By Al Players: 1-4 Platforms: PC (Steam) We're big fans of puzzle games here at A-to-J, and we're looking at one that today that wears its retro-inspired roots on its sleeve. Super Puzzle Blasters is a 2D, single-screen puzzle game coming soon to Steam, and we're going to see if this egg-saving adventure is one that you're going to want to pick up on launch. It's cute and fun, and there's really no need for any further intro. On that note, let's dive straight into the review! I was shocked to learn that Super Puzzle Blasters is actually the sequel to a platformer called Super DinoBlasters. That game saw a patrol bot named B3RN1 (pronounced "Bernie") defeat the evil King Tyrantadon, and this game involves him returning the eggs he recovered after completing that mission. I guess he has help from friends this time, but that's what you're doing in this game. You'd of course be forgiven for not knowing any of this, as this story only exists within the game's online description, and is not told to you in-game. I also have never played Super DinoBlasters, so for all I know that connection isn't as direct as one would have you believe. Suffice it to say, you're escorting eggs home, and you have a puzzle game wrapped around the adventure. Each additional character in the game also has a name, though you only hear it when you pick them. It makes for some uneven presentation, but the setup is wacky enough that I found it amusing nonetheless. It's also not needed, as the game can be enjoyed without ever knowing why you're running with eggs into random holes. It's cute for what it is, but let's just not focus on the story and just move on to discussing gameplay. Super Puzzle Blasters is a game that plays a lot like Chu Chu Rocket on the Dreamcast. Your character (and eggs) move around freely, and will alter their path according to obstacles in their way. The goal is to get them to the hole placed somewhere in the level, and you do this by placing icons on the ground that guide them there. Whereas Chu Chu Rocket allowed you to place icons as the level was playing out, Super Puzzle Blasters only lets you place them at the start of each level. One placed, you let the level run, and you can reset everything if you made a mistake. Sometimes you'll miss the goal, other times you'll place your character into danger, and other times still you can find yourself stuck in an infinite loop of nothing. There is no lives system, and you can retry any level as many times as you want. Since getting to the goal is the name of the game, it makes sense that the most important icons are arrows. These move the character and enemies in a specific direction, and often need to be linked together with other icons. Bombs can clear obstacles and enemies, and can even knock off an egg or two from your group if you're not careful. Coins are also placed in levels, though picking them up is optional. Speaking of that, most goals are optional, as just getting to the hole is enough to clear a level. The game is made up of 50 puzzles that are broken up into five worlds, with each world having their own unique quirks. The first world has simple puzzles, the second feature enemies that can kill you with one hit, the third has teleportation tiles, and so on. And that pretty much covers the main gameplay loop. It's short and simple, but that's all you really need in a game like this. If there's one thing that Super Puzzle Blasters has going for it, it's charm. The graphics look cute and retro, and the soundtrack is full of upbeat chiptune tracks. The characters having unique looks and names is a nice touch too, even though they all play exactly the same. I even liked that there were additional pointers to unlock. Oh yeah, those coins you collect actually act as in-game currency, and can be spent on unlocking characters, icons, and music. There's nothing too noteworthy regarding these additional aspects, but they do offer a nice change of pace for those looking for it. It's clear that a lot of love was put into this release, and I had a blast my entire time playing it. I especially liked that each level had multiple solutions to it, and that there rarely seemed to be only one "correct" solution. You could opt to try to pick up every single coin in every level, or simply make for a straight line to the exit each time. You're also not penalized for taking shortcuts, and you also don't have to put down all the icons that the game gives you in order to win. It made for a very unique gameplay experience, and its challenge felt perfectly balanced. It still can be a bit rough around the edges, but there's a level of polish here not often seen in small indie games like this. Even though I have mostly positive things to say about the game, there are some negatives I think I should point out before moving on. My biggest issue with Super Puzzle Blasters is that it seems to have been made with the Nintendo Switch in mind. I guess that makes sense since that's where Super DinoBlasters seems to have had its only major platform release, but it makes for some confusing opening sections. The controls follow the standard "ABXY" button layout, but in the backwards way one finds on a Nintendo-branded controller. By this I mean that it's "B" before "A", and "Y" before "X". This wouldn't be an issue if the game didn't show those buttons prompts on screen, and it can add a layer of difficulty to those playing with a controller that doesn't share that layout. I personally played this game on an XBox controller, and spent the first couple minutes thinking the game was broken. I hope that this is fixed at some point post launch, as it's an odd thing to see in any game. My only other issue with Super Puzzle Blasters has to do with its longevity, as it'll probably take skilled players only a couple hours to beat. I played for about 45 minutes and found that I was well into the final section of the game. Also, since each level can be beaten through trial and error, even the hardest of levels can be cleared as long as you try everything. The pros definitely far outweigh the cons as far as I'm concerned, but I'd be remiss if I didn't cover them. This is a game that is very short and to the point, but it isn't without its replayability. I've already mentioned that Super Puzzle Blasters features levels that have multiple solutions, and that means that players can go back to find the most optimized solutions. Besides that, there's the unlockables, and I'm sure that most people will at the very least play until they've revealed everything the game has to offer. This can take quite a bit of time if you're the type of player who ignored coins the first time around. Lastly, there's also a multiplayer mode that I was unable to try out in time for this review. It features levels taken from the main game, and two gameplay modes. It can be played with 2-4 players, and looks like a lot of fun. I unfortunately couldn't get the game to find my second controller, and it is local multiplayer only. It may be a bit limited, but I assume that this mode will be a lot more accessible if the game eventually joins its sibling title on the Nintendo Switch. In short, there's a lot to see and do here, and it's definitely worth taking a look at. If you're a fan of puzzle games, especially those with a retro look and feel, then Super Puzzle Blasters is made for you. It's fun and simple in the best of ways, and I found it far more entertaining than I ever thought I would. I do think that it might play better on a console, but it's fun on the PC even with the control issues it currently has. I don't know about you, but this game made me wonder what Super DinoBlasters was like. Maybe I'll check that out next, or wait and see what the developers bring us next. Either way, I'll see you in the next one! Check Out Super Puzzle Blasters on Steam: Story: B+ Gameplay: A Graphics: A Music/Sound: A+ Value: A Overall: A Pros: + A cute and unique puzzle game. + Most puzzles offer multiple solutions, some not even requiring the use of all the tiles. + There's plenty of content to unlock for those looking to customize their gameplay experience. + Though I wasn't able to try it out, the multiplayer mode does look like it would stretch out the game's shelf life. Cons: - The button icons are based on a Nintendo-stlye "BA"/"YX" style layout, and can be confusing for anyone playing on controllers that have other button configurations. - This is a rather short game that will only take skilled played an hour or two to clear. - While not a full negative, I do wish the silly premise was integrated into the actual game. A copy of this game was provided to us free-of-charge by the publisher for the purpose of this review. This did not affect our review in any way. #SuperPuzzleBlasters
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