Date: Saturday January 30, 2016 Time: 1:00-2:30 PM Location: CCP2 (Ballroom B) Japanese Idols have been a constant presence on the Japanese pop music scene ever since their appearance in the 70s/80s. Over the years Idols have experienced varied levels of popularity and today idol music is arguably the most popular genre in Japan. Whether you're a fan of groups like AKB48 and Morning Musume '15 or idol anime such as Love Live and IDOLM@STER you are more than likely familiar with the colorful world of Japanese Idols. The music might be catchy and the idols' personalities might be infectious, but there are certain elements that might not be as accessible to Western audiences. Why are Idols so popular? Why do they graduate as they get older? What is the deal with the audition system? Why do some Idol careers end in scandal? All these questions and more will be answered in A-To-J Connections' new panel focusing on J-Pop Idols within the context of Japanese Culture. We follow an imaginary idol from audition to graduation and closely examine just what it means to be an idol. This panel is the perfect introduction to the world of idols and is a continuation of our popular "IDOL 101" series of panels. This panel will also feature live performances from A-To-J's own idols marisuga and Tiffany Fujii! Panel will take place on Saturday January 30, 2016 from 1:00-2:30 PM at CCP2 (Ballroom B)! Hosts: Tiffany, Molly, and Manuel |
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