Here is the Idology 101 panel presentation from Ninja Con 2015! This panel marked the last time that A-To-J put on the Idol panels with the "Idology" name! It was a fun panel that was unique in many ways and was the first that featured special content and prizes from NECRONOMIDOL. Unfortunately there were many technical difficulties that made actually seeing the presentation itself difficult. For those that attended and could not properly see, here is the presentation in all its glory! Check it out and be sure to take a look at our upcoming convention schedule!
Here is the first ever "IDOL 101: Intro To J-Pop Idols" panel presentation! This panel was held at FanimeCon 2015 in San Jose and was one of the best panels A-To-J has ever put on! It also was the first that included a performance from the talented marisuga! One of our biggest crowds ever filled the room and those that might have missed some of the points now can view them at their leisure! Check it out and be sure to take a look at our con schedule for upcoming panels!
Here is the one-off "Idology 103: Idols of The Golden Age" panel presentation from Spring Kraken Con 2015! Sadly no group photo exists from this panel, but it was lots of fun! Originally envisioned as a panel dedicated to Golden Age Idols (and to be hosted with Kabuki_Killer/Choco Attack) it became a general idol panel with a heavy 80s focus after the panel description was changed by the con. If this panel is ever done again it will assuredly have a different name. Once again, bear with any errors, I like to upload these blemishes and all as they were presented to the live audience. Be sure to check out our con schedule to see our upcoming panels!
Here is the panel presentation for "Flower, Moon And Star: A Century of The Takarazuka Revue"! We've put this panel on sporadically and the version we put on at Hanadoki Con was probably the best version as of yet! We hope to do this panel again in the future, but we shall see when the next announcement will come! I forgot to take a group picture of the panel presenters, but here we are preparing for "Idology 101"! Be sure to check out our upcoming con schedule!
This is the "Idology 101" presentation that A-To-J Connections put on for Hanadoki Con's first year! The panel was a lot of fun and we hope to return next year! Please follow us on social media! (Links can be found on the homepage!) and be sure to check out our upcoming con schedule! Also, I realize that there are a couple errors here (Namely the release date for "Koi no Dance Site") but I like to upload these things as they were presented, warts and all! I'll update this description with the error fixes at a later date.
Here are the pictures that alavic_222 took at this year's Otakon Vegas! The con was located within Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino and was a blast! Lots of great cosplayers and just as much fun! Here's hoping the con returns next year!
Here is the Idology 101 panel presentation from Otakon Vegas! This was originally supposed to be co-hosted with Kabuki_Killer but became a solo show for alavic_222. Still the panel was a lot of fun and many friends were met here that would continue to attend panels in the future! It is similar in content to what was shown at Anime Los Angeles with only slight changes. It's presence here is mainly for posterity's sake. Please check it out and our con panel schedule for future panels!
Here is the second part of the pictures that alavic_222 took at this year's Anime Los Angeles! The pictures are from Friday evening all the way to Sunday. Sunday was the day of the Idology 101 panel so very few pictures were taken that day. Either way, enjoy the pictures, feel free to comment and drop us a message if you want a tag to your cosplay page featured. Next up, Otakon Vegas cosplay pictures!
Here is a continuation of the pictures that alavic_222 took at Anime Los Angeles 15 at the LAX Marriott. There are repeats from my earlier post from Day 0, but those were uploaded on the fly and without the benefit of fixing small things with editing software. So here they are more or less as I want them to be seen. Expect the second part of these pictures to be uploaded soon!
Here are the pictures alavic_222 took at the Club Cosplay LA event at Ohm Nightclub in Hollywood! The night was full of fun, drinks, good music and even better costumes! If you have not come out to these events before, be sure to check out the upcoming ones!
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