The TV anime Deaimon, a story of bonding through wagashi (Japanese sweets) set in an old confectionary store in Kyoto, is currently airing in Japan. It has been announced that an original soundtrack, which will contain 44 background and insert songs from the anime, will be released on June 22, 2022. The music was produced by Ren Takada, a talented string instrumentalist who has composed music for numerous films, dramas, stage shows, and commercials. At the 59th Japan Record Awards, he received an excellence award for his 2017 album Night Riders Blues. In addition to BGM tracks, the album will also include insert songs such as “Joyo Manju no Uta,” which is sung by protagonist Nagomu Irino (played by Nobunaga Shimazaki), and “Yae ni Saku,” which was written and composed by Ayano Tsuji and sung by Mitsuru Horikawa (played by Minori Suzuki). The CD cover will feature an illustration by the original manga author Rin Asano. Product Information: Title: TV Anime Deaimon Original Soundtrack Release: June 22, 2022 CD cover to feature an original illustration by manga author Rin Asano Distribution: Available on streaming services and major download sites such as the iTunes Store, RecoChoku, and mora from June 22. Streaming services: Apple Music, LINE MUSIC, Spotify, YouTube Music, Amazon Music Unlimited, AWA, KKBOX, Rakuten Music, TOWER RECORDS MUSIC, ANiUTa Ren Takada Profile:
Musician, producer, composer, arranger, string instrumentalist, and writer. Born in 1973 as the eldest son of Japanese folk singer Wataru Takada. He made his solo debut in 2002 with the album LULLABY and has released seven original albums to date. In addition to creating his own music, he also produces and arranges music for other artists and has worked on the soundtracks of numerous films, dramas, stage shows, and commercials. Apart from the guitar, he can also play the ukulele, banjo, mandolin, and a variety of other string instruments. In 2015, he released an album titled Coffee Blues ~Takada Wataru wo Utau~ as a tribute to his father on the tenth annivesary of his passing. In 2017, he released Night Riders Blues, which won an excellence award at the 59th Japan Record Awards. His latest album FRESH was released in March 2019. For More Information: |
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