I couldn't be more stunned with the beauty of the VIZ Media picture book releases of Studio Ghibli's "Castle in the Sky" and "Princess Mononoke". VIZ has truly outdone themselves in creating something special for Ghibli fans of all ages. These oversized hardcover books are a must have for any Ghibli and Miyazaki fan, and are wonderful books to have on your coffee table or bookshelf. These books are less a manga adaptation and more reminiscent of the kind of story books one would read to a child. They're written to be a book that could be read aloud to a group, with large, clear text and exciting imagery. Each hardcover book is generously sized, printed full color on glossy pages, chock full of stills and cutouts directly from the films, bringing the beauty of the movies to paper. Neither book is super long, lending themselves more to the "group reading" idea. I found both of them short enough to read through within an hour, so if you're looking for an in-depth adaptation of either of these movies, these books aren't for you. The books open with a quick rundown of the major characters, and the plots themselves are thoughtfully contained, segmented, and explained, adapting the stories of the films without feeling like they drag on or potentially losing the interest of a younger reader. They're a great gateway into Studio Ghibli's works, especially for the younger set or those apprehensive about watching animated films. As a fan of many of Studio Ghibli's works, I was genuinely surprised at how well VIZ had adapted the films without overly massive changes to their cores for these picture books. Of course editing would have to be done to the stories, both to translate them from film to text in a shorter and easy reading manner and to make them more palatable to a wider audience. However, these aren't rewritten to be so child-friendly that a fan of the films would find them unrecognizable. "Castle in the Sky" is a pretty straight-forward adaptation, given the family friendliness of the original film. It is based around the legend of Laputa, a floating castle, the people who will stop at nothing to find it, and a young girl who may be the key to locating it. Chock full of robots and pirates and all sorts of exciting action and lots of charm, it's the kind of story that can resonate with people of all ages. "Princess Mononoke" manages to be changed enough that I would feel okay with reading it to a grade schooler and yet doesn't sanitize the film into a shell of its former self. A bit more darker than most of Studio Ghibli's works, it's a story about the often violent struggle between nature and industrialization and those caught in between. Filled with supernatural creatures and the horrors of war, it's a harder sell as a film to many people, but I feel this book could change their minds about it. I was fascinated at how this adaptation managed to strike a great balance between keeping the core of the film's plot while being a bit more palatable to an audience less into bloodshed. Overall, I found each of these picture books worthwhile efforts on VIZ's part, and wonderful companion pieces to the films they portray. Both books offer something great to everyone, regardless of how into Studio Ghibli's works they may be. I do hope VIZ puts more of these out, a full bookshelf of them would be quite the display. Out now, these books would make great holiday gifts for any lover of Studio Ghibli's works, general animation fans, parents, and more. Or pick one up for yourself, I don't blame you. -Janette G Castle in the Sky and Princess Mononoke are available now! Check out the image gallery below! Overall Rating: A Pros: +Fantastic artwork +Good transfer from film to story book +Captures the spirit of the movies in a fun and interesting format Cons: -Some of the more "comic book styled panels" feel out of place -Princess Mononoke fans may find the story book's telling a bit too cut up -If you're looking for a substantial adaptation of either film, these feel like a let down Note: This item was provided to us by the publisher for the purpose of this review. This fact does not affect the outcome of the review in any way.
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March 2025