Always looking to branch out in regards to the artists that we interview we jumped at the opportunity to interview 叫號(Kyuho) of Mandmans Esprit. This interview is a bit different in that it not only is a bit removed from what we usually cover, but also in terms of some of the answers we were given. Anyhow, it surely is a unique one so be sure to check it out! Madmans Esprit is a post/progressive black metal, visual kei project based in both Seoul, Korea and Berlin, Germany. Influenced by DIR EN GREY, Opeth, Radiohead, ms. isohp romatem, Human Traces, and more, they bring their unique sound to the world and will be releasing their latest album "무의식의 의식화" (Muisikui Uisikhwa) this October. A-to-J: Thank you for the interview, can you please introduce yourself? Kyuho: I'm 叫號(Kyuho) from Madmans Esprit. I mostly do everything in Madmans Esprit. A-to-J: Can you tell us a bit about the music concept behind Madman's Esprit? Kyuho: When Madmans Esprit released the first full-length album, the sound was much closer to DSBM/Post black metal. But as I've got lots of different influences from other music genres, the band's musical boundary has become broader. I don't specifically have a concept when I write music, I just write what comes out. A-to-J: What genre would you put Madman's Esprit in and what inspired you to pursue that genre? Kyuho: I hate naming/categorizing genres, so I wouldn't, and I don't know. A-to-J: It’s safe to say that Korea’s music market is very pop orientated, what is it like making your music in this environment? Kyuho: It is very hard to survive as a non-pop artist in Korea. It was mostly pure self-satisfaction, as there's literally no one listening to this kind of music. But after I moved to Berlin, things went much better. A-to-J: Can you tell us a bit about the making of the music video, “life, thus pain”? Kyuho: It was filmed in a studio in Berlin, 2 days before I had to come back to Korea because of military issues. It was exhausting but I think I still could somehow manage to express what I had in my head. Madmans Esprit - Life, thus pain MVA-to-J: Are there any recurring themes or elements within your music? Kyuho: Existence. A-to-J: Do you have any musicians or musical artists you draw inspiration from? Kyuho: Dir en grey, Shining(swe), Radiohead A-to-J: You have a new album coming out soon, can you tell us a bit about it? Kyuho: Physical limited edition pre-order with a bonus track is going on right now and the regular digital release will be on 1st of October through Gan Shin Records. It's going to be a masterpiece to some people, it's going to be an abomination to some people. A-to-J: How does this album compare to your previous work? Kyuho: It's in some way very different from the previous album, especially musically. But in some way it shares similar emotions. I would say it became much more complete compared to the previous one. A-to-J: Can you tell us a bit about your style, as in fashion? Kyuho: I wear what I think it expresses my inner self the most. A-to-J: How long have you been in the music industry and what made you want to enter it?
Kyuho: It has been around 10 years, I think it happened very naturally. At some point I was playing guitar, at some point I was writing some songs, at some point I was in a band. A-to-J: What are some of your favorite aspects about being a music artist? Kyuho: That I can save/destroy myself and others. A-to-J: If you could choose anywhere in the world to perform, where would it be and why? Kyuho: Japan, as I've got many influences from some Japanese bands. A-to-J: Do you have any funny stories that you can share with us that occurred while performing? Kyuho: I cut my wrist and made a bloodbath on the stage. I thought it would be ok but the blood didn't stop and I had to go to the hospital. A-to-J: Can you let us know about some of your upcoming plans? Kyuho: I'm planning to have a tour in Asia, right now I cannot reveal that much more but it's going to be great. A-to-J: Where can fans go to learn more about you? Kyuho: and Facebook, Instagram. I make an instagram-live from time to time. People seem to enjoy it. A-to-J: Any last message for current and new fans? Kyuho: Thank you very much for the support and love, I hope it's worth it. For More Information on Madmans Esprit: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: |
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