot of fun to be had. Check it out, let us know what you think about our placements, and be sure to stay safe if you choose to go our this Halloween! Also, keep an eye out for more spoopy-related shows all throughout October! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 112 (Halloween Costume Tier List w/ Ren, Haro, Calli) | Ranking, Scare Actors, More!10/15/2020 Live Broadcast:
October 13, 2020 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Nyaru Ren Haro Calli Description: Ultra Podcast Z is bringing the spoops! We're in the middle of our Halloween-themed shows and this one saw us returning to tier lists again! Last year we ranked some of our favorite trick-or-treating candy and this time we decided to rank our some of the most popular costumes one sees on Halloween. This is by no means a complete list as it would be close to a hundred items long (at LEAST!) but the list was compiled using articles and sales data showing what the most popular costumes of recent years were and what was anticipated as being the "hot" costumes for 2020. Furthermore, Manuel and Ren have both worked at stores that sold Halloween costumes and the like so there was that expertise tossed in as well. It took a little longer than we thought to rank all the costumes, but it was a lot of fun and we also took a look at some silly "sexy" costumes as well as some favorites of from Ren's time working as a scare actor at a local amusement park. Check it out and be sure to stay safe if you choose to go our this Halloween! Also, keep an eye out for more spoopy-related shows all throughout October! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! |
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