We're big fans of US based idol groups here at A-to-J Connections and we have a special treat for everyone today: an interview with Peachy Parade! Consisting of seven members they've come a long way since their formation with lots of guest spots and performances under their belt, some of the latter even being in Japan. Our rather long talk with them covers everything from their formation, overall goals, core concepts, original music, and lots of randomness tossed in for good measure! It was a really fun interview with a group that we think deserves more recognition than they currently get. Check it out and be sure to give the links at the end a click to follow and support them in realizing the goals that they're still working towards! A-to-J: Thank you for the interview let's just start with some introductions and a little about each of the members! Everyone: We're Peachy Parade! Ren: Hi, I'm Ren, my image color is baby pink and I'm the daydreaming baby bun member! Sylvia: Hi, I'm Sylvia, I'm the "NEET" member. My image color is yellow. Haru: Hi, I'm Haru, my image color is mint and I'm the group's flowery, shy, fairy member. It's nice to meet you! Cat: Hi, I'm Cat, my image color is light blue and I am the unlucky member. Mina: I'm Mina and I am the royal blue princess member of Peachy Parade. Megan: I'm Megan. I'm the envoy of darkness and the purple member of Peachy Parade. Bella: I'm Bella, my image color is lavender and I'm the cheerleader in Peachy Parade. A-to-J: For those that may not be familiar with Peachy Parade can you give a bit about your history from formation to now? Sylvia: So, how we formed... Well, originally I wanted to do a Yokai Watch dance with my best friend Megan. Megan: That's me! Sylvia: I was like: "Megan, let's do it!" and she was like: "If I gotta..." and then Ren was like: "Well, I wanna!", and we were like: "Well we gotta have a name!" So we thought about words that rhyme with "peach", or another "p" word. "Parfait"? "Perfect"? "Pitch"? "Parade"! Parades are fun! So that's basically our formation. A-to-J: Anything else that you can tell us about how you came up with the name? Megan: We can give a little tidbit on how we started off as "Peachy Pair" and, even though we were excited for Ren, the big problem became that we couldn't be "Peachy Pair" anymore. Ren: We were Peachy Perfect for a little bit! Sylvia: Yeah that was embarrassing! Megan: Yeah, didn't like that one anymore so, "Peachy Parade"! A-to-J: Would you say that Peachy Parade has any sort of themes behind your work and performances? Haru: I guess any sort of themes we have is that we try to be energetic and hype and try to get the audience involved in our performances. Megan: There's a lot of work that goes into knowing the audience and really thinking about what sort of music they'd want to see at that event because our main goal is to really get the audience hype. A-to-J: What were some of your backgrounds before joining Peachy Parade? Did you have idol aspirations for a long time before? Ren: I grew up dancing and I joined chorus and stuff like that in school. At a really young age I got into idols and anime and I really wanted to join a group. Then, as Sylvia said earlier, I was like "Hey! I really want to do that!" Haru: I guess I kinda grew up in a really traditional Korean household so a lot of the music we listened to was K-Pop inspired and that kinda led me into liking idols in general. From there I got into anime which led me to discover J-Pop idols. Then Peachy Parade opened auditions and I was like: "I sing sometimes! I’ve taken vocal lessons before! I can try to dance!" So I auditioned and now here I am! Cat: I've always been interested in singing, dancing, and performing, and I've always wanted to be an idol ever since I discovered Morning Musume when I was eleven years old. I just never really thought it was realistic until Sylvia convinced me to join Peachy Parade. Bella: My sister Megan told me about Peachy Parade and I thought it was such a cool concept. I originally wasn't too familiar with the concept of performing as an idol, but I've spent my whole life performing on stage, I love singing and dancing, I love doing musical theater, and performing as a cheerleader. So when Megan told me about this idol group, and offered me a position, I was so excited and I joined! Megan: As Bella said we've done a lot of singing and dancing throughout our lives and I've always loved performing. I was hesitant at first about being an idol though, but definitely Sylvia's passion really moved me and when you have your best friend there it makes things a lot easier. It's been so much fun ever since. Mina: When I was young, I used to be tone deaf and completely unable to dance despite that I really loved music. I loved listening to music and singing along, even though it sounded horrible. Unlike Haru, I never took vocal lessons, but I put everything into becoming a better dancer because that's what I loved and that was more reasonable to me. Then I got into anime and "Love Live" and eventually I met Ren, Sylvia, and Megan and they helped introduce me to J-Idols. Then they opened auditions and I was like "Haru, we gotta do this! This is our chance!" Sylvia: Ironically I never wanted to be a performer, I had no background dancing or singing-wise, I took karate for a week. That Yokai Watch dance I wanted to do with Megan originally was funny and fun though, and suddenly me and Megan were doing something together and I was like: "I love my best friend. I love doing things with her. We gotta keep this up!" Then next thing you know: Peachy Parade! A-to-J: Taking that into consideration what kind of idols are you aiming to become? Mina: I think we, as Peachy Parade, want to be the kind of idols that inspire other people and help them realize that if they put in effort, and they love what they're doing, they can do anything they set their mind on. We want people to be able to embrace letting go and having fun. Ren: I just want to be proud of what we all do together! I want us all to feel proud, love what we do, and to do it together! Haru: I just want to deliver the same happiness and like... heart-fluttering emotions that I feel when I watch idols. I want to deliver that wonderful feeling to our audience. Sylvia: I'm kinda similar with Haru on that. Like whenever I watch i☆Ris lives, there's just this incredible feeling of awe and wonder. There's this bit in i☆Ris' Sixth Anniversary Live where midway through their performance i☆Ris pops up behind the audience. The audience doesn't even realize at first that they've come in behind them and that they've started to sing this song, but once they realize they're all behind them and that they're singing in the crowd? UGH! I want to be able to make people feel wonder like that, however corny it sounds. A-to-J: Is there anyone or anything that has been a particularly big inspiration? Individually or as a group? Everyone: i☆Ris Sylvia: Also, TEAM SYACHIHOKO for a while, they're TEAM SHACHI now, but when they were SYACHIHOKO I think we really vibed with their content. Ren: I'm also really inspired by Rinahamu. She's really worked her way up as an idol and to fight to get her group CY8ER to where they are and that's really cool. Mina: I actually gain a lot of inspiration from other overseas idols because I see the hard work they put into their content and the strides that they're making. It really motivates me to become a better version of myself and try to further myself, and Peachy Parade, as idols. Cat: There are a lot of individual idols I look up to. I also really look up to Rinahamu and Nanjo Yoshino. A lot of my inspiration comes from the other girls in the group. Seeing how much everyone has grown and improved in just the short period that I've been in Peachy Parade has been really inspiring and motivating to me. Megan: My motivation might sound sort of strange at first, but my motivation is Gackt, the Japanese singer. One of the really inspiring moments for me was watching an interview where he was talking about his dance for "Kugutsu ga Gotoku" and he was saying how excited he was for it and how amazing it would be, but it was so hard. It was super hard, and the one complaining the most about it was him. He said that even then, even as much as it was annoying him to have to do it and to make the same mistakes over and over, it would be worth it. I was really struggling at that point too, trying to keep up with everything, but I thought: "It's okay, even if I don't feel confident now, or I just can't even do it now, I'll get to a point where I can." and that's really helped ne. Haru: One of my biggest idol inspirations personally is a group called SEVENTEEN. We do J-Pop, we're a J-Pop idol group, but despite them being a K-Pop group I really, really respect how they compose their own songs, write their own lyrics, choreograph their own dances, and come up with their own stage plan ideas for concerts. We still have a really long way to go, but I think being that kind of self-producing idol is something that's really, really cool. One day I hope that we can hone our skills, become better at Japanese, and be able to put in our own flair and color into a lot of the stuff that we do. Bella: My inspiration comes from the very Western band, One Direction. Everyone: (Laughs) Bella: Their songs and performances are generally geared towards just making their fans happy, and all I want to do as an idol is make people as happy as One Direction makes me! A-to-J: Have you encountered any particular hardships since forming? Everyone: Yes! Haru: I think one of the biggest things is because we're a group full of a bunch of different members who all do a lot of different things in our daily lives. It's a little hard to all get together at the same time for practice. I think we've been able to move past that, and really work hard so that we can get together, but that was definitely something that was a big obstacle for a while. Sylvia: For me particularly it's really hard without having any sort of management or company backing us. We're essentially producing ourselves and funding ourselves. There's a Patreon, but it's all crowdfunding and a lot comes out of our own pockets, and our pockets are very small! We don't really have anyone to teach us choreo, or to make choreo for us. No one to set up gigs, set up connections, or opportunities that are outside of performing. Everything we do is just... Megan: We just have to rely on each other's unique skills, and no one went to school for any of this, we're just doing the best we can with what we have, but it'd be a lot easier if we had someone who really knew what they were doing. Haru: I think this is also why I really respect the other members. Sylvia in particular does a lot of our social networking, she's the one that books a lot of our gigs, she does a lot of our video editing, and a lot of our art and merch. It's a lot of stuff for one person to do but she somehow does all of it. I think that's something that really makes us unique, that all of us have these individual strengths that we play to. Cat: Ren also, for instance, the outfits that we wear are almost entirely made by her. Usually groups would have their outfits made by a company or a designer, but Ren does all that. Sylvia designs them and Ren makes them. Sylvia: Yeah, we're too poor to commission people at the moment so... Mina: This is a bit of a personal hardship, not really a group one but, in my opinion, I think I'm one of the weaker singers in the group. There have definitely been times where I felt like I was not up to par or everyone else was moving forward but I was still stagnant because I wasn't improving. That was very, very hard but because the other members are so accommodating, motivating, and supportive, it's easier to bust out of that mindset. A-to-J: There's something of a stigma of overseas idols vs idols from Japan or elsewhere in Asia. What are your thoughts on this? Megan: I would say that the idol genre doesn't really fit very well into American music styles. Rock is rock. Metal is metal. It pretty much sounds the same even if the words don't. So it's kinda hard to explain what it is and it kind of allows for misconceptions since it doesn't fit in so neatly with everything else. It's starting to change, but culturally in America, especially with music, there's always this push that something needs to be the best, the most original, the most interesting or it doesn't have any value whatsoever. There's also this really big rush to grow up and let go of childish fun things. Fun ,for the sake of fun, isn't celebrated, it's a waste of time. "You could be making money! Maybe if we did stop we'd be making more money!" Sylvia: It definitely seems like most music in America is about one-night stands and having a nice body. Playing off what Megan said, with idols in Japan you're following a group as they get better. There's this journey that comes with idol music, but you don't really have that in America. Here you just debut “good”, same as you do in Korea. I think that's a weird, foreign concept for someone in the West who's not exposed to Japanese culture. They might see an unprofessional idol group performing and be like: "That was bad!" and not care about them eventually getting good. Cat: It's endearing to see a group improve but that's not something that western audiences want to see from someone that isn't a child. A-to-J: Alternately to experiencing difficulties, was there anything you found surprisingly easy since forming? Megan: I would say getting Peachy Parade booked in places that didn't have idol events before. I remember being very doomsday about this and saying: "Sylvia, we can’t just ask people if we can perform there, there's been no precedent!" and Sylvia would just message them up "Hey, how'd you like to have Peachy Parade!" and most of the time they'd be like "Oh yeah, that sounds good. Send us some videos and we'll see." Then it worked and I just remember that being so surprising to me. Mina: I think one of the easiest things was getting a connection between the members. When I first joined I thought it would take a long time for us to become comfortable with each other and develop our stage chemistry and things of that nature, but it was actually really easy. We're all pretty great friends now and it happened super quickly. Haru: Piggybacking off of that, I think personally for me I have this sort of personality where I don't tend to get along with people super easily, it's kind of hard for me to warm up to people. So I went into Peachy Parade thinking that this was going to be something very difficult for me, thinking that I wasn't going to warm up to anyone very well. Weirdly enough, Peachy Parade was a lot more supportive, goofy, funny, and more comfortable to be around than I initially expected and I really, really appreciated that. I still appreciate that a lot. I think that's a really big thing, just getting along with everybody and connecting with everyone was a lot easier than I expected since we have similar personalities. Sylvia: We're on that wavelength. A-to-J: Idol music can come in all sorts of subgenres, what are some styles you think particularly suit Peachy Parade or its members? Everyone: Hype music. Cat: When I'm in a long car ride I like music that gets me really hype or that I can sing along to and I think most people are like that. I think Peachy Parade is that style. The kind of thing you want to listen to over and over again, and that you'll want to sing along to, and will make you want to dance in your seat. Whether that be cutesy or more rock-y, as long as it encompasses that feeling, that's Peachy Parade. Sylvia: I always want us to be leaning towards stuff that gets you pumped. Steer away from ballad stuff; steer away from sugar-y, cotton candy, adorable, cute stuff. Ren: (Laughs) Sylvia: Yeah, that's just Ren's thing! Peachy Parade as a whole though, the things that suit us best are just hype, fun, and pumped. Megan: I'd say audience participation is a really big thing for us. We love it when people get excited. Maybe they sing along, maybe they start dancing, or start wota-ing. So we take that into consideration too. A-to-J: We understand that there is some original music in the works for Peachy Parade. What, if anything, can you reveal about that? Everyone: We're very excited! Sylvia: As you may know it's composed by DJ AMAYA and we had our lyrics written by RIAN. We're super excited by this because as some people may know this is going to be our first original song so we don't know what's going to happen. We're really trying to put our best foot forward with this. It's taken us a very long time to get to the point where we are with it right now, but it should drop in September. Mina: We're super excited and can't wait! Cat: Please listen and let us know what you think! Megan: We don't want to reveal too much so it's a surprise! Sylvia: Keep your eye out if you're reading this and tell us what you think! A-to-J: Speaking of original content, Peachy Parade has original merchandise as well. Can you tell us a bit about this and also who comes up with the designs? Everyone: Sylvia!!! Haru: Sylvia does a lot of the graphic design that's related to Peachy Parade. She designs a lot of our buttons and she draws the art for any merch we have. She also works on any promo stuff we have and she tends to edit our photos. Basically, Sylvia does a lot of the merchandising. Sylvia: It's because we can't afford to hire anybody! Haru: She's very talented though! Cat: She has high standards and she measures up to those high standards. We don't trust just anybody's hands on our merchandise! Ren: She's very talented! Sylvia: You can't really hear this through text, but they're making fun of me right now. Cat: Seriously though, she's good at what she does and we can trust her to do a great job, so everyone wants Sylvia to do it. Sylvia: So I do all the designs, and the art, and the editing... but as far as merch goes we've not really opened a store yet. There's a T-shirt thing we did a while back which we were doing to fundraise and get some equipment. We have a Patreon now, which has some merch on it, but it's reserved for Patrons right now. I think we plan to open up a store pretty soon in the future. It's another way to help us reach our goals. A-to-J: What would you say the typical Peachy Parade performance is like? Bella: I would say the most memorable part performing is the time we spend right before we go on stage. We spend some time talking about what we're going to and we hype each other up. We get our bond really close right before we go on stage so we can bounce off each other and strengthen our connection. I feel that's what our fans really like about our performances; how close we are and how we interact on stage, and I think that really helps. A-to-J: Regarding performances, some of the members of Peachy Parade have performed in Japan in the past. Can you tell us a little bit about this?
Ren: We went to Japan in 2016 and we danced at a very tiny, but very fun venue called AKIHABARA SIXTEEN. It was super, super crazy because we had our little interview on Nico Douga, that Amina helped translate for us, and it may have been a small venue but everyone there was so nice and so excited even though they didn't know who we were! It was really scary, but it was a lot of fun! Sylvia: I was scared out of my mind! Megan: It was so very scary! It was the first time that we felt pretty professional. We were in a really cool place and we weren't just a small part of a much bigger event-we were the event with some other really talented idols. It was so much fun. I will say that that was my first experience real exposure with wota right in front of my face and because I hadn't really been around it before that was really surprising and a little distracting at first. Now I love it, but when you're already really scared up on stage and… Ren: And people be like “AAAAAAH!!! AAAAAAH!!! AAAAAAH!!!” Megan: (Laughs) Do you like this? Is this good?? They’re shouting at us! Sylvia: Just as Megan said it was scary. We were still the three-member group and we had just barely begun performing so just as we had formed and got together we go to Japan and suddenly we're performing in front of Japanese people! So we're scared and we're like: "Is my pronunciation good? Oh god am I breathing?" They were very intense wota. You have your pretty typical, standard wota but then you have your screamers, your "yakkai". We were very "bikkurishita" as they might say. It was a great experience and I'm looking forward to the day when we can all go back together as a big group, as we've really improved a lot since then and I really want to show people that. A-to-J: Is there any particular place, venue, or event that you'd like to see Peachy Parade perform at one day? Mina: This is kind of a stretch, but I really want to perform at Saitama Super Arena one day. Whether as a oneman or at a big idol fest; an idol fest is probably a little more realistic than just a oneman at Saitama. It's a great venue, it's huge, and I think it'd be super, super cool one day to perform there. Haru: Personally I'd really want to perform at AX. It's the biggest anime convention in America right now and a lot of really, really big name idols go there. A lot of really great guests are at AX and it'd be such a dream to be able to perform at AX at all. Ren: Yeah I want to perform in Cali... Sylvia: I really want to perform at any sort of idol expo in Japan. I feel that that would be a really cool opportunity. I also want to perform on a TV show with everybody and be like: "Yeah, I was on TV with my best friends! No big deal!" Yeah, it kind of seems like a long shot right now but that is my ambition. A-to-J: Are there any particular dream collaborations, like with other artists overseas or not, that you'd like to see happen? Everyone: i☆Ris (Laughs) Cat: If we could even just open for i☆Ris…. Haru: CY8ER too Cat: It's a lofty goal, but that's where our mind instantly goes. Sylvia: This interview is actually just about i☆Ris Cat: Peachy Parade LOVES i☆Ris! Mina: Overseas idol-wise it'd be ChiRi Girls. I love ChiRi Girls! I've been following Chihiro since she was in her first group. I love her so much and I think she's an amazing performer. I'd love to be able to one day collab with them even though they're so far away in Michigan. Ren: I also think it'd be fun to perform with Tokimeki Jump. Haru: I really, really look up to Julily. She's a wonderful singer and a really strong dancer. Megan and I were on stage with her for one song, but I think if we could feature her with the entire group that'd be really great. There are so many overseas idols that we really love a lot and that'd we'd love to collaborate with. A-to-J: What's something the group brings to the table that you feel is different from other idol groups? Sylvia: I think one thing is that we have pretty close bonds with our supporters. As part of our Patreon you get to join our Discord and we spend a lot of time in there talking with people. People who started off basically as strangers have become our BFFs since we talk to them every day. I guess that's kind of unusual. Cat: That's what they say. That's what we've been told. Haru: We have Megan and Ren who have danced backup for TeddyLoid which I thought was super cool. Also Bella and Ren have also danced backup for Bless4 and I think these opportunities have really helped in furthering us. Ren: We're not afraid to take opportunities that might seem too big for us. A-to-J: Just for a bit of a break, let’s move into some more wacky and fun questions. Do you happen to have any fun or interesting stories that you’d like to share? Bella: So Ren and I danced for Bless4 super, super cool experience. It was very, very tiring. That dance was so energetic, I loved doing it, but I was very tired at the end. So, I'm waiting outside the performance room waiting to meet up with Megan, my sister. I'm standing, minding my own business, and out of the corner of my eye I see this man making extreme eye contact with me as he’s walking towards me. His eyes grew wider, he points at me, and takes longer strides. I grow a little concerned, but he doesn't look dangerous. I don't know who he is but he seems to be very familiar with me. So as he approaches me he says: "You're Bella!" and I say: "Yes! How good it is to see you... sir...." So he hugs me and then he leaves. I've been in contact with my sister's friends for a long time and I don't have a very good memory. A lot of my sister's friends know me from when I was like eight years old so I come across a lot of people that I don't remember. Later I found out that this man is TeddyLoid... Everyone: (Laughs) Megan: So from my end, we just finished up practicing with TeddyLoid and I was telling him that my little sister was dancing with Bless4 and that I'm so proud of her and he was like "Show me some pictures" and I was like "This is Bella! Isn't she cute?" and he was like "Oh yeah!" and later he comes up to me all excited and is like "Oh I saw Bella!" Then after that my little sister comes up to me and is like "This kind of strange guy said hi to me and I don't know how he knew me..." and I was like: "Oh no, that was TeddyLoid!" A-to-J: If you were Peachy Parade’s manager for a day, what would you have the other girls do? Megan: Black Parade! We'll don our most gothic, dramatic outfits and sing. Sylvia: I would make everyone quit their jobs and have everyone pool their funds so we could get a tiny apartment together! I don't know how we'd keep it... maybe our Patreon... Everyone quit your job and focus on Peachy Parade! Ren: I would make everyone wear really cute, big frilly dresses with bunny ears and do a bunny dance with me. A-to-J: If Peachy Parade were ever to star in a movie as themselves, what kind of movie would that be? Megan: A comedy Sylvia: I was thinking a detective film. Megan: Something like that, something where we're sleuthing. Mina: I definitely went a different direction. I thought maybe a coming-of-age story, or an Action-Adventure Fantasy, or a Horror Movie. I thought because we have very similar personalities, but there's also a lot of differences between us so I thought maybe genres where a lot of people come together and do a lot of crazy stuff, like horror movies. A-to-J: What is your favorite amusement park attraction? Ren: I can't ride things. Mina: Roller coasters don't really excite me anymore except for one ride at Six Flags called Acrophobia. Only those kind of rides can get an adrenaline rush in me. Cat: I like the Lazy River. Ren: Me too! Haru: I like the petting zoo! Bella: I like Goliath at Six Flags! Sylvia: I like the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios Megan: I like the Rock ‘n' Roller Coaster because it's so fast and I think my heart is going to stop! Mina: I also agree. A-to-J: If an alien appeared in front of you, what would you do? Cat: I feel like I'm around aliens every day I'm with this group! Sylvia: Incredibly rude! Bella: I would immediately make an Area 51 meme-themed TikTok! Sylvia: Bella would definitely get that clout! A-to-J: Can you tell us a little about the other member’s personalities? Mina: I wrote out an entire list for this! Ren is very sweet and considerate. Sylvia is very hardworking and dedicated. Megan is a reliable kindred soul. Cat is very easy to talk to and motivated. Bella is very chic and cool. Haru? Because she's my sister I hate her. Everyone: (Laughs) Mina: Just kidding, she cares a lot. She doesn't really show it but she cares a lot even if she doesn't really show it. Haru: I'm Mina's sister and Mina is very responsible. She's really good, strangely enough, at taking care of people despite being one of the youngest members of Peachy Parade. A-to-J: Getting back to the interview proper... What is one piece of advice you would give to others aspiring to be idols themselves? Ren: Don't be afraid to take chances. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. I know some people are like: "I'm just going to wait until I feel like I'm ready, until I feel like it's the right time." No! Don't wait! Go for it! Megan: We've never been ready and here we are! Mina: Piggybacking off what Ren said, I say just do what you think is fun and what will bring you joy. Forcing yourself to do certain songs because you think that's what is going to sell, or what is going to be popular, will make you absolutely miserable and you'll start to hate performing. Megan: I would absolutely say over-prepare. We have lots of songs and dances we haven't done yet because we're waiting for the right venue for them. We have voice acting reels too on the off chance that someone needs a voice actor. Being overly prepared and putting ourselves out there is what's gotten us a lot of great opportunities. A-to-J: We understand that you have a Patreon, can you tell us a bit about this and how fans can support you? Haru: We have a lot of cool rewards for our Patrons. We have merch, you can join our Discord, you can talk to us there, and we post a lot of photos and selfies we don't share anywhere else. You get exclusive content and access to all that. Megan: It's just a big bro chat. Ren: And if you join our Patreon you'll get to hear our song FIRST! Sylvia: I think we were the first overseas idol group to have a Patreon, I don't know anyone who had one before us. So there's that historical value to joining our Peachy Parade Patreon! Megan: So if you want to be on the side of history become our Patron! We would not have gotten as far as we have without the support that we've had. Being able to buy our own microphones when events don't have enough stuff for us has been so helpful and we can only go farther the more support that we have. Cat: We were even able to get the single. Sylvia: We are also taking voice lessons thanks to our Patrons. It is a bit of a squeeze right now. We're not exactly making bank right now, but if you like this interview please check it out. We have a lot of cool rewards, a lot of cool content, and a lot of cool dudes: Us! Megan: We're always working to improve it. A-to-J: Last but not least, can you leave us with a final message? Mina: Always believe in yourself... no, no, no, NO! Cat: And Bella just dabbed... Sylvia: Bella did not dab, she whipped! Mina: As I was saying! Always believe in yourself because your belief in yourself will be what takes you forward. Megan: Bella says "whip", Haru: We love everybody that supports us. Thank you so much! We appreciate you so much and thank you for checking out this interview! Sylvia: Hey Miku, this is Scarlett Johansson! Ren: Thanks for having us for this interview we really appreciate it and we hope that this helps give other people who might not know much about idols a little bit of insight and maybe you might want to support us and support others. Mina: Follow Peachy Parade! Special thanks to Peachy Parade for the interview! We hope everyone checks out the links below to follow and support them! For More Information on Peachy Parade! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeachyParade.idol Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peachyparadeidols Twitter: https://twitter.com/peachyparade YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UC0qQtyld9aCKkIVAi35M3yA Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeachyParade |
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