Here is a continuation of the pictures that alavic_222 took at Anime Los Angeles 15 at the LAX Marriott. There are repeats from my earlier post from Day 0, but those were uploaded on the fly and without the benefit of fixing small things with editing software. So here they are more or less as I want them to be seen. Expect the second part of these pictures to be uploaded soon!
Here are the pictures alavic_222 took at the Club Cosplay LA event at Ohm Nightclub in Hollywood! The night was full of fun, drinks, good music and even better costumes! If you have not come out to these events before, be sure to check out the upcoming ones!
Idology 101: An Introduction To The World of Japanese Idols (Anime Los Angeles 2015 Version)1/13/2015 This is the "Idology 101 - An Introduction To The World of Japanese Idols" panel presentation flaws and all, I didn't correct the couple typos or fix anything I didn't like. This is exactly what I presented at Anime Los Angeles 2015 at the LAX Marriott. I was asked to upload it by several attendees since I ran out of time and did not get time to present everything. As a bit of explanation. I had gone over with my co-panelists that I was taking certain elements out (for those curious, they were Saito Yuki, WINK and the Hello! Project page) I forgot to do this before the panel and it cost me in terms of time. I also should note my quirk regarding name order. I am very inconsistent with name order and I usually go with whatever I am familiar with or the name they are usually marketed with (Ayumi Hamasaki and not Hamasaki Ayumi for example) I think the presentation went well though and I thank everyone who came and who stayed to talk with us afterwards. I will keep everyone here informed as to when the next panel will occur. Also, I should note that this is the last time the panel will look like this. This format and this template have served me well this year, but starting with Hanadoki Con in March, I will abandon this format/template in favor of something new! Stay tuned!
alavic_222 is once again on the ground taking cosplay pics! This time the location was Anime Los Angeles 2015 at the LAX Marriott. Some great cosplayers came out on Day 0 including a Bible Black cosplayer! That's something you don't see too often! More cosplay pics and general convention reporting to follow throughout the weekend.
Some pictures taken by alavic_222 at the cosplay gathering that took place on December 13, 2014 in Los Angeles' Little Tokyo. Details about cosplayers to follow soon.
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