Drink Talk Learn #60: Hmong Cryptids, Prion Diseases, Halloween III: Season of The Witch, Gorefield11/3/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:36:50 Hmong-sters: Hmong/SEA Spoops Folklore (Warren) 0:59:30 Randomness & Nonsense 1:08:50 Prions: The Scariest of Pathogens (Molly) 1:45:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:08:00 Halloween III: The Best Halloween Movie (Manuel) 2:40:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:50:00 Gorefield (Pleiades) 3:37:10 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the sixtieth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and it was just in time for Halloween! The season kind of snuck up on us this year and we didn't properly prepare stream-wise as we have in previous years but we DID make sure that this episode was 100% spoopy topics! Warren talked about "Hmong-sters" and Hmong/SEA cryptids, a lot of which apparently have backwards feet btw, and Molly talked about the horror of prions and prion-related diseases. There was a lot of randomness here but we kept it pretty tight throughout with only a few presentations running a little long and we also covered Halloween III and Gorefield to round out the show! There wasn't a lot of spookiness in terms of presentation, but Manuel's camera quality was quite a scare, as was Leslie's random appearances behind Warren from time to time. There was a bit of costuming in terms of backgrounds and headgear but the spirit was really in the presentations and the fact that we got pretty drunk during this one, probably a bit drunker than we intended to when we started! It's worth mentioning that we did back-to-back DTL streams because of a cancelled episode earlier in the month so we're going to go back to our bi-weekly schedule for the foreseeable future so be sure check out our schedule for more! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #59: The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel, Top 5 Cryptids, Uninvited, Demonology 10110/27/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:31:30 The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel (Molly) 0:55:50 Randomness & Nonsense 1:18:30 Top 5 Cryptids (Hao) 1:49:50 Randomness & Nonsense 2:13:50 Uninvited Game (Manuel) 2:39:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:48:00 Demonology 101 (Pleiades) 3:12:10 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-ninth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and we hosted a special episode on what is normally our "off week" since we had to reschedule the last one. This means we went about three weeks without a DTL but we are going to have two back to back! We'd probably have just let it go but we were excited to do some "spooky" DTL episodes since we're well into the Halloween season at this point and we only had two episodes left with this timely theme available. Anyhow, due to the change, Warren was not able to show up but Hao took his place which is probably for the best as he was to be on the previous DTL that was shifted over anyway. Even though there was a long intro where we discussed all sorts of things pertaining to alcohol, we moved very quickly and had a string of shorter presentations and quick breaks in-between them. Topics were all spoopy per the theme and we covered things from Demonology, Cryptids, Exorcism, and even Spooky Video Games! Did we mention we all got pretty toasty this one and forgot to take a thumbnail? Because that was a thing too! This is always a fun season for us and we hope that you enjoy the spookier-than-usual presentations and come back for the next one which takes place the night before Halloween! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #58: Two Truths & A Lie, Baccano Relationship Chart, Cultivation Fantasy, SUNDS10/6/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:19:35 Two Truths & A Lie (Molly) 0:55:35 Randomness & Nonsense 1:04:35 Baccano! Relationship Chart (Callie) 1:45:20 Randomness & Nonsense 1:57:00 Xianxia & Cultivation Fantasy (Manuel) 2:39:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:47:00 SUNDS: No Sanctuary In Your Sleep (Warren) 3:05:00 Closing Nonsense [Note: We still never calculated the "winner" of Molly's presentation as there is no visual representation of who voted for what besides gauging each player's reactions. We're still going to go with Callie winning though just for fun!] Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-eighth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and Callie is back! Just for this one episode though and even though we advertised the stream as "The Return of Timer-chan", there was still no Timer-chan here and probably won't be in future episodes. With that in mind we went ahead with Callie replacing Pleiades who bowed out this episode and caused some confusion as we forgot that it was he who was going to host it in the first place. Once all that nonsense was sorted we actually had a very tight episode that only goes a bit over the three hour mark even though we had some longish presentations here and there and had a pretty normal amount of banter in-between things. Molly had a "Two Truths And A Lie" thing about herself and it was quite fun and had the hilarious "circus penis" moment, Callie did a Baccano! relationship chart that was interesting even if the Discord window reformatting her screen constantly could be a little jarring, and Manuel took a request from Callie and talked about Xianxia & Cultivation Fantasy. (Which would've been a better title for the quickly written presentation) We WERE going to have spoopy presentations since we're nicely into Spoop-tober by now but Warren was the only one who did so with his presentation on SUNDS but that was a really fun one and had some ties into topics that we kept covering throughout other streams. Keep an eye out for future DTLs to have more spoopy presentations until we leave October though! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #57: Random Trivia, The Ring Franchise, Mario Trivia, WTF Is Up w/ Winnie The Pooh9/23/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:25:30 Warren's Random Trivia (Warren) 1:06:50 Randomness & Nonsense 1:28:20 The Ring Franchise (Manuel) 2:04:20 Randomness & Nonsense 2:21:45 Mario Trivia (DarkWest) 2:54:40 Randomness & Nonsense 3:06:00 TF Is Up With Winnie The Pooh? (Pleiades) 3:51:00 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-seventh episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and this was a fun one where we literally were saved from a three-person show hours before when Weston agreed to be on. Molly had told us weeks ago she couldn't make it (since we're bi-weekly these days) and decided that we'd do a shorter three-person show like we have a couple times in the past. That changed when Warren decided he wanted to do another trivia game and wanted another person to play it so we asked Weston literally around noon that day. This did mean the show was not a particularly short one but we had a lot of fun both in Warren's trivia game and in Weston's last minute one, which is something he does during cons might we add. Elsewhere Manuel talked a lot about the "Ring" franchise, mainly the Japanese media and not the US movies, and Pleiades talked about Winnie The Pooh and some deep thoughts regarding it beyond its history. Basically this became a trivia and history episode so check it out! Elsewhere it was a tight episode that had a lot of jokes as this was the night after the "Drink Talk Roll" episode that was interrupted by an earthquake, so keep an eye out for references for that. Anyhow, Warren hosted so take a gander at this look that we haven't seen in several episodes! Oh yeah, this was one of our "Glizzy/Sausage Party" episodes lol. Anyway, Molly returns next time and who knows who will host! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #56: All Night Nippon SMB, Cryptic Crosswords, Bartending Tips, Star Driver Anime9/9/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
1:06:50 All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros (Manuel) 1:41:50 Randomness & Nonsense 1:50:50 Cryptic Crosswords (Molly) 2:38:20 Randomness & Nonsense 2:43:50 Bartending Tips (DarkWest) 3:05:10 Randomness & Nonsense 3:14:30 Star Driver Anime (Pleiades) 3:51:00 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-sixth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and this one was both one of the funner episodes and one that was full of the most technical difficulties! It turns out the stream was only broken up once truly but if you watched live you'll have noticed a few breaks, including one long one where about three minutes of Pleiades' presentation was lost. That last part sucks as his was pretty popular but he did talk for a while so we'll just assume that he got most of what he wanted out even in the video we have here! Don't let that deter you from watching it though as the presentations here were great and barring the really slow intro (we were actually killing time so Molly could get home) we moved really fast once we got the presentations on the roll. There was a bit of Kyoko Koizumi to appease a new subscriber (don't let it be said that we don't listen!) but it was mainly a presentation on a unique Mario game. Some cryptic crosswords, which was a long presentation but a lot of fun and really had us all drawn in. Weston, who replaced Warren who cancelled last minute, showed us some mixed drinks and even dranks some live, including an absinthe shot that we didn't react crazy enough too. Lastly, Pleiades talked a lot about Star Driver and, besides the aforementioned issues, was interesting as Manuel learned that Pleiades' self-intro was a reference to this anime after over a year.... So yeah, watch, enjoy, comment, and maybe give us some future topic ideas! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #55: Super Bowl Halftime Shows, Heechulism, Nintendo Wii, Hedgehogs & Evangelion8/28/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:21:20 Super Bowl Halftime Shows (Molly) 0:49:20 Randomness & Nonsense 1:18:20 Heechul Yoon & Heechulism (Warren) 1:56:30 Randomness & Nonsense 2:13:20 The Nintendo Wii (Manuel) 2:50:20 Randomness & Nonsense 3:03:50 Hedgehog's Dilemma & Evangelion (Pleiades) 3:45:40 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-fifth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and it's the first bi-weekly episode since Callie's departure, and there's a lot of the usual randomness in here! Moving bi-weekly so we can have Molly on with no real fuss to find another co-host she opens with a talk about Super Bowl Halftime Shows which lowkey ended up with us talking about Prince, Left Shark vs. Right Shark, and wardrobe malfunctions all over the place. Warren talked about a South Korean YouTuber, but it's really hilarious that we interrupted him so much that he decided to go fold his laundry at least twice during his segment. Manuel did a longer redux of his OG Nintendo Wii presentation (ALL THE WAY FROM DTL #1!) that was recently found after having been thought to be lost. Pleiades busted his usual bait and switch by talking about hedgehogs before going on a rant about Neon Genesis Evangelion. One could complain about the latter bait and switch if it wasn't for the fact that we leaned into this discussion to make it into the UPZ topic a few days later so yeah, great stuff here! Check it out as it is at both times somehow one of the messiest episodes we've done in recent memory, and one of the most well put together. You can tell us which side we leaned more towards in the comments below! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #54: Mosquitoes, Hentai, Dirty Pair Flash, Parasocial Relationships, Is Math A Lie?8/11/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:28:20 I Hate Mosquitoes (Molly) 1:00:10 Randomness & Nonsense 1:13:00 My Hentai Pitch (Warren) 1:36:30 Randomness & Nonsense 1:54:50 Dirty Pair Flash (Manuel) 2:28:50 Randomness & Nonsense 2:35:40 Parasocial Relationships (Callie) 3:15:50 Randomness & Nonsense 3:28:50 Is Math A Lie? (Pleiades) 3:57:00 Closing Nonsense 4:22:00 Episode Is Over Extra Stuff Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-fourth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and this is a DTL for the history books! We knew going into this one that it would be Callie's last episode for the foreseeable future AND Manuel's birthday episode. So it's no surprise that craziness ensued! First off it needs to be mentioned that something happened with Melon (the app we use to stream) on the first part of the show as it suddenly stopped streaming and we were forced to create a new chat and restart the stream (and also the four hour timer which is why this one runs long) BUT Melon also hiccupped when it came to saving that first stream (which comprised the intro and Molly's presentation) so we were forced to use the VOD for the first part. We apologize for the jump cut and for the shift in quality but everything that was streamed is in this version, so at least there's that. Elsewhere there was a lot of the usual nonsense with presentations ranging from mosquitoes (where we got to see Molly's CRAZY bitten legs), Dirty Pair Flash, Warren's hentai plot pitch, Callie talking parasocial relationships, and Pleiades asking the eternal question: "Is Math A Lie?". We wrapped it up not too long past the four hour mark but there is about 30+ minutes of "extra" content that just felt weird to cut so keep watching if you're so inclined. Some changes to DTL are worth mentioning as we plan to revamp the show in big ways for Episode 56 (that means one more "normal" episode) and we will be moving to a bi-weekly schedule to fit Molly's schedule allowing us to not scramble for a regular co-host to replace Callie. Keep an eye out for more announcements soon! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #53: Munenori Kawasaki, Saigo Takamori, Room Tour Randomness, Mango & The FGC8/4/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:46:50 Munenori Kawasaki (Warren) 1:06:15 Randomness & Nonsense 1:22:40 Saigo Takamori: The REAL "Last Samurai" (Manuel) 2:00:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:15:00 Room Tour Randomness (Callie) 2:42:50 Randomness & Nonsense 3:07:40 Mango & The FGC (Pleiades) 3:43:55 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-third episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and this one was one where we both got back on track and where we all kind of winged it. Warren and Pleiades had presentations that had a little less form than usual but were a lot of fun nonetheless and still were cool topics. Callie had an odd room tour that was entertaining but it's arguable whether that was a presentation. Still good content though and the drinks were still flowing! Manuel talked Saigo Takamori and was by far the longest presentation (still only thirty-five ish minutes though) and there was a surprising amount of randomness throughout this one, especially at the beginning, which was all over the place and included just about everyone. A pretty different episode than usual, but all the content was there and at least we're being consistent again! Now, it's time to sit back watch, and wait until we announce some changes to the show because those are on the way! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #52: OG Fighting Game, Ultima IV, Humidity, Animating VTuber Boobs, Wonder Showzen7/28/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:21:00 My Psuedo Fighting Game (Warren) 0:44:00 Randomness & Nonsense 0:55:00 Ultima IV: Quest of The Avatar (Manuel) 1:30:00 Randomness & Nonsense 1:40:10 Why Is It So Humid? (Molly) 2:16:10 Randomness & Nonsense 2:22:30 Animating VTUber Boobs (Callie) 2:49:00 Randomness & Nonsense 3:16:00 Wonder Showzen (Pleiades) 3:42:00 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-second episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and Callie is still a VTuber on this one! It's all about "Only Timer-chan" here and just to cut to the chase, Callie DID fulfill her promise this week and animate some boobs and make them bounce for an obscene amount of time. That's not all that happened this week though as it did see a big increase in hosts from last week (where we were just a trio) and saw Molly and Warren return. We also managed to mention "2 Girls 1 Cup" in the intro bit since we apparently have to work that into all our current shows somehow. Some good presentations all around with Molly of course writing her presentation as the rest of us were presenting, also she drank a beer which was rather different. Warren created his own dream fighting game, Manuel talked "Ultima IV" (which you can download for free below!), Molly talked about humidity, and Pleiades talked about "Wonder Showzen", did we mention the boobs though? That presentation was interesting though as we did have a pretty big discussion regarding boobs in general and we even speculated if the boobs being animated were Timer-chan's or not, but there was no conclusion on the latter. Truly the standout part of the show we think. Elsewhere we still have that new four hour time limit so we didn't take too long in-between presentations and surprisingly stuck to our new 30-minute presentation rule (mainly due to the fact that there were five of us this week) so there's that. Did y'all like those animated boobs though? As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #51: DTL Retrospective, Timer-chan VTuber Rigging 2.0, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl7/21/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:37:20 DTL 1-50 Retrospective (Manuel) 1:21:30 Randomness & Nonsense 1:46:35 Timer-chan VTuber Rigging 2.0 (Callie) 2:25:15 Randomness & Nonsense 2:44:00 Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (Pleiades) 3:27:00 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the fifty-first episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and our recent shaky weeks are starting to catch up with us! We only had three hosts on, though as was pointed out live we've done three-presentation episodes before, just with more on-screen people to make it look more full. Elsewhere, we're a little behind with the 50 episode milestone but we did have one proper redux finally and a retrospective episode that does NOT count as a redux! Also there's talk about Nickelodeon's All-Star Brawl which is another Smash Bros. clone but with Nick characters in place. That aforementioned retrospective episode from Manuel was a look back at a bunch of old DTLs with corrections, additions, and more and perhaps that kinda thing will become the norm in future DTLs going forward. The big thing here though is the return of Timer-chan vtuber and all the "Only Timer-chan!" greatness that came after her introduction! Even though we had the smallest cast in a DTL ever, we still managed to push it to the new four hour time limit (this YouTube version has a couple cuts for time as we REALLY ranted at some points) and it makes one wonder if anything above a 4 (5 if everyone moves really fast) person show will ever be possible under these new restrictions. Anyway, don't let all this deter you, this was a really fun episode with lots of awesomeness to be found and don't forget: "Only Timer-chan!" As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! |
Content Creators◆ Badman
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October 2022