“Wings Flap” is the newest single from the legendary Japanese rock band, L’Arc~en~Ciel. It’s the first single in a year and four months from the band and it officially released on December 23rd, 2015. With it’s uplifting lyrics and memorable chorus, it is by far my favorite song from 2015.
The song starts off with a mechanical sounding noise that sets the underlying melody for the rest of the song. Hyde chimes in with the English lyrics, “Wings flap in the night”. This introduction establishes the entire mood of the song. The precluding tune reoccurs throughout the song and is most predominant during the chorus (which lends itself to making the chorus a particularly catchy one). The theme of “Wings Flap” and flying is also a continued and expounded on with Hyde later stating, “I wanna fly fly fly high”. The musical mechanics of the song are also profoundly perfect. Hyde’s voice is consistently clear and strong over the music and his ability to still hit the high notes at the age of 46 with his tobacco smoking tendencies is something to be truly admired. The rest of the instruments, bass, guitar, drums, all blend together flawlessly to support the melody. And in true L’Arc~en~ciel fashion there is a rather short guitar solo towards the end of the song, highlighting the musical prowess of the guitarist, Ken. “Wings Flap” is an overall crowd pleaser - if you are a fan of L’Arc~en~Ciel’s older songs you will enjoy the melody and if you are a fan of their more recent rock style (as seen most closely in their “Smile” album) then you will also like this new single. But besides this, the thing that sets the song truly apart from the rest of the 2015 songs is the motivating lyrics. In English, Hyde sings, “I believe in the changing of seasons...I reset...I find a new gate to freedom”. A fierce emotion of wanting to immediately amending one’s life path and put it on new, higher course is embodied through the last line of the song, “I’m ready to fly high”. ![]() Tracklist: 1) Guilty 2) MEET,HE,LIGHT 3) Call my name 4) Critical 5) Monster 6) Kakukai ~Core Break~ 7) possibility 8) Melancholic 9) Truth 10) WAKE UP.STAND UP 11) possibility (Acoustic) (Hidden Track) 12) Katasumi no Sekai (Bonus Track) 13) You make *Demo* (Bonus Track) RHEDORIC consists of 5 members: Yusuke Suga (ex-12012) and Tomo (ex-Delfina Ma'riage ) as guitarist, Yuuji (ex-Carat) as vocals, and Naruka (ex-Carat) on drums. Shigure is the bassist and he also has played bass for Kamijo as well. RHEDORIC started out as The RHEDORIC when they first debuted as an indie band. As of recently they are contracted with Universal Music Japan and have released their first major album, Jiggy. The first press having dropped last year as an indies release. I have to say that I just love this album. From the second that the first note ranged through the speakers Jiggy has situated itself at the top of my list. Listening through the whole album you can hear how much work was put into it. from songwriting to production The sound of everything is just amazing. Each song compliments each other so well and creates a perfect aesthetic for the whole CD. The way that Jiggy is formatted keeps the listener interested and integrated. For the opening song they chose “Guilty”. This track perfectly conveys RHEDORIC's style while, at the same time, not being too overbearing. It intrigues you to continue listening, drawing you in further. Guilty is a light version of their normal style which gives you a small taste that makes you yearn for a bigger bite. “MEET,HE,LIGHT” comes in as the second song with a very strong opening. Off the bat you hear an amazing harmony of Yuuji's, the vocalist, vast vocal range layered like a beautiful sandwich. With the use of harsh vocals and mind numbing guitar solos, this track is like a complete 180 from Guilty. A difference however that is not displeasing. “Call my name” and “Critical” continues with this trend. Then out of the blue comes this electric styled song, “MONSTER. This track has a complete different sound from the rest of the album. If the song were by itself, you would not expect this track to have the same origins as the rest. However, in a way, it keeps everything refreshing. Without this track the style would have been repetitive but again the listener is urged to listen on. “MONSTER”'s music style and placement further shows how well planned Jiggy is. The next few songs are: “Kakukai ~Core Break~”, “possiblility”, and “Melancholic”. For those who have been following this band for awhile will find these tracks very familiar. I was fortunate enough to buy The RHEDORIC's first CD, Katasumi no Sekai, back in the summer of 2014. All these songs were in that album but as I listened more there is a very notable difference, in a positive way. Everyone one of them sound like they have been re-mastered to sound better as well as fit better into the aestheticism of the new album. Melancholic was my favorite song in the first album and I was very ecstatic that it was worked into this one. possibility has a bass solo that is to die for while Kakukai ~Core Break~ will forever by my RHEDORIC classic. I find that “Truth” and “WAKE UP.STAND UP” are the perfect complement for each other. Both these songs balance themselves so well. In my head I see these two as the perfect opening and ending to an epic anime. “WAKE UP.STAND UP” lives up to its name well. Whenever this song comes up, I cannot keep myself from jumping up and dancing. My most favorite part of Jiggy would have to be its bonus track selections. They worked “Katasumi no Seka”i, a track from the previous album, again into Jiggy. The demo version of “You make is” listed as the last track. For those who listens carefully will find that there is a hidden song not found on the track list. Right after “WAKE UP.STAND UP” is the acoustic version of “possibility”. This track caught me totally off guard and is definitely my favorite track on the whole album. Throughout the whole song it highlights how amazing Yuuji's voice is and how small differences, like instrument and tempo, can greatly differ the tone of the song. With the addition of “possibility”'s acoustic version it shows how RHEDORIC doesn't cut corners with their art. I know that it is becoming redundant about much I love this album but I cannot convey my feelings enough, Jiggy is one of the best I have heard in a long time. The whole album from art, format and sound shows an attention to detail. Nothing about this album is unintentional and from their hard work created something amazing. Whether you play everything in order or on shuffle, everything flows together with graceful ease. The album is available in the US digitally on both iTunes and CDBaby. Look forward to a video review soon! RHEDORIC has released a new song titled “WORLD” so be sure to check it out. Please continue to support this amazing band as they are working on a follow up album to be released soon. The recently set up a fundraiser on Indiegogo in order to raise money to perform in the United States. This amazing band would love to perform for their North American fans and would love to integrate their help. Through donations fans will be able to have an active role in bringing RHEDORIC to the United States. Each donation level will allow fans to receive rare merchandise that cannot otherwise be easily found. A small token of appreciation from RHEDORIC for your support and dedication. For more information a link can be found here. Please check out the amazing interview that we were able to have with RHEDORIC's guitarist, Tomo which can be found here. ~Eunice (Yume no Yumi) All pictures from RHEDORIC's Facebook page. RHEDORIC Is: Vocals: Yuuji Guitar: Tomo Guitar: Yusuke Bass: Shigure Drums: Naruka For More Information RHEDORIC Website: vestimitation.com RHEDORIC Official Overseas Facebook: facebook.com/rhedoric.oversea.official RHEDORIC Twitter: twitter.com/RHEDORIC Tomo Facebook: facebook.com/egawa.tomo Tomo Twitter: twitter.com/tomo1108gt A-To-J Connections recently sat down and interviewed Tomo (Ex-Delfina Mar'riage) from RHEDORIC on his third trip to this US. The purpose of this trip was to host a special in-store meet-and-greet at XENON LA in Little Tokyo and to promote RHEDORIC in the hopes of following up with a US tour! A-To-J: Please introduce yourself. Tomo: I’m RHEDORIC’s guitarist, Tomo, nice to meet you. A-To-J: This is your second time doing a meet and greet at XENON, what did you think of the first one? Tomo: This is actually the third time being at an event. The first time I was involved with CELL in the summer so it’s three times. It’s always fun at these events. A-To-J: So you were also in LA recently for the VNITED MUSIC FEST, can you tell us how that was like? Tomo: I really enjoyed the heat and hype from the audience in L.A. A-To-J: Can you also tell us about your friendship with Kenzi from ANTI FEMINISM and Kon from CELL? Tomo: CELL’s Kon and Kenzi from ANTI FEMINISM are my seniors. Originally I was in Kenzi’s record label and so he’s like the “father” of the music industry to me. A-To-J: Does that mean Kenzi’s also older than you? Tomo: Umm… our age… A-To-J: You’re the youngest right? Tomo: That’s right, I’m the youngest! “Very young!” (In English) A-To-J: 18 right? Tomo: Yes, I’m 18! (Laughs) A-To-J: Can you tell us your plans about this visit? Tomo: First of all, this interview and other interviews are the reason I’m here as well as some secret plans. A-To-J: How many interviews have you been in today? Tomo: This is my second. A-To-J: RHEDORIC recently went into a major label, can you tell us about this? Tomo: I haven’t really thought of much about being either indies or major, we’re just taking this opportunity because it was given to us. RHEDORIC hasn’t really changed from being the same old RHEDORIC. A-To-J: What are some of the differences being under a major label? Tomo: It’s not just us anymore, there are many other people that are helping us now and doing things for us, such as managing the schedule. Since there are more people involved, I feel like we can produce better music. A-To-J: What was the inspiration for the album, JIGGY? Tomo: Since RHEDORIC was founded, we’ve been releasing limited singles and we were releasing what we had collected up. We wanted to release what we thought was RHEDORIC’s “best”. So we put this on this album and wanted to release it to the public. A-To-J: It has all of your best songs? Tomo: Yeah, it’s almost like a “best” CD. A-To-J: What is your favorite song from the album and why? Tomo: My favorite song is “Guilty” because there’s a music video and it’s the lead song for JIGGY. I feel like the song is filled with all the good parts of RHEDORIC so I like it. A-To-J: Can you tell us how RHEDORIC was formed? Tomo: I wonder how RHEDORIC was formed… I was originally Yusuke’s friend and we went out drinking often. It started off as us wanting to do something fun and interesting. I forgot about the details already (Laugh) A-To-J: What do you mean by “interesting”? Tomo: We wanted to do something in music that was interesting so I was just helping him with that “project” at first and when that project finished, we formed RHEDORIC. A-To-J: By the way, what kind of things do you drink with Yusuke-san? Tomo: Beer, shochu… A-To-J: Asahi? Sapporo? Tomo: Asahi only! A-To-J: What about the shochu? Tomo: We drink potato shochu. We also drink Japanese sake and tequila. A-To-J: Tequila too? That’s pretty dangerous stuff! Tomo: Yeah it is! I can’t even drink it nowadays. I just drink bourbon now. A-To-J: What bourbon do you like? Tomo: I drink a lot of Jim Beam. Even in Japan there’s a good amount of Jim Beanm A-To-J: Can you tell us about the songwriting process? Tomo: Yusuke does most of the songwriting. I do it sometimes as well. We do the songwriting and then the other members arrange it a bit. That’s how we complete the song, that’s the “RHEDORIC style.” A-To-J: If you had to describe RHEDORIC’s style of music to someone who hasn’t heard it before, how would you describe it? Tomo: I want to tell them “just give the music a listen!” (Laughs) I don’t think 10/10 people will love it but we hold pride in the music we make as RHEDORIC. There is a lot of variety in the songs so if you listen to all of them, I think you’ll find at least one you’ll like. A-To-J: How is RHEDORIC different from your previous bands? Tomo: The one thing that is very different is that the qualities of the songs are high. We also put in more passion into the music. A-To-J: You didn’t feel that the past bands you were in were passionate? Tomo: I think the past bands I was in was good at music and we liked what we did but in RHEDORIC, we go past just liking what we do, all the members care about the music we make. I consider us to be a professional group and it gives me as well as the other member’s stimulation. It’s very different from the past bands I’ve been in. A-To-J: Can you tell us about your fashion today? Tomo: Where should I start? (Laugh) Well for the accessories, the main brand is Chrono Hearts. Bracelet is from 13 Designs. Sunglasses are Jimmy Choo. They cost 400 dollars. I think both of the shirts are Japanese brands. A-To-J: Why do you like those brands? Tomo: I like shiny things so many of these accessories are shiny. When you get older, you start to like shiny things! Also It’s pink! A-To-J: Isn't that weird for a guy to like pink so much? Tomo: Yeah. (Laughs) It's nice from time to time isn't it? I really like pink. There are a bunch of pink things at my house in Japan. In the kitchen all the goods are pink. A-To-J: Do you like cooking? Tomo: I love cooking! I can cook anything. The most recent thing I made was guacamole. I also made my own tortillas. A-To-J: So you must be enjoying LA! Tomo: I really do love it here. This is my third day being in LA but I’ve already had Mexican food three times! A-To-J: That’s too much! Tomo: It is a lot (Laughs) A-To-J: Any place in particular that you went to go eat at? Tomo: Just places that were close and also Mexican areas. I really do love Mexican food. But before I came today, I ate hamburgers and I’m really full. I’m also a little sleepy but I’m ok! A-To-J: What’s your favorite genre of music?
Tomo: Recently I’ve really liked alternative rock. I also like “Pop Punk” genre especially the foreign bands that perform it. Some of the bands I like are Sum 41 and Yellowcard but I really do love a lot of different bands in the genre. I also really like Bon Jovi. A-To-J: What’s your favorite Bon Jovi song? Tomo: "You Give Love A Bad Name". A-To-J: So do you sing these songs at karaoke? Tomo: No, because I can’t sing in English (Laughs) A-to-J: If you can’t speak English, why did you come alone? Tomo: Even if I can’t speak English, I have Justin! I can live because Justin [Justin from NAMELESS and XENON LA] is here. A-To-J: How did you become friends with Justin? Tomo: I met Justin when I came here before and we became friends. Whenever I come here, we hang out after I finish my work and we drink. A-To-J: Drinks like Jim Beam? Tomo: We actually drank Japanese sake yesterday. Justin: Why are you interviewing me? (Laughs) A-To-J: Do your favorite artists inspire your music? Tomo: I’m not really sure but since I listen to my favorite bands a lot, I probably do get inspired as I make songs. I don’t really think about copying their style or anything, I just enjoy listening to their songs which is a completely different thing from making my own songs. A-To-J: What is your dream venue or event to perform at? Tomo: I really want to perform in Slipknot’s festival. I really like Slipknot and especially the vocalist in the band so I want to perform with him as well. I want to meet Ozzy Osbourne because I really like the MTV show “The Osbournes”. If it’s in Japan, I want to play at Budoukan. A-To-J: What would be your dream collaboration? Tomo: Like I mentioned, I would like to collaborate with the vocalist in Slipknot. A-To-J: In English? Tomo: Of course! I also want to collaborate with Paul Gilbert from Mr. Big. If it’s someone famous, it can be anyone!! (Laughs) A-To-J: So even Britney Spears is okay too? Tomo: I’m not too sure about Britney Spears… A-To-J: What are next year’s plans both for yourself and RHEDORIC? Tomo: We will be releasing a new mini album on 12/31 of this year so we’ll be doing a release event tour within Japan. We hope to do a tour overseas including America if possible. A-To-J: There’s been a lot of talk about non-Japanese bands are calling themselves “Visual Kei”, what do you think about this? Tomo: I think its fine. I think it means they respect J-rock and our music so it makes me happy. I think they can even say it more proudly! A-To-J: What is your definition of Visual Kei? Do you consider RHEDORIC as Visual Kei? Tomo: What do you guys think? A-To-J: I definitely think that it’s considered Visual Kei, but we also think it should be up to the bands. Tomo: I think that’s fine. Whatever you feel of RHEDORIC is what you should think of RHEDORIC. We don’t want to define what we are within people and we’re ok with whichever you think we are. If you think we’re not Visual Kei, that’s fine and if you think we are, that’s great too. A-To-J: Where should we go to find out more about RHEDORIC? Tomo: We have a Facebook and a website. [Links Below] A-To-J: Lastly, do you have a final message for your fans? Tomo: It’s really an honor that people from overseas have interviewed us about our new album, “JIGGY” and I’m very happy. I really want to perform lives for our fans as RHEDORIC and have a fun time with everyone. We really want to make better material in the future so we would like fans to keep up to date with the details. We are planning to tour overseas someday so please come see us! A-To-J: Thank you for your time! Be sure to check out both RHEDORIC and Tomo on the links below! Also be sure to pick up their first album, JIGGY, available digitally in the US! A Review for "JIGGY" can be found here. For More Information RHEDORIC Website: vestimitation.com RHEDORIC Official Overseas Facebook: facebook.com/rhedoric.oversea.official RHEDORIC Twitter: twitter.com/RHEDORIC Tomo Facebook: facebook.com/egawa.tomo Tomo Twitter: twitter.com/tomo1108gt The above interview was conducted by Eunice Wang and Darice Chang (who also provided on-site translation) with photography and direction by Manuel Figueroa. Post translation by Tiffany Fujii. |
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