Ultra Podcast Z 174 (Con Foods) Bacon-Wrapped Hot Dogs, Denny's, Alcohol, Snacks, Pizza, More!6/10/2022 Live Broadcast:
June 7, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Nyaru Description: Ultra Podcast Z took a break after Ani-May (mainly due to Fanime) but we're back and swinging with a topic close to our hearts: Convention Foods! Nyaru was back and while she wasn't at any recent conventions we're in full swing for the summer season. After the obvious "Top Gun: Maverick" dialogue was done, we talked about the most obvious of con foods: bacon wrapped hot dogs. We then talked pizza, Denny's, and basically any other standard con meal. Along the way we described some "extra" meals like taking time out of a busy weekend for a long (comparatively speaking) break at a sit-down restaurant. Of course we also talked snacks, alcohol, and all sorts of memes while sharing some anecdotes and taking some topic changes from the chat. It was a fun topic but we were a little off due to the break and we'll be well more in the swing of things as the month continues. What will the summer hold? Who knows but UPZ is about to come to it's FIFTH anniversary and that is a really wild thought. Maybe give us some topic ideas below... As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Live Broadcast:
April 26, 2022 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Badman Hinacchi Description: Ultra Podcast Z is still here even though we took a break because of JD's move and then had to replace him for our special Episode 169. (It's practically the funny internet number!) We already had lined up Hinacchi for this episode and Warren joined us as the actual host, reusing our old "Shooting The Sh*t" layout, and we carried on with what turned out to be a very random episode. Nyaru couldn't show up because of the then-upcoming Offkai Expo, and Manuel was going as well, so this wasn't as structured as many other episodes even though we DID come into it with several topics we wanted to cover. Looking back on it though we did move through most of what we wanted to talk about, and every host managed to get a lot of discussion in, just that it kinda flowed everywhere with more of the STS type antics over the usual UPZ ones. We did talk all sorts of things though like softcore parody movies, accidentally eating bugs, and Hina's long-unseen VTuber. This was originally going to be edited down, and maybe even held back as a "lost episode", but we decided to release it as is mainly due to the fact that our streams have been very shaky recently due to everyone's schedules and all the events that are upcoming. Look forward to at least one more episode like this one as JD will still be out for at least one more episode and also look forward to a series of anime-themed episodes with "Ani-May"! Oh, and expect a recap from Offkai Expo (as well as Nyaru's return) soon! As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 155 (Random News w/ Photaku) Facebook Goes Meta, Gundam Cafe, Food, MaiOtaku, More!11/5/2021 Live Broadcast:
November 2, 2021 6:00 PM PDT Players: Manuel Photaku Description: Ultra Podcast Z survived Halloween and we return to our normal schedule for the Holidays though we have some skipped weeks in the future so we decided to break tradition and not take the first week after Halloween off. Apparently Nyaru didn't get this memo though and our original plan, talking about "Guilty Pleasure Anime", was not going to happen so we went with some news stories we've missed and Photaku joined again filling in for an AWOL Nyaru in the eleventh hour! We talked all sorts of nonsense about food by accident in the middle and managed to loosely tie it back to our main topics, but speaking of those main topics, we covered Facebook's name change, Dune getting a sequel, the Ryan Kopf/MaiOtaku ongoing scandal, the closing of all the Gundam Cafes in Japan, and more! This WAS right after Halloween so we kind of were reminded of that both at the start and at the end of the show and we hope that you got food if you ordered it unlike our chat. We tried to get a few things out in this episode and one of them is to PLEASE stop casting Chris Pratt in your new animated projects... cast a dedicated voice actor instead. Also, if you're a robot trying to hide this fact from a big, live audience, Sweet Baby Ray's on the bookshelf might not be the way to do it... Anyway, this was a rather low-key episode, but it was fun and it kept our momentum strong and we hope to continue onwards until right before Christmas at the very least and we have a lot more focused topics in the near future! Hopefully Nyaru shows up in those upcoming ones though... As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 134 (Food w/ Badman) | IZ*ONE, New Menu Items, Chicken Sandwiches, Soy Sauce, More!5/21/2021 Live Broadcast:
May 18, 2021 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Nyaru Badman Description: Ultra Podcast Z was ready to go with this food episode but we went with Badman instead of Hinacchi (who was on when we decided that we wanted to have an episode where we just talked about food) As usual though, nothing can go quite that simple for UPZ. We started out with a LONG series of takes on Miyawaki Sakura announcing her graduation from HKT48 and what that means for her KPop career. We also took the opportunity to rag on IZ*ONE one more time just for kicks. We then moved into the food topic proper where we continued our talk about fried rice and discussed a recent situation where Manuel was wondering if his actions would label him a "Karen". We went on and on a bit after this talking about changes to fast food menus recently, both due to the current pandemic and otherwise, and gave a brief talk on our favorite chicken menu items as chicken and chicken sandwiches are all the rage in food these days. It was somewhere around the hour mark where Nyaru was forced to run off and bounce from the show and it Manuel and Badman continued on as a duo. This is interesting as in another version of this episode it would've been just Manuel and Nyaru and we'd probably have had one of the shortest UPZ episodes ever if that were the case. Anyhow, we talked soy sauce and lots of other nonsense before closing out the show and this is one of those fast and loose topics that we'll most definitely cover again in the future as soon as we can, probably with Hinacchi next time. As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z 132 (Idol Nonsense w/ Hinacchi) | Food & Boba, Updates, Idol Documentaries, More!4/24/2021 Live Broadcast:
April 20, 2021 6:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Nyaru Hinacchi Description: Ultra Podcast Z is celebrating 420 with a DOUBLE VTUBER SPECIAL! We actually had the idea to do a fast and loose idol-themed episode after our bigger take on idol documentaries keeps getting delayed. As such we asked Hinacchi to come back and to our surprise she showed up in her VTuber form this time around! Now, we have to stop for a second to talk about this video. Ever since we got a mod for the show we have pointed out that the "twitch versions" and "YouTube versions" of the show would actually be rather unique from here on and that has been the case until this week where we didn't record a "YouTube version" and had to use the twitch version on both sites. It's still very watchable, but there are some visual differences from all the other episodes on YouTube so bear with us if you're a regular viewer. As for the topics covered in this show (mostly idol themed), you'll also have to bear with us as we decided early on that we'd try a take on our "Shooting The Sh*t" style show (A twitch-only show where we fill in cancelled shows with a low-effort talk show stream) where the topics are more open and we play off each other a bit more. This worked at various points and probably didn't at others, but we still managed to cover most of what we wanted even with our big talk about fried rice and boba at the beginning. Anyhow, check it out and let us know some of your takes on the topics covered. As always, take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times and stay healthy and safe! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 6 PM PST! Ultra Podcast Z # 45 | Spoopy Idol Special: Halloween, Horror, melancholiaah MV Reveal, Food, More!10/31/2018 Live Broadcast:
October 30, 2018 7:00 PM PDT Hosts: Manuel Konaru melancholiaah Description: Ultra Podcast Z is celebrating Halloween with a series of special episodes that are a departure from our normal format! This special episode was supposed to be focused on "spoopy idols" but besides having our friend melancholiaah on, we didn't quite do that! Instead we talked more about Halloween, horror movies (including the horrible Shane Dawson classic "Smiley"), food like Subway Meatball Sandwiches with mayo and Texas Yum Yum! Most importantly though we were very pleased to be able to give everyone a sneak peak of melancholiaah's new MV for her song "Dead Decade"! We followed that with a short Q&A so a lot of fun was had all around! Happy Halloween everyone! Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more! If you want to watch Ultra Podcast Z live then check out our twitch channel: twitch.tv/atojplays We are live every Tuesday at 7 PM PST! |
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