Recently, Morning Musume。'16 was able to come to Houston, Texas to participate in the popular Anime Matsuri convention as the guest of honor. The last time they were able to make it over to the United States for a convention (Anime Expo) was back in 2009 in LA. Since then, the lineup has completely changed and the direction of the group has evolved greatly. Lucky attendees of the convention were able to experience Morning Musume。'16 in all their glory throughout the weekend via a multitude of events. Their adventures at the convention began on the first day (February 26th, Friday). They attended the Opening Ceremonies, where they were introduced to a standing ovation. Miki Nonaka presented the group to the attendees using her English skills, which she acquired from her 8 year stay in Alabama as a young child. Before they were sent off-stage, a couple of hard-working fans were able to present a special welcome banner to the girls. This banner contained messages from various fans hailing from a multitude of locations. This gesture moved the girls and they were ecstatic to receive such a welcoming gift from their overseas fans. As they left the stage, they walked around the seats on the floor waving to everybody and proudly displaying the banner, before finally heading back to their seats. Directly following the Opening Ceremonies, there was a Q&A Panel with the group. The girls specifically requested that the fans be allowed to sit as close to the stage as possible, in order to afford a more personal interaction. As soon as the attendees were seated on the ground surrounding the stage, the session began immediately in order to not waste a minute. Keep in mind that the following transcript provided contains rough translations of the answers. Fan: Now that she’s (Riho Sayashi) gone, she has opened the position of center ace that is unfilled in the group. So I was wondering which one of you plans to take that spot and how do you plan to do it? -EVERYONE RAISES THEIR HAND- Haruna Iikubo: Everybody wants to be the ace! Fan: Hi. ALL: Hi! Fan: Um, when members graduate, how do you guys go about deciding lines? Does the management decide or is it between you guys? Maa-chan got lots of Reina’s lines. Is it because she likes her or is it because management decides to give it to them? Masaki Sato: The management actually decides it. They listen to the voices and find the one that fits the line the most. Fan: Maa-chan, do you have any funny episodes about your new hamster? Masaki Sato: My hamster only listens to my father. So when my father is not around it won’t listen to anyone, but when my dad is there it will actually listen and sit down. Fan: Ayumi-san, now that Sayashi Riho is gone, do you have a favorite person you like to dance with? Ayumi Ishida: We’re in the middle of rehearsal for our spring tour. I MIGHT be pairing up with one of them. I really loved dancing with Riho but after she graduated I had more of a chance to dance with other people. It’s a different experience but I really enjoy it too! Fan: For the girls that have been to America before, how are you finding Houston and for the girls who have not been to America before what are your favorite things about America so far? Haruna Ogata: I’m Ogata Haruna! It’s my first time coming here in America and I really enjoyed the bagel from the lunch buffet. It was really yummy. Kanon Suzuki: I’ve been to New York back in 2014 but I feel like it’s really different. When I landed in the airport I thought the air was really different. I really wish, even for one month, I really wish I can live here then I’ll feel better. Haruna Iikubo: When we did the New York concert Kanon’s cheer was the loudest back then. Even in Houston she gets the loudest cheer, I’m impressed! Fan: Zukki, I know you’re going to be leaving soon and of course your fans are sad, but I want to know what are some of your happiest memories being part of Morning Musume。? Kanon Suzuki: I have a really great memory from when I was 14. For my birthday I received a book with a lot of messages from fans all over the world. It is really surreal that people know me through the internet and through people and relationships people got to know me and I feel really surreal. It’s my most precious treasure in my life. Fan: I’ve been waiting 7 years to meet Morning Musume。, I’ve been a fan since I was 11 years old. My question is, would you support overseas idols? Erina Ikuta: Because I am an idol fan as well, I would really like to see and support foreign idols as well. Miki Nonaka: I can speak English too so…. I really want to talk with idols overseas. Yeah I want to do a lot of things with idols overseas. I want to see a combination of our group and other idol groups. Fan: Hi Zukki. I wanted to tell you that you are one of my favorites. My sons introduced me to Morning Musume。 music. We went to New York in 2014 to see you in Manhattan and we had a blast. We had so much fun and my question for you is, what are you going to do after you graduate? Are you going to school or what’s your future look like? Kanon Suzuki: After graduation I would like to be a social worker, like a counselor and helper. I really enjoyed helping people through singing and dancing and after I graduate I won’t be able to do that in front of people but in another way I’d still like to help people out. Fan: I’m a big fan of video games. I love Final Fantasy, it’s one of my favorite series. I was wondering, are any of you fans of Final Fantasy? Which one is your favorite? If not, what is your favorite video game if any of you play video games? -THEY ALL INDICATE THEY DON’T PLAY FINAL FANTASY- Haruna Iikubo: Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest Online, Monster Hunter, Biohazard (Resident Evil). Oh and also Zelda! Ayumi Ishida: I like dance…dance appear please. -FAN DANCES AND IS NOTICED- ![]() Fan: HI ODA! I have a question. So my question is, you have a lot of songs. I was wondering if there was one that you really liked to perform that means a lot to you. Sakura Oda: It’s a song that I’m not originally in, but I love ‘Roman My Dear Boy.’ Ayumi Ishida: I AM SHOCK! (In response to the fan asking Sakura the question instead of Ayumi, since she’s the one who picked him.) Masaki Sato: Rock, scissor, paper! –FANS PLAY AGAINST HER- -LAST MATCH IS TWO FANS AGAINST EACH OTHER TO BE ABLE TO ASK THE QUESTION- Fan: I wanted to thank you guys for coming here since I didn’t get to see you in New York. I honestly didn’t think I would have another chance to see you. So I wanted to ask Mizuki what you find the hardest part of being leader. Mizuki Fukumura: The hardest thing to do…because there’s so many of them, is to get all 12 of them in one place! Fan: Some of you already have been to America. Where are some other places you’d like to travel in the world? Haruka Kudo: I want to go to Brazil and see the real soccer there. Fan (Same person who asked the previous question.): Sakura I love you! Haruka Kudo: I AM SHOCK! I am shock. Fan: First of all I got introduced to the play ‘LILIUM’ last year. My favorite play! What was your best memory of doing that? Sakura Oda: I played Sylvatica. One of my last scenes is me jumping off from the tower. I actually really jumped off from the top tower. It was really scary for me! Fan: Obviously you guys are my favorite female Jpop group. My favorite male Jpop group is Arashi. So I was wondering if you also like Arashi and who’s your favorite member from Arashi? Haruna Ogata: A little while back we were doing a fitting and someone told me that if you put Morning Musume。 in Arashi I’m like the Ohno position. So I’d really like to see him and meet him one day. -IT’S MIKI’S TURN TO PICK AND SHE NOTICES A SIGN AND PICKS THAT PERSON- Miki Nonaka: Welcome home Miki. Fan: First I would like to welcome you back home. –FANS CLAP- Now, being able to speak both English and Japanese, what was your initial feeling when you were chosen to be in Morning Musume。? Where do you want to take it in the future? Miki Nonaka: Yeah I can speak Japanese and English, both of them. So I really can speak Japanese more than English so I thought I had to study English too, but I really like doing concerts in my country Japan too. But I really really love to do concerts overseas, this time in Houston. I’m so excited so I couldn’t hardly wait for this event. So yeah I’m very happy to come overseas. Thank you very much! Maria Makino: I am Maria. Nice to meet you! I love baseball, and you? –NOTICES SOMEONE WEARING A FIGHTERS CAP- Fighters! I love Fighters! Fan: Are the Fighters going to win the Japanese series this year? Maria Makino: Of course! Number one! -FAN YELLS ‘ERIPON SMILE’ BECAUSE SHE HAD A SERIOUS FACE FOR A MOMENT. SHE SMILES WIDELY- Fan: My question is to the newest members. What’s been your favorite experience since joining the group? Akane Haga: I was in the play ‘Triangle’ last year and I was in drama club. So it was a really good experience for me to be in an actual musical. Maria Makino: Because I love Michishige Sayumi. For me to be able to be a member of Morning Musume。 and to be able to meet Sayumi was the biggest and nicest experience for me. Miki Nonaka: So the biggest…the biggest is right now!!! Haruna Ogata: If I wasn’t a member of Morning Musume。 I wouldn’t have been able to come abroad, so just being here is the biggest experience for me. Mizuki Fukumura: Thank you so much everyone for all the questions you asked us. So tomorrow we’re going to have a live concert and we have practiced the MC in English, so look forward to it…come and enjoy. -Q&A ENDS- Much later in the evening, A-To-J Connections hosted our Hello! Project panel (with a heavier focus on Morning Musume。, of course) which was a major success. We even had the pleasure of having Aika Mitsui (former 8th Generation member of Morning Musume。) attend a portion of our panel. There was also a fan-held party called Hello! Disco that was held partially during (and after) our panel. At this party, fans gathered together to have a great time celebrating their common interests in Morning Musume。'16 and Hello! Project as a whole. Aika actually made a surprise appearance at this party as well, much to the delight of all attending fans.
The next day of the convention was also quite busy for the group (February 27th, Saturday). The day kicked off with a Press Conference, where various news outlets were able to interview Morning Musume。'16. Following this was a special autograph session that was held specifically for Super Pass holders of the convention. Attendees were allowed to get any official Anime Matsuri or Morning Musume。'16 merchandise signed by the girls. This session was especially loved by fans because it granted time for some very fun and personal interactions with the members. At the end of the autograph session, the girls took a group photo with the fans in the back. This photo, we were told, would be featured on the official site for a time. The final event of the day, which was the event most people were waiting for, was the concert itself. The concert was an absolute success, with an extremely high attendance rate (of fans and newly interested attendees alike). A link to our full concert report will be provided below. On the final day of the convention (February 28th, Sunday), there was a final autograph session held specifically for general attendees. Like the Super Pass session, this provided fans with a wonderful opportunity to interact and have fun with the girls as everyone was able to get their beloved autographs. From here, Morning Musume。‘16 left the convention after an extremely exciting and eventful weekend. Fans were able to share in a special kind of experience with Morning Musume。'16 at Anime Matsuri, the kind of which you don't see normally even in Japan. There is no doubt that this will be long remembered as one of the most exciting Hello! Project events in the USA, and all fans who were able to attend will forever cherish it. For more coverage of Morning Musume。'16, check out our official concert report and our exciting interview (links provided below)! - Teepu Morning Musume。’16 Is: - Fukumura Mizuki (譜久村聖; 9th Generation) Leader - Ikuta Erina (生田衣梨奈; 9th Generation) Sub-Leader - Suzuki Kanon (鈴木香音; 9th Generation) - Iikubo Haruna (飯窪春奈; 10th Generation) Sub-Leader - Ishida Ayumi (石田亜佑美; 10th Generation) - Sato Masaki (佐藤優樹; 10th Generation) - Kudo Haruka (工藤遥; 10th Generation) - Oda Sakura (小田さくら; 11th Generation) - Ogata Haruna (尾形春水; 12th Generation) - Nonaka Miki (野中美希; 12th Generation) - Makino Maria (牧野真莉愛; 12th Generation) - Haga Akane (羽賀朱音; 12th Generation) A-To-J Concert Report: A-To-J Interview: Official Morning Musume。’16 Links Website: Google+: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: UP-FRONT LINK Facebook: UP-FRONT LINK Twitter: Anime Matsuri Link: All pictures ©UP-FRONT PROMOTION Co., Ltd. Used with permission. |
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