Drink Talk Learn #35: Progressive D&D, Urinetown, Mobile Games, Fav YouTube, Animorphs, WTF Is Gar2/24/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:31:20 Progressive D&D Gameplay (Warren) 0:52:05 Randomness & Nonsense 1:19:40 Urinetown: The Musical (Manuel) 1:57:40 Randomness & Nonsense 2:07:50 Mobile Games You Should Play (Molly) 2:42:35 Randomness & Nonsense 2:50:35 My Favorite YouTube Channels (Callie) 3:20:55 Randomness & Nonsense 3:30:20 Animorphs (Hao) 4:04:00 Randomness & Nonsense 4:16:30 TF Is Gar? (Pleiades) 4:38:30 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the thirty-fifth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and we had a full roster of six for this one, a rarity in recent DTL streams and an interesting juxtaposition to our just four presentations the week before. Molly is back in this one and we had Hao, a friend of Pleiades, join us as well in all this nonsense. Hao talked Animorphs which was a topic that everyone enjoyed, and Manuel talked something that wasn't Chinese, a lot of randomness all over the place with more fav YouTube channels and mobile games, progressive D&D gameplay (as in ways to spice things up) and a look into what "gar" is. Pleiades also put in the rarest thing of all in a DTL, a presentation from him that was under twenty minutes. The breaks in between were quite variable though and could either drag on with nonsense regarding horses, or they could last only a couple minutes. We let this run quite long though which is somewhat unusual to recent streams as we extremely rarely go above the five hour mark. Anyhow, watch, enjoy, and be sure to let us know what you think and show us your drawings of horses from memory! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #34: Final Fantasy Logos, Yellow Turban Rebellion, Top 10 NES Puzzle Games, Tulpas2/10/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:55:40 Final Fantasy Logos (Warren) 1:21:00 Randomness & Nonsense 1:36:30 The Yellow Turban Rebellion (Manuel) 2:18:20 Randomness & Nonsense 2:23:00 My Top Ten NES Puzzle Games (DarkWest) 2:47:40 Randomness & Nonsense 3:20:20 Tulpas (Pleiades) 4:03:30 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the thirty-fourth episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and we were once again down to four presentations though this one is interesting as we had Wesley as a guest, along with Kyuu sitting in, but still only had five on-screen. Callie was actually hosting and occasionally popped in as a disembodied voice. It was a very random episode that should've went by fast but pushed well past four hours and took almost an entire hour before we even bothered to get to the presentations themselves. That said there were some good ones here with Wesley talking gaming, Manuel Chinese History, and Pleiades his usual weird topics, basically everyone was on point. Expect a lot more deviations on this one but it was always in good fun and we wouldn't have had it any other way. The big question is whether we'll ever get back to starting the actual "DTL" portion of the show within twenty minutes like the old days or not... Time will tell... As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Drink Talk Learn #33: Things Before Sleep, Marcus Hutchins, Monkey: Havoc In Heaven, GameStop Stonks2/3/2021 0:00:00 Introductions & Opening
0:36:40 More Random Things Before Bed (Warren) 1:02:15 Randomness & Nonsense 1:11:40 Marcus Hutchins (Callie) 1:35:40 Randomness & Nonsense 1:48:45 Havoc In Heaven: A Monkey King Tale (Manuel) 2:26:00 Randomness & Nonsense 2:40:20 GameStop & Stonks (Pleiades) 3:35:30 Closing Nonsense Description: Welcome! Here's the thirty-third episode of our "Drink Talk Learn" streams and we were down a host on this one but we more than made up for that with our usual randomness and some cool presentations! Kyuu was on this one just to fill out the fifth person quota (has to do with the layout) but there were only four presentations. Warning right off the bat that Warren's presentation has some CRAZY imagery that we could barely watch even live so check that section out at your own risk. We also had to cut out about a minute from Pleiades presentation thanks to him showing more anime so sorry for that jump cut. All the presentations were great though, even the two we just mentioned. Pleiades might've gone a little too long, but we allowed it due to the fact that we were moving pretty fast and were down a presentation anyway. Also, it was a very topical presentation and followed a couple of his previous ones this year. Elsewhere there's a casual presentation on Marcus Hutchins from Callie and some Sun Wukong nonsense from Manuel. Drinking Game Idea: Take a shot every time we mention peeing. A fun quick show and we're slowly edging into 2021 proper and the time is flying! Lastly: Note that there was some issue regarding recording (as in Callie didn't hit "record"...) so the first half of this video is the stream VOD and the second is the recording though the quality is similar between both. Also, the thumbnail was taken from that frozen screen (you'll know if you watch) before Callie's presentation so bear with the blurriness! As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this series, how we can improve it, and what your thoughts on our topics are in general! Catch future Drink Talk Learn streams at 6 PM PDT on Saturdays and be sure to follow/sub to us on Twitch at: twitch.tv/atojplays! And always remember: Drink responsibly and never drink and drive! |
Content Creators◆ Badman
◆ Callie ◆ Danny ◆ Hao ◆ Janette ◆ Megan ◆ Molly ◆ Manuel ◆ Pleiades ◆ Rose ◆ Sylvia Archives
October 2022