0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:26:10 Villainess Isekai (Callie) 0:56:30 Randomness & Nonsense 1:11:10 Phobias (Molly) 1:37:50 Randomness & Nonsense 2:14:30 Peruvian Urban Legends (Haro) 2:45:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:58:00 "Based On True Stories" Horror (Manuel) 3:43:20 Randomness & Nonsense 3:52:00 Family Friendly Spooky Movies (DarkWest) 4:17:00 Randomness & Nonsense 4:35:00 Username666 (Pleiades) 5:18:00 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the twentieth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and with leaving our teens behind we've also jumped into an almost full spoopy episode! Callie, who went first with a redux presentation, is the only odd person out who didn't do a horror-themed presentation but that was just a suggestion so everyone can get more or less spoopy as it suits you personally! With that said, Callie and Pleiades did return this one and what also returned were long ass talking bits between the presentations! We had some weird deviations here (ALL THAT PEE TALK!) but it's nothing that ultimately got cut out. Besides Callie and Pleiades, Weston and Haro joined us once again as guests and there were lots of cool topics covered on this one from Phobias to Peruvian urbam legends, and even family-friendly spooky movies, the latter of which prompted a guest appearance by Gizmo! We're only in the middle of October so prepare for things to only get spoopier from here on! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #12: Programming 101, Hikaru Genji, Aoi Shouta, DDR, Last Christmas III, The Future8/17/2020 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:21:00 Computer Programming 101 (Callie) 0:49:30 Voting & Middle Nonsense 1:05:30 Genji's "Murasaki" (Manuel) 1:38:50 Voting & Middle Nonsense 1:55:30 My Favorite Idol (Racheal) 2:21:00 Voting & Middle Nonsense 2:36:45 Dance Dance Revolution (Weston) 3:11:00 Voting & Middle Nonsense 3:24:15 Last Christmas III (Warren) 3:52:30 Voting & Middle Nonsense 4:00:50 The Future (Pleiades) 4:33:15 Voting & Winner & Closing Description: Welcome! Here's the twelfth of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and we had a bit of shuffling when it came to hosts both before and during the show! Replacing Molly was Racheal and replacing Matt was Weston. We were planning on just going on like this but we only got a few minutes in when Warren's power went out! After a bit of wondering what to do, we decided to bring on Molly to vote in Warren's place until his power came back on. Hence her presence in the first hour during the first two presentations. Warren's power would eventually come back on though so everything went off without a hitch otherwise. Besides that, the word of the day for this stream was "heat" as it was insanely hot in the West Coast during this time and not only was that the cause of Warren's power outage, it was also the cause of us moving somewhat quickly throughout this one as it was rather unbearable for some of us to continue into this stream beyond the five hour mark, drinking aside. All this taken into account it was still a really fun episode that saw another interactive-ish presentation from Callie in the form of her Programming 101 thing and us singing Last Christmas in its ENTIRETY! Unfortunately that latter bit isn't here because YouTube didn't like it, but you can hear us refer to it here and there. Anyway, there were some technical difficulties here and there and this particular render isn't as crisp as we would like, but it's still a fun DTL and should be checked out! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! |
Content Creators◆ Badman
◆ Callie ◆ Danny ◆ Hao ◆ Janette ◆ Megan ◆ Molly ◆ Manuel ◆ Pleiades ◆ Rose ◆ Sylvia Archives
October 2022