Drink Talk Learn #59: The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel, Top 5 Cryptids, Uninvited, Demonology 10110/27/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:31:30 The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel (Molly) 0:55:50 Randomness & Nonsense 1:18:30 Top 5 Cryptids (Hao) 1:49:50 Randomness & Nonsense 2:13:50 Uninvited Game (Manuel) 2:39:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:48:00 Demonology 101 (Pleiades) 3:12:10 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-ninth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and we hosted a special episode on what is normally our "off week" since we had to reschedule the last one. This means we went about three weeks without a DTL but we are going to have two back to back! We'd probably have just let it go but we were excited to do some "spooky" DTL episodes since we're well into the Halloween season at this point and we only had two episodes left with this timely theme available. Anyhow, due to the change, Warren was not able to show up but Hao took his place which is probably for the best as he was to be on the previous DTL that was shifted over anyway. Even though there was a long intro where we discussed all sorts of things pertaining to alcohol, we moved very quickly and had a string of shorter presentations and quick breaks in-between them. Topics were all spoopy per the theme and we covered things from Demonology, Cryptids, Exorcism, and even Spooky Video Games! Did we mention we all got pretty toasty this one and forgot to take a thumbnail? Because that was a thing too! This is always a fun season for us and we hope that you enjoy the spookier-than-usual presentations and come back for the next one which takes place the night before Halloween! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #58: Two Truths & A Lie, Baccano Relationship Chart, Cultivation Fantasy, SUNDS10/6/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:19:35 Two Truths & A Lie (Molly) 0:55:35 Randomness & Nonsense 1:04:35 Baccano! Relationship Chart (Callie) 1:45:20 Randomness & Nonsense 1:57:00 Xianxia & Cultivation Fantasy (Manuel) 2:39:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:47:00 SUNDS: No Sanctuary In Your Sleep (Warren) 3:05:00 Closing Nonsense [Note: We still never calculated the "winner" of Molly's presentation as there is no visual representation of who voted for what besides gauging each player's reactions. We're still going to go with Callie winning though just for fun!] Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-eighth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and Callie is back! Just for this one episode though and even though we advertised the stream as "The Return of Timer-chan", there was still no Timer-chan here and probably won't be in future episodes. With that in mind we went ahead with Callie replacing Pleiades who bowed out this episode and caused some confusion as we forgot that it was he who was going to host it in the first place. Once all that nonsense was sorted we actually had a very tight episode that only goes a bit over the three hour mark even though we had some longish presentations here and there and had a pretty normal amount of banter in-between things. Molly had a "Two Truths And A Lie" thing about herself and it was quite fun and had the hilarious "circus penis" moment, Callie did a Baccano! relationship chart that was interesting even if the Discord window reformatting her screen constantly could be a little jarring, and Manuel took a request from Callie and talked about Xianxia & Cultivation Fantasy. (Which would've been a better title for the quickly written presentation) We WERE going to have spoopy presentations since we're nicely into Spoop-tober by now but Warren was the only one who did so with his presentation on SUNDS but that was a really fun one and had some ties into topics that we kept covering throughout other streams. Keep an eye out for future DTLs to have more spoopy presentations until we leave October though! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! |
Content Creators◆ Badman
◆ Callie ◆ Danny ◆ Hao ◆ Janette ◆ Megan ◆ Molly ◆ Manuel ◆ Pleiades ◆ Rose ◆ Sylvia Archives
October 2022