The anime Cowboy Bebop, directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, was originally broadcast back in 1998. Its stylish visuals and great music were a hit with viewers and the show went on to cross borders and become an instant classic in the eyes of many. This international popularity helped spur on further projects like a theatrical film and a live-action series on Netflix. Today we have details regarding a new 11-disc box set featuring music from across the series. Details can be found below.
Comics and graphic novel publisher ABLAZE recently released previews of their upcoming November lineup, as well as details of their issues available this month. Details on all releases can be found below!
Iconic Events recently announced that they will be bringing several hit anime movies to big screens around the country in the latest installment of AX Cinema Nights! Details on the movies, as well as their screening dates, can be found below!
By J.D. Kelly Mr. Affable, YouTuber, Documentarian, Barry Chopsticks, Aspiring Pirate, iTunes charting musical artist, IronMouse, alternative theorist, swear-word missionary, snarky sarcastic British dickhead bumbling his way around Japan, Chris Broad of the Abroad in Japan YouTube channel has a lot of titles but with his new book also called Abroad in Japan, he can now add author to that list as well.
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◆ J.D. ◆ Janette ◆ Manuel ◆ Megan ◆ Nestor ◆ Rose ◆ Sylvia ◆ Teepu Support Us On Patreon!
January 2025