輝いている光線 – Shine Fine Movement(Left-to-Right: Riko Tachibana, Ruu Asahina, Mei Habuka, Saki Tachibana, Nao Tachibana) (左から橘莉子、朝比奈るう、羽深芽生、橘咲希、橘南桜) The idol world grew even brighter the other day with the release of Shine Fine Movement’s debut single “Hikari Crescendo.” Shine Fine Movement is the third group to debut from Nippon Columbia’s Label the Garden project. This time, the garden isn’t gaining flowers, but light. These five girls are the perfect ones to give it that light it needs. 先日発売のデビューシングル「光クレッシェンド」の発売と共にアイドルの世界に光が増してゆきます。Shine Fine Movementは日本コロムビア株式会社のLabel The Gardenプロジェクトからの第三弾となります。今回庭に入れる物は花ではなく、光です。庭に必要とされる光に相応しい5人です。 From left to right above: Riko Tachibana (19) from Tokyo, Ruu Asahina (17) from Nara, Mei Habuka(18, sub-leader) from Tokyo, Saki Tachibana(18, leader) from Tokyo and Nao Tachibana(15) from Tokyo. メンバーは左から東京都出身の橘莉子(19), 奈良県出身の朝比奈るう(17), 東京都出身の羽深芽生(18), サブリーダー), 東京都出身の橘咲希(18, リーダー)と東京都出身の橘南桜(15)です。 Shine Fine Movement - Group IntroductionsYou may have noticed something as you read through their names. That’s right. There are 3 sisters in this group. Having two sisters in one group is not all that rare, but having three is one of the things that makes this group stand out. Of course, it also means that there are some interesting things going on backstage. According to Ruu and Mei, the three sisters will tell the same story at least three times, and each time the ones not telling the story will act as if it’s their first time hearing it. However, Ruu and Mei say they don’t feel left out. They just feel like part of the family. 読んでいる間に気になった点ありましたね。思っている通りです。このグループは三姉妹でできています。アイドル界の中に二人姉妹は珍しくないですが、三姉妹は目立ちます。目立つのは表だけじゃなくて楽屋にも現れます。朝比奈さんと羽深さんによると姉妹あるあるの一つで同じ話は必ず3回出ます。話すたびに話していない二人は初耳のようにリアクションをするそうです。でもそれに対して朝比奈さんと羽深さんは全くグループ外れな感じはしないです。二人も家族のメンバーです。 They see their fans as family as well. Riko says she doesn’t want it to be the fans and the idols, she wants the fans to have fun and experience the same happiness as they do. Shine Fine Movement fans are actually called “Sha-in” or “company members” and members of the same company are indeed like a family. ファンも家族のメンバーになります。橘莉子の考えはファンとアイドルではなく、ファンがメンバーと一緒に楽しんで一緒に幸せになるということです。Shine Fine Movement のファンのあだ名は「社員」。確かに同じ会社に務めている人々は家族みたいな物ですね。 Riko Tachibana (橘莉子)So, who exactly are these girls who want to become part of your family? First up, you have Riko Tachibana, the oldest Tachibana sister. She is the only member to have worked previously in the entertainment world as a member of a small underground idol group. She took a break to focus on her studies but then joined her sister Nao as a member of Label the Garden. She wants to use her experience as an idol to help the other members. If she hadn’t become an idol, she was planning on becoming a police officer. さて家族のメンバーになりたい彼女たちはだれでしょう。まずは橘家の長女、橘莉子さんを紹介します。唯一芸能経験のある莉子さんはかつてとあるアイドルグループの一員として活動しました。学業専念のため一度辞めてしまいましたが、南桜さんの後に続けてLabel The Gardenに入りました。今までのアイドル経験を使ってメンバーをサポートする予定です。もしアイドルにならなかったら警察官になりたかったです。 Nao Tachibana (橘南桜)Next up, you have Nao Tachibana, the youngest Tachibana sister. She has been a member of Label the Garden from the start. After losing out on making her debut twice, she is finally able to do so. She is the youngest member of the group as a third grader in junior high school. She says her reason for becoming an idol was wanting to do something to prove herself to a boy who called her ugly in sixth grade. She knows she is often a negative person who doesn’t always have confidence in her dancing or singing ability but enjoys performing and feels blessed to be surrounded by the other members. If she hadn’t become an idol, she wanted to become a voice actress that dubbed movies and TV shows into Japanese. 次は橘家の三女、橘南桜さんを紹介します。南桜さんはLabel The Gardenの1期生として入って2回も選抜を逃してやっとデビューを果たした最年少の中学校三年生です。小学校6年生の時、クラスメイトにブスと呼ばれて「見返してやろう!」という気持ちで芸能界に入ろうとした結果アイドルになりました。歌やダンスにあまり自身がないネガティブな性格はたまに出ますが、他のメンバーに恵まれてアイドル活動を楽しんでいます。もしアイドルにならなかったら、映画の吹き替えなどを担当する声優になりたかったです。 Saki Tachibana (橘咲希)Saki Tachibana, the middle of the Tachibana sisters, never thought of becoming an idol before she was asked if she wanted to join the company her sisters were a part of. She just enjoyed watching idols as a fan. But thinking about her age, she tried it and realized how fun it was. If she hadn’t become an idol, well… she doesn’t really know what she would be doing as she says she “had no dreams.” 莉子さんと南桜さんが入っているLabel The Gardenに誘われる前は橘家の次女、橘咲希さんはアイドルになろうと一切していなかったです。彼女の言葉によると単なるファンでした。でも自分の年齢を考えてやろうとしたらアイドルが楽しい物に気づきました。もしアイドルにならなかったら、何をやっていたかわからないそうです。彼女が言うには「夢がないです。」 Ruu Asahina (朝比奈るう)Moving away from the Tachibana sisters, allow me to introduce Ruu Asahina. She longed to be an idol since she was very young. After giving up on the idea and deciding she would like to be a voice actress in high school, she discovered former Clef Leaf member Izumi Kamiya. Seeing someone else from Nara perform as an idol, she decided to audition for Label the Garden herself. Although her anime voice would make her the perfect voice actress, the energy she has as a former volleyball player makes her the perfect idol. If she hadn’t become an idol, she would’ve moved to Tokyo whether her parents liked it or not in hopes of becoming an anime voice actress. 橘姉妹を離れて朝比奈るうさんを紹介させていきます。小さい頃からアイドルにあこがれた朝比奈さんは高校に入った時からその夢を諦めて声優に目標を転換しました。その時、同じ奈良県出身の元Clef Leafのメンバー神谷泉水さんの存在を知ってLabel The Gardenのオーデイションを受けようと思いました。アニメ声のある朝比奈さんは声優に確かに向いています。でもバレーボール経験のあるアクティブな朝比奈さんは完全にアイドルに向いています。もしアイドルにならなかったら、親に反対されても東京に出て声優になりたかった。 Mei Habuka (羽深芽生)Last up, you have Mei Habuka, a girl who is considered by herself and others to be the perfect JK (joshi kosei – high school girl). Before being scouted by the group’s producer at a general audition, she knew nothing about idols. Since a young age, she performed in musicals and dreamed of becoming a musical actress. She hopes that her experiences up to now performing a variety of musical styles on stage will help lead the group. 最後に羽深芽生さんを紹介します。メンバーも彼女自身も芽生さんが今どきのJKだと強く思っています。芸能スクールに通っていてLabel The Gardenのプロデューサーにスカウトされる前はアイドルの事を全く知らなかったです。小さい頃からずっとミュージカル女優の夢を持って何回もステージに立ってきました。今までいろんなジャンルのパフォーマンスをやってその経験を使ってグループを引っ張りたいと主張しています。 These five girls, with all their quirks, are the ones who are going to bring a light onto the idol world. Their dreams are big, very big. They would like to be the main closing act at large idol festivals like Tokyo Idol Festival on a regular basis. One day, they would even like to take the stage at Tokyo Dome. Now, I’m sure many are thinking to yourself “No way that’ll ever happen!” But remember, so-and-so Z group began their careers as idols performing on street corners. If she hadn’t become an idol, she would have continued acting in musicals. She wants to do so even now, as an idol. この5人の女の子は面白い行動を持ち込んでアイドルの世界に光を照らします。夢は大きい、いや巨大です。Tokyo Idol Festivalみたいなアイドルフェスのメインステージで毎年トリとして呼ばれたいです。その上にいつか東京ドームのステージに上がりたいとの声もあります。今「いや無理でしょ」と思っている方が沢山いると思いますが、某アイドルグループのなんとかZは路上アイドルから始まりました。もしアイドルにならなかったら、ミュージカルをやり続けるつもりでいました。今でも、アイドルをやりながらミュージカルをやりたいそうです。 Shine Fine Movement - Hikari Crescendo MVThe group’s debut single fits their concept of being “light and energy” perfectly. Riko says that she wants them to stay like that forever. You’ll see what I mean right away if you watch the music video for “Hikari Crescendo.” Despite the fact that the majority of their outdoor shoots had to be cancelled due to rain, the sun’s light can easily be felt as you watch their energetic performance. What you’ll also notice if you look very closely at 3:20 in the video is that the self-titled airhead Mei had her wristbands on backwards for one take. However, it is things like that which make the group interesting. デビューシングルはまさにグループの「光と元気」のコンセプトに沿っています。そのようなアイドルでずっといたいと橘莉子さんが言います。デビューシングル[光クレッシェンド]のMVを見るとすぐそう思います。外での撮影が雨のせいでほとんどなくなっているに関わらず彼女たちの全力なパフォーマンスから太陽のエナジーが伝わってきます。 Shine Fine Movement - Skill IntroductionsShine Fine Movement breaks away from the pattern set by their predecessors. There are no flowers in their debut single. Perhaps that is because their name has broken away from the flower pattern. Although Leaf Movement or Root Movement would have been unique names, they don’t have the punch that Shine Fine Movement does. They want to do whatever it takes to stand at the top of Label the Garden. They’ll use their member colors and their unashamedly go-getter attitude to make their dreams happen.
Shine Fine Movementは前代のパターンから抜けだして、花抜きのデビューを話しています。そのパターンはグループの名前から始まっています。Leaf MovementやRoot Movement などは面白い名前になりますが、Shine Fine Movementみたいなパンチはないです。彼女たちは何でもやってLabel The Gardenのてっぺんに立ちたいのだそうです。メンバーそれぞれの個性を生かして夢を手に入れたいです。 -Rin Rigoni For More Info on Shine Fine Movement: Nippon Columbia Label the Garden Project Page: http://columbia.jp/labelthegarden Shine Fine Movement Homepage: http://columbia.jp/shinefinemovement/ Flower Notes Homepage: http://columbia.jp/flowernotes Clef Leaf Homepage: http://columbia.jp/clefleaf/ Label The Garden Homepage: http://columbia.jp/labelthegarden/ Label The Garden Twitter: https://twitter.com/LabelTheGarden Label The Garden Blog: http://lineblog.me/label_the_garden Label The Garden YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTVeybqXbXKulcO_zeYGKIw |
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