By Badman BANG! BOOM! What crash landed with such a ruckus? From the smoke and fire, I arise! Didn’t think you’d see me so soon, huh? Too damn bad because I am back for A-to-J’s J-Metal review! This week is another little known band by the name of SNIPER! Unlike numerous other 80s bands who came to prominence from the Kanto and Kansai regions, SNIPER arose from Aichi Prefecture (Nagoya). SNIPER consisted of four core members: Kinny (vocals), Burny (guitars), Rommy (bass), and Shunji Itou (drums). The band’s lifespan stretched five years from 1982-1987. After the end of SNIPER, most of the band members flocked to other bands and are active to this day. Despite the short-lived career, SNIPER were able to chug out two full-length albums before their end. Which album do I have in mind for you rattleheads today..? Their crushing debut album: "OPEN THE ATTACK"!!!
I didn’t know what to expect when I pumped this album through my speakers, but I’ll tell you what! It was one kickass fun listen. I will have to admit, this record isn’t groundbreaking but it dishes out some KILLER tunes! What SNIPER did with this album was take that bluesy Hard Rock sound and smashed it together with pristine classic Heavy Metal. The best way I can describe their sound is a cross between Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Deep Purple... a lot of Deep Purple. The songs are catchy as all hell. From start to finish, I was steady groovin’ and headbangin’. Be prepared to hear some blistering guitar solos and some sick bass fills. Yes, some f**king tasty bass fills. The vocals, although mid-range, are delivered potently adding that dirty rawness and energy. I can’t forget the drums blazing through each track like a bat out of hell. The album is rough around the edges, but that roughness is a huge component of what gives "OPEN THE ATTACK" its vibrancy! The verdict is obvious. SNIPER’s "OPEN THE ATTACK" is worth the listen! Yes I said it wasn’t groundbreaking, but that doesn’t take away any of its charm. The songs are absolutely fun to listen to. They're all catchy beyond belief. Tasty licks and riffs are spread throughout the entire album. "OPEN THE ATTACK" definitely checks all the boxes to all lovers of Heavy Metal. What more can I say? Go listen to "OPEN THE ATTACK" now! No regrets! Standouts: FIRE HARD TIME OPEN THE ATTACK DEDICATE OVER THE SKY NEVER CHANGE The entire album can be listened to (probably not the most authorized of sources) via the link below: |
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March 2025