Drink Talk Learn #28 : XMas Mix Tape, Outlaws of The Marsh, Animating A VTuber, YouTube Channel Recs12/18/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:15:30 Warren's XMas Mix Tape (Warren) 0:38:35 Randomness & Nonsense 0:49:35 Outlaws of The Marsh (Manuel) 1:33:10 Randomness & Nonsense 1:47:45 Creating Vtuber Timer-chan (Callie) 2:44:10 Randomness & Nonsense 3:01:10 Pleiades' YouTube Recommendations (Pleiades) 3:46:20 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the twenty-eigth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and this is probably the first of our "Lost Episodes". This one has an interesting story as at the time we had been hit HARD with copyright claims from our older episodes of "A-to-J Talks" and the early (first 40) episodes of "Ultra Podcast Z". This issue, which still plagues us today as these old episodes are mostly lost even to this day, caused us to be a lot more careful about using music during our Drink Talk Learn streams (this was before Twitch would start all its nonsense regarding licensed music too) so this episode was always pegged as one that we'd put into the vault until some time later. LATER IS NOW! It's another Christmas season, Drink Talk Learn is on an early hiatus (lots of nonsense brought about that, but that's another story) and we decided now is a good time to release this as we don't have a holiday one this year. This is definitely a time capsule of sorts for us as the show has gone through a LOT of changes since this first year, and there are another 30 episodes from this one, but it's fun and crazy how many presentations were lost here. Namely Manuel's "Outlaws of The Marsh" presentation (which has been referred to in later DTLs) and Callie's first attempt at VTuber Timer-chan (which she completely redid in two separate DTLs later). Elsewhere Warren talked about his favorite XMas music (which honestly is why this episode took so long to come out!) and Pleiades gave some YouTube recs. Not the most seasonally specific topics but we were having fun! Check it out and wait for the DTL return in January! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #51: DTL Retrospective, Timer-chan VTuber Rigging 2.0, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl7/21/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:37:20 DTL 1-50 Retrospective (Manuel) 1:21:30 Randomness & Nonsense 1:46:35 Timer-chan VTuber Rigging 2.0 (Callie) 2:25:15 Randomness & Nonsense 2:44:00 Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (Pleiades) 3:27:00 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-first episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and our recent shaky weeks are starting to catch up with us! We only had three hosts on, though as was pointed out live we've done three-presentation episodes before, just with more on-screen people to make it look more full. Elsewhere, we're a little behind with the 50 episode milestone but we did have one proper redux finally and a retrospective episode that does NOT count as a redux! Also there's talk about Nickelodeon's All-Star Brawl which is another Smash Bros. clone but with Nick characters in place. That aforementioned retrospective episode from Manuel was a look back at a bunch of old DTLs with corrections, additions, and more and perhaps that kinda thing will become the norm in future DTLs going forward. The big thing here though is the return of Timer-chan vtuber and all the "Only Timer-chan!" greatness that came after her introduction! Even though we had the smallest cast in a DTL ever, we still managed to push it to the new four hour time limit (this YouTube version has a couple cuts for time as we REALLY ranted at some points) and it makes one wonder if anything above a 4 (5 if everyone moves really fast) person show will ever be possible under these new restrictions. Anyway, don't let all this deter you, this was a really fun episode with lots of awesomeness to be found and don't forget: "Only Timer-chan!" As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #25 (Redux Night): Crossbreaker, Budaixi & PILI, VTubers, Serial Experiments Lain11/25/2020 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:19:55 Crossbreaker Band (Warren) 0:48:20 Randomness & Nonsense 1:06:45 Budaixi & PILI (Manuel) 1:39:00 Randomness & Nonsense 1:48:00 Price Is Right: VTuber Edition (Callie) 2:22:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:53:50 Serial Experiments Lain (Pleiades) 3:38:10 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the twenty-fifth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and this was our long-planned "redux" episode! We planned this out months ago that when we hit a milestone in DTLs that we'd revisit some past presentations. Weirdly though, this one only saw four presentations (the first time we've ever had this low a number) with Kyuu sitting in just for funsies. We had a lot of fun though with Warren revisiting a popular presentation with a new section, Manuel redoing the budaixi presentation with somewhat better presentation and with a bigger audience, Callie continuing her "Becoming A VTuber" presentation (she technically already redid a presentation a few weeks ago), and Pleiades redoing a very recent presentation on Serial Experiments Lain with a longer ending section. Elsewhere, there were a lot of changes to the show as Callie was the one hosting the stream this time around that meant a steadier stream with some interesting changes in layout and presentation here and there. This was a fun that also featured a lot of talk of nipples (including an insert just for YouTube!) and lots more randomness throughout! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #22: Randomness, VTubers, Anton LaVey, Halloween Specials, Serial Experiments Lain10/26/2020 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:14:50 Random Internet (Warren) 0:39:00 Randomness & Nonsense 0:51:50 VTubers (Callie) 1:29:30 Randomness & Nonsense 1:40:10 Anton LaVey & The Church of Satan (Manuel) 2:25:40 Randomness & Nonsense 2:37:50 Classic Halloween Film/TV Specials (Weston) 3:03:45 Randomness & Nonsense 3:16:00 Serial Experiments Lain (Pleiades) 3:53:30 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the twenty-second episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and while we didn't mention it live, Manuel has a particular affinity for repetitions of "2" so this one was sure to be special! First to be addressed is the lineup, Kyuu joined us for funsies on this one and didn't actually present, the first time we've ever done that and it was just as random live as it looks. Molly was originally scheduled to be on this one, repeating her presentation from the week before, but she cancelled but still hung out for the middle part of the DTL in voice only form. Host nonsense aside, we had a lot of fun with this one with Warren doing a VERY random set of things he saw online (some of which are censored in this version as they REALLY triggered us), Callie talked VTubers, Manuel talked Anton LaVey & The Church of Satan, Weston did a follow-up to his previous presentation and talked Classic Halloween TV & Film Specials, and Pleiades closed it out by talking Lain, even though we kinda failed getting that site to do things we liked! Check it out as there's a lot of fun here and we even managed to keep this show as tight as other recent ones time-wise! Only one more DTL until the end of October so prepare for things to get even spoopier from here on! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! |
Content Creators◆ Badman
◆ Callie ◆ Danny ◆ Hao ◆ Janette ◆ Megan ◆ Molly ◆ Manuel ◆ Pleiades ◆ Rose ◆ Sylvia Archives
October 2022