On January 6, 2016, A-To-J Connections had the opportunity to see WagakkiBand at the world famous Nippon Budokan. WagakkiBand is most known for their unique fusion of Japanese and western instruments. They are led by vocalist Yuko Suzuhana, who is talented in the art of shigin, singing and piano. Kiyoshi Ibukuro, who plays koto, is never afraid to explore brave new directions with the instrument, he’s also had the privilege of performing in eight countries outside of both Japan and WagakkiBand itself. Daisuke Kaminaga, who plays shakuhachi with extreme skill, also loves to collaborate in video game music projects with various well-known artists. Beni Ninagawa picked up the tsugaru-shamisen after she hurt her throat (she was previously a talented folk singer) and has done an exceptional job since. Kurona, who plays the wadaiko, likes to use his talent to discover exciting new ways to incorporate his instrument in music. Machiya doesn’t settle with being focused on one talent, but instead brings amazing vocals and guitar skills to the table. Asa, who plays bass, likes to fuse instrumental talent with Vocaloid. Wasabi plays the double bass drum with extreme precision and vigor to complement and contrast Kurona’s wadaiko in a fiery spectacle. With so many different elements and musicians from heavily contrasted backgrounds, it's no wonder WagakkiBand appeals to a wide variety of different tastes. Though they are most known for their strategically composed portrayals of popular Vocaloid songs, the band continues to impress and lure in a larger following, allowing them to reach greater distances with their recent performances overseas. One of these overseas shows was their recent appearance at Anime Expo this past summer in Los Angeles, California. They did a dual performance with Vocaloid sensation, IA, which sold out weeks before the show. Not too shabby for a first visit to the states! Though it's an annual event to have shows for New Year's, the band yet again broke to higher ground and right on to the stage at the famous Nippon Budokan in Tokyo for the first time! Titled, 「和楽器バンド 大新年会2016 日本武道館 -暁ノ宴-」 (WagakkiBand Daishinnenkai 2016 Nippon Budokan – Akatsuki no Utage-), the two and a half hour concert kept the vastly diverse crowd of 10,000 fans extremely engaged, leaving no room for a dull moment. The concert was exploding with energy and power throughout the entire show from the fusion of the Japanese traditional sound and western rock. They played songs (including some performed there for the first time) from their newest album「八奏絵巻」 (YASOUEMAKI) which ranked first in the Oricon weekly chart last September when it launched. In between songs, each traditional instrument had their own special solo sections that demonstrated their individual skill and depth, also showing off the group as a whole. Kurona led a very powerful wadaiko show in the middle accompanied by 8 other wadaiko performers and a beautiful Kenbu (sword dance) by the lead singer Yuko. During the MC sections, Yuko expressed the band’s humble gratitude of being able to start off the year at a place like the Nippon Budokan. As the drummer had written on his back, his and the group’s personal goal for 2016 was 飛躍 (hiyaku): to progress, to jump and leap in growth. During another one of their MC sections, they talked about how they’ve recently received comments and letters from fans expressing their happiness but also sadness at seeing the group grow so rapidly. Yuko said the feeling was mutual, since she regrets not being able to see each fan’s face in the venue due to the large venue. This helped to strengthen the connection they have with the fans. Yuko went on to express her goal of spreading the Japanese energy of both the band and the fans to the whole world. After their last song, the audience called for an encore by singing one of their songs: 暁ノ糸 (Akatsuki no Ito). The touching chorus of 10,000 fans brought back the members with tears in their eyes. The band finished off the concert with a bang with their newest song 「Strong Fate」 (an image song for the new movie 『残穢』 (Zang-e)), as well as two of their most viewed songs on YouTube, 「天樂」 (Tengaku) and 『千本桜』 (Senbonzakura). WagakkiBand’s successful Budokan performance was nothing but a phenomenal start for both the band and the fans for 2016. It was one of the most pleasant surprises of the year for me as well, having known nothing about them before attending this concert. They have a very unique sound that is unlike anything you will ever see in a live environment. I hope that more and more people around the world are given the opportunity to experience the unique and exciting flavor of WagakkiBand! - Konomi For more information, as well as their newest PV, check out the links below. Official Site: wagakkiband.jp Official Facebook: facebook.com/WagakkiBand Official Twitter: @WagakkiBand Official Instagram: instagram.com/wagakkiband Official Fanclub: global-fc.net/wgb mu-mo Shop Listing: global-fc.net/wgb On iTunes (USA): itunes.apple.com/us/album/ba-zou-hui-juan/id1031872724 WagakkiBand - Akatsuki no Ito PV WagakkiBand Is:
- Suzuhana Yuko (鈴華ゆう子) - Machiya (町屋) - Ninagawa Beni (蜷川べに) - Ibukuro Kiyoshi (いぶくろ聖志) - Asa (亜沙) - Kaminaga Daisuke (神永大輔) - Wasabi (山葵) - Kurona (黒流) Full Concert Set List 1. Akatsuki no Ito (暁ノ糸) 2. Ikusa (戦 -ikusa-) 3. Hanabi (華火) 4. Rokuchou Nen to Ichiya Monogatari (兆年と一夜物語) 5. Hagane (鋼 -HAGANE-) 6. Tsuioku (追憶) 7. Noushou Sakuretsu Girl (脳漿炸裂ガール) 8. Shamisen Solo (三味線ソロ) 9. Yoshiware Lament (吉原ラメント) 10. Koto Solo (箏ソロ) 11. Fuurin no Uta Utai (風鈴の唄うたい) 12. WADAIKO SHOW 13. Homura (焔) 14. Shakuhachi Solo (尺八ソロ) 15. Hangeki no Yaiba (反撃の刃) 16. Kyoushuu no Sora (郷愁の空) 17. Shiromadara (白班) 18. Drum-Wadaiko Battle (ドラム和太鼓バトル) 19. Hana Furumai (華振舞) 20. Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku wo (地球最後の告白を) 21. Nadeshikozakura (なでしこ桜) 22. Hoshizukiyo (星月夜) 23. Perfect Blue <Encore> 24. Strong Fate 25. Tengaku (天樂) 26. Senbon Zakura (千本桜) |
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