Packed into the tiny-buy-lovely Q Pop Art Gallery, LA residents are being treated to a month-long tribute to the wonderful world of Showa Era manga art. Reaching from 1926 to 1989, the Showa Era gave birth to many of the most beloved manga of all time, such as Astro Boy, Lupin III, and Akira. The exhibit opened just last night (June 25th) and I attended to see what it was all about and get a nice little report out for anybody who might be interested! Upon entering the gallery, one of the first works you're met with is this adorable transparent Astro Boy: Astro Boy is a very common theme, which isn't surprising considering the massive popularity the franchise has seen. My personal favorite piece of the entire exhibit is the Astro Boy x Blade Runner crossover, seen below. Some other popular series represented on the walls were Lupin III, Robokken Beeton, Osomatsu-kun, and (of course) Akira. In addition to appreciating and purchasing the exhibited art, there were many other goods for sale around the gallery, such as vintage manga and themed merchandise. All in all, this Showa Era tribute exhibit is a fantastic experience for fans of classic manga. There are some beautiful works of art on display, lovely merchandise available to buy, and Q Pop even set out some delicious complimentary snacks for exhibit guests. The Showa Era Vintage Manga Tribute Art Show is running at Q Pop in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, from June 25th to July 17th. Q Pop is located at 319 E. 2nd Street (Number 121), smack in the middle of the many Anime Jungle outlets. You can also like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, or visit their Website. Q Pop is an incredible art gallery year-round, be sure to keep an eye out for future events! -Justin ![]() A-To-J Connections recently stopped by Houston's Anime Matsuri and we were lucky enough to interview Hitomi of @home cafe who was attending the convention as a Guest of Honor as well as working at the event's maid cafe! Hitomi is president of @home cafe, the premiere maid cafe in Tokyo and the world over. She's served at @home cafe for eleven years and has also appeared in various media such as television and magazines. While dedicated to providing only the best customer services at @home cafe, she is also a talented singer and dancer. She was a member of the group "Kanzen Maid Sengen" made up of other maids from @home cafe as well as the dance unit "TEAM Junjo". In 2013 she became President of Infinia Co. Ltd. which manages @home cafe. A-To-J: アメリカを楽しんでますか? A-To-J: Are you enjoying time in America? Hitomi: はい!今回、私初めてアメリカに来たんですよ。なのですごく毎日楽しいし、食事をするときも日本とはやっぱり違ったものが出てきたり、違った大きさなので、すごくそこが楽しいです! Hitomi: Yes! This is my first time coming to America. I’m having fun every day. There’s food that is different from Japan here and the size is different too so it’s very fun! A-To-J: アメリカに来てから面白いものは食べましたか? A-To-J: Have you eaten any interesting American food while you’ve been here? Hitomi: 実は「Anime Matsuri」のイベントが一日中長いのであんまり外に食べに行く機会がなかったんですけど、ヒューストンに着いて、ホテルの近くにあるすごく有名なステーキショップに連れてってもらったんですね。そしたらお肉の大きさが...!日本ってどちらかというとスライス分厚くってもこれぐらい(指で1cmぐらいを示す)なんですよ。こんなに分厚いお肉だったので(指で3cmぐらい示す)初めて食べてすごくおいしかったです。感動しました! Hitomi: Actually, since Anime Matsuri is all day long, I haven’t had much of a chance to go out to eat. However, after I arrived in Houston I was taken to a famous steak shop near the hotel and then the size of the meat was...! In Japan, even if they say it’s thick slice, they mean about this much (she shows about 1cm with her fingers) but the meat here was this thick (shows about 3cm with her fingers) and it was my first time eating it. It was very delicious! I was amazed! A-To-J: 楽しいことする時間はありましたか? A-To-J: Have you had time to do anything fun while you’ve been here? Hitomi: 「Anime Matsuri」でたくさんの人とお話できることが出来て、私自身、英語が本当に苦手で全然喋れないんですけど…でも来てくださるお客様にはすこしでもわかるように日本語で喋ってくれたりとか、簡単な英語で声をかけてくれたので私もすごくリラックスも出来ますし、身振り手振りで感情を伝えると喜んでくれるのでそこがすごく楽しくって嬉しいです。 Hitomi: I had a chance to talk to many people here at Anime Matsuri. Personally, I’m not very good at English and cannot speak it at all... However, there were many customers that came in and talked to me in Japanese or easy English so I could understand. It helped me relax and it made me very happy when they would get happy seeing me communicate my feelings with gestures. A-To-J: メイドカフェや萌え文化についてちょっと教えてください。 A-To-J: Can you tell us a bit about “maid cafes” and “Moe culture”? Hitomi: まず「@ほぉ~むカフェ」は東京の秋葉原で今ちょうど12年目で営業しているメイドカフェなんですけど、皆様が思う「メイド」ってやっぱり歴史的なメイドだったり個人宅にいるメイドを思い浮かべると思うんですけど、東京にある「メイドカフェ」というのはその「メイド」とはまた違って、カフェの中で働く女の子のことを指しています。衣装はこんな感じでメイド服なんですけど、お店がお屋敷って設定で、お屋敷にお客様が来るんじゃなくって、お客様がお屋敷に帰ってくる。ご主人様、お嬢様がお屋敷に帰ってくるというストーリーがあって、その中で接客をして、ご主人様、お嬢様に楽しんでもらっているお店です。 Hitomi: First of all, “@Home Café” is a maid café in Tokyo’s Akihabara which has been in the business for 12 years. The “maids” that everyone thinks of is historical or maids that would work in personal homes, but the “maid café” in Tokyo is different from those “maids”. In maid cafes “maid” describes a girl that works inside a café. The costume is like this and the setting is that the café is a mansion. It’s not that the customers come to visit the mansion but customers come home to the mansion. The story is that the master or the madam comes home to the mansion, then we offer service and it’s a store where the “master” and “madam” enjoy their time there. A=to-J: 「@ほぉ~むカフェ」についても教えてください。 A-To-J: Can you tell us a bit about “@Home Café”? Hitomi: 今言ったことにちょっと似てしまうんですけど、@ほぉ~むカフェは日本にあるカフェで一番有名なカフェだと思います。日本で流行語大賞が年に1回だけ発表されるんですけど、それに2005年に「萌え~」という言葉が受賞したんですけど、それは私たちが受賞させていただきました。それから日本ではすごく人気になりました。後、最近では海外からのご主人様、お嬢様がすごく多くって…だから外国人がたくさんいらっしゃるインターナショナルなメイドカフェになってきてると思います。 Hitomi: It’s a bit similar from what I just said but I believe that @Home Café is the most famous maid café. There is a yearly award for the most popular phrase in Japan and in 2005, the term “Moe~” (a term used for a kind of cute) received the award and we were the ones that received it. After that the phrase became popular in Japan. Also, recently there have been a lot of masters and madams from all over the world… So I think we are becoming an international maid café that has a lot of foreigners. A-To-J: Hitomiさんの@ほぉ~むカフェでのお仕事を教えてください。 A-To-J: Can you tell us a bit about your job at @Home Café? Hitomi: 基本的にはウェイトレス業務をします。食事を運んだり、飲み物を持っていったり…ただ普通のカフェと違うのはそのお食事やお飲み物に「愛込め」という魔法があるんですよ!で、お食事やお飲み物をおいしくする魔法なんですけど、(手で)ハートマークを作って、「萌え萌えキュン!」という魔法があります!これをするとそのお食事がとってもおいしくなるんです。これは@ほぉ~むカフェオリジナルの魔法です。 Hitomi: Basically, I do a lot of waitressing. I take the food and drinks to them… However, it’s different from a normal café and we have a magic spell called “Ai-kome” (putting in love) for the food and drinks. So this magic spell that makes the food and drinks delicious, you make a heart mark (with your hands) and say “Moe moe kyun!” (moe moe = cute, kyun = when your heart pounds) If you do this, then the food becomes very yummy. This is @Home Café’s original magic spell. ![]() A-To-J: @ほぉ~むカフェでの一回のご帰宅のことを教えてください。 A-To-J: What does a typical visit at @Home Café consist of? Hitomi: まず、@ほぉ~むカフェにご帰宅されたら私たち、メイドが、お出迎えをします。席までご案内したらメニュー説明をしてオーダーを伺います。それを私たちが持ってって、さっき言った「愛込め」をしておいしくします。それをご主人様、お嬢様が召し上がりしてる間に、いくつかアミューズメントをご用意してて、突発的に行われる「萌え萌えジャンケン大会」とか、後、私たちメイドが歌を歌ったりとか…後はメニューの中に「アミューズメントメニュー」としてメイドと世界でたった一枚だけの萌え萌えの記念撮影を撮ったり、ゲーム対戦でメイドと遊ぶことも出来ます。それで時間になりましたら、お出掛けしていただくということになっております。 Hitomi: First, when you come home to @Home Café, we, the maids, welcome you. After we take you to a table, we explain the menu and ask for your order. We take that order to you and we do the “Ai-kome”, as I described earlier, to the order to make it delicious. As the master or madam is eating we have different amusements prepared such as the “Moe moe Janken Contest” (Cute Rock Paper Scissors Contest) that happens suddenly or maids singing. Also there is an “Amusement Menu” where you get to take one photo that is one and only with the maids and you get to play games against the maids. After your time is up, then you leave the mansion. A-To-J: アメリカと日本のメイドカフェの違いはなんだと思いますか? A-To-J: What are the differences between maid cafes in the US and in Japan? Hitomi: アメリカのメイドカフェにはまだ行ってないんですけど、今回この「Anime Matsuri」で一緒になったメイドさんたちがお給仕してるのを見て、日本とアメリカの違いというのは…まず日本ではご主人様が帰ってきたら、挨拶が「お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様、お嬢様」とお出迎えするんですね。でもアメリカでは「いらっしゃいませ」だったのでそこは違いがあるな、と感じました。メイド服に関しては結構アメリカのメイドカフェのみなさんは自由に自分の好きなメイド服を着てる人が多いなと思ったんですけど、日本のメイドカフェだったり、@ほぉ~むカフェでは制服がお店ごとに決まっていて、オリジナルのメイド服をみんな着ています。そこが違うかな、って感じました。 Hitomi: I haven’t gone to an actual maid café in the US yet but after seeing maids work here at Anime Matsuri, the difference between Japan and America is… First of all, in Japan, when the master comes home, we greet them with “Welcome home, master, madam”. But in America, they greet customers with just “welcome” (instead of welcome home) so I felt a difference there. As for the maid outfits, in America, the maids where their own favorite maid outfits but in Japanese maid cafes or @Home Café, the maid outfits are already chosen as uniforms within the café so they wear that café’s original maid uniform. I felt a difference there too. A-To-J: 世界中のメイドカフェをやっている、勤めている人にアドバイスはありますか? A-To-J: What advice can you give to people that are running or working at maid cafes around the world? Hitomi: 日本の言葉で「好きこそ物の上手なれ」って言葉があるんですけど、それと同じようにメイドさんという職業を自分が愛せて自分が大好きならメイドという職業を全うできると思います。 HItomi: In Japan, there is a phrase “What one likes, one will do well”. Similar to that, if you love the job of being a maid and like being a maid, I think you can immerse yourself into the maid job. A-To-J: メイドカフェで働いてて一番好きなことは? A-To-J: What is your favorite part about working at a maid café? Hitomi: やっぱりご主人様、お嬢様が私たちがしたアクションやサービスに対してすごく喜んでくれたり、笑顔を見せてくれることが嬉しいです。 Hitomi: I get really happy when the masters and madams enjoy our actions and services and show us their smiles. A-To-J: 着ている衣装やアクセサリーのことを教えてください。 A-To-J: Can you tell us about your outfit and accessories? Hitomi: はい!これが@ほぉ~むカフェのメイド服なんですけど、@ほぉ~むカフェでは茶色と白とピンクを基調にしています。これがテーマカラーになっているんですけど、日本のお菓子でアポロチョコレートというかわいいチョコがあるんですけど、それを少しイメージさせるような甘いスイートな感じになっています!後はこの胸元のリボンやアクセサリーに関しては、私は自分のキャラクターでピンクが大好きなキャラクターなので、すべてピンクで統一しています。でもメイドさんによっては胸元のリボンがブルーの子や、イエローの子や、レッドの子…いろんな自分のテーマカラーを持ってるメイドさんがたくさんいます。 Hitomi: Yes! This is @Home Café’s maid uniform and the main colors are brown, white and pink at @Home Café. These are our theme colors. There are cute chocolates called “Apollo Chocolate” in Japan and our colors slightly reflect the image of it which is a sweet image. As for the ribbon on my chest and the accessories, they are all pink because the character I play loves pink. However there are maids that have the chest ribbon color as blue, yellow, red… There are many maids with their own theme colors. A-To-J: あなたの音楽活動やライブのことを教えてください。 A-To-J: Can you tell us a bit about your musical performances? Hitomi: @ほぉ~むカフェでは実はオリジナルソングが200曲以上あるんですよ!なので、私たちメイドは普段からそのお歌の練習などをしていてご主人様がご帰宅したときにステージでお歌のご奉仕というのもさせていただいていて、メイドさんの一日を歌った曲とかメイドさんの恋する気持ちとか…メイドに関する曲がたくさんあるので、是非聴いてほしいです! Hitomi: At @Home Café, there are actually over 200 songs! So we have to practice these songs frequently. When the master comes home, we perform the songs for them on stage. There is a song about the day of a maid or a song about feelings of love of a maid… There are a lot of songs about the maids so please listen to them! A-To-J: @ほぉ~むカフェの食べ物のメニューから一番好きなものは? A-To-J: What is your favorite food item from the menu from @Home Cafe? Hitomi: うーん、そうですね、たくさんあって一番、@ほぉ~むカフェで人気のメニューは「ぴぴよぴよぴよ ひよこさんライス」というのがあって、オムライスなんですね。たぶん海外にはオムライスというのはなくって日本食って言われるんですけど、ケチャップライスの上にオムレツがのってます。そのオムレツをご主人様の前でパカッと開くんですよ。で、その上にケチャップを使ってご主人様お嬢様のリクエストに答えてイラストを描きます。それはすごく人気だし、私も描いててすごく楽しいです! Hitomi: Hmm… there are many but the most popular item at @Home Café is “Pipiyo Piyopiyo Hiyoko-san Rice” (Peep peep peep Chick Rice) and it’s an “omurice”. I think they don’t have “omurice” overseas and we get told that it is a Japanese dish. There is ketchup rice and an omelet on top of it. We open the omelet in front of the master. On top of that we use ketchup to draw anything that the master or madam requests. It’s very popular and its fun drawing on the omurice! A-To-J: 最後にメイドカフェファンにメッセージをお願いします。 A-To-J: Do you have any final words to maid café fans around the world? Hitomi: 私は今回、東京の秋葉原から来たんですけども、ここヒューストンにもメイド服を着て、メイドさんがいたことがすごく嬉しかったです。なのでこれからも世界中にメイドさんが増えることを心より願っていますし、いつかまたヒューストンに着て、メイドさんたちと一緒にお給仕したいな、と思います! Hitomi: I came from Tokyo’s Akihabara and I was very happy to see there were maids wearing maid outfits here in Houston. So I really wish from the bottom of my heart that there will be more maids around the world. I want to come back to Houston again someday and work with the maids! The above interview was conducted by Manuel Figueroa and Tiffany Fujii, who also provided on-site and post translation. 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January 2025