This year has been tough for Hello! Project fans with the departure of Berryz Kobo from Hello! Project earlier in the year, the sudden departure of Uta Shimamura, the upcoming graduation of Kanon Fukuda this year and the upcoming graduation of Riho Sayashi at the end of the year. The best way they have seen to make up for this was to bring in new talent with new groups and new members.
Now, we get another addition to the ranks, this time into ANGERME: Moe Kamikokuryo. Joining as the sole 4th generation member, she officially joined the group on the 11th of November during an announcement at a promotion for their newest single’s release event. She had originally auditioned for Morning Musume ’14 in 2014, but hadn’t made it. She lost interest in Hello! Project songs at that time and ‘Taiki Bansei’ inspired her to do her best. This effort paid off, of course. We know very little of her, but I’m very much looking forward to seeing what she can bring to ANGERME. Since they’ve been rebranded as ANGERME (from S/mileage), they’ve been releasing nothing but amazing content. Their most recent release, ‘Desugita Kui wa Utarenai / Dondengaeshi / Watashi’, had some more awesome music as well. This contains the graduation single for Kanon Fukuda (‘Watashi’) and a song composed by Yuki Uozumi of Lovendor (‘Desugita Kui wa Utarenai’). Expect my thoughts on that next week. Keep an eye on Moe, I have a feeling she’s going to have a bright future. Let’s support her and ANGERME as best we can. - Teepu ANGERME is: - Wada Ayaka (和田彩花; 1st Generation) Leader - Fukuda Kanon (福田花音; 1st Generation) - Nakanishi Kana (中西香菜; 2nd Generation) - Takeuchi Akari (竹内朱莉; 2nd Generation) - Katsuta Rina (勝田里奈; 2nd Generation) - Tamura Meimi (田村芽実; 2nd Generation) - Murota Mizuki (室田瑞希; 3rd Generation) - Aikawa Maho (相川茉穂; 3rd Generation) - Sasaki Rikako (佐々木莉佳子; 3rd Generation) - Kamikokuryo Moe (上國料萌衣; 4th Generation) The Official Announcement: Aika Mitsui Reports On Moe: |
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